Out of Respect for the Sift

*edited after thought

Due to the recent public flogging I endured today I have come to the conclusion that the best solution is for me to dismantle the TayTV Collective.

I misunderstood the self promotion rules. Without hesitation I removed the bad links and apologized for my actions. Please forgive me. I love you guys.

Today I will walk away from Videosift. Although many suggested it, It was my own decision to remove the TayTV collective. In hindsight TayTV is my own videosifting philosophy and there is no reason that I should have to force a collection of my opinions on others. Many of the videos that I share can fall under many categories already here on the sift.

Out of respect for Brian and James I will leave until things cool down and we can all get back sifting.

raven says...

Fed, thank you for doing the honourable thing in this matter, I respect that and I feel it speaks volumes of your integrity. I'm sorry if I had to come down hard on you tonight, I wish you much luck with your new job and your future endeavours.

choggie says...

(ravens)My sentiments exactly mate-you dropped a pair fast and furious, with good intentions/grand delusions.....take it with the grain that it is, get on yer neighbor's computer, (cause yer aschmoozin' bastard like me), and start a new guy-better luck this time

I still couldn't bring myself to banning you.....yer' too sexy-

Sylvester_Ink says...

I think you're jumping into this a bit quickly. The matter is still being debated, and both Dag and James have pointed out some points in defense of your actions. (As have several other sifters.) I'd wait a bit on this in case a better solution is found. Something that everybody would agree on.

swampgirl says...

Have a sleep on it guys, and let's chalk it up as a family spat. Fed, don't feel you have to bow out the community now, no one wants that. This sifter won't vote bannation. You're doing the right thing in dismantling the collective.

If Fed removed the links to his blog from his posts, his sifts should stay imo.

gwaan says...

"I see this as an excessive step. Fedquip, I hope it will not be for too long."

I agree - I personally feel that removing the offending videos would have been sufficient punishment

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I feel I should apologize as well for making the original post solicting people's view on the earlier call-outs.

I thought it would be better to get things out in the open and let people speak their minds to defuse things- but it kind of spun out of control, didn't it?

MINK says...

Damn. Now look what you've all done. The incredible fedquip is changing clothes again! I can't keep up! What URL should I use for you now, Jeff? Can you like SMS me every time you take yourself to a new place?

Krupo says...

So I assume all will continue in a merry fashion now, yes? There's no reason to leave the Sift, but thank you for taking the rules as they stand seriously now that it all came to light and was made clear.

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