dag says...

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From Wikipedia:

The decapitated head of the Statue of Liberty was inspired by the poster of the 1981 film Escape from New York, which had shown the head lying in the streets in New York despite not appearing in the film itself. According to Reeves, "It's an incredibly provocative image. And that was the source that inspired [producer] J.J. [Abrams] to say, 'Now this would be an interesting idea for a movie.'

So obviously, the monster is a mutated giant Snake Plissken. Anyone who has been following VideoSift mythology knows that Snake Plissken features prominently.

The gig is up. VideoSift has been a 2 year-long marketing campaign for this film.

gwiz665 says...

Snake Plissken is coming back to pass judgment on Chuck Norris for endorsing Mike Huckabee.

Ant: A proof, you ask?

Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man = a monster
Cloverfield monster = a monster
with some simple arithmatic we get

Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man = a monster = Cloverfield monster
Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Fjnbk says...

Do you really think that marshmallow is strong enough to send the head of the Statue of Liberty flying through Manhattan? A whale flipper is filled with bones.

Why I am arguing about this anyway?

my15minutes says...

oh, i'm afraid it's worse than that, ladies and gentlemen.

if you look closely, comparing frames 417 and 418, you can clearly make out the head of the statue of liberty, being snapped back, and to the left.

back, and to the left...

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