How's that new super-fast server doing?

Oh how the mighty have fallen. There we were, patting ourselves on the back for the amazing 20 minute upgrade. Me, sipping champagne with my hoity-toity friends - "Server upgrade? oh yes we did one of those last week - it was a breeze I tell you - child's play."

But then today, our hosting company said "oh yes, there's one more thing we forgot to give you with your upgrade, this!" [vomit of code bringing the server to its knees]

I think we've made it through the end times and are now picking around the rubble in the aftermath. Thanks to Lucky and James for staying up super-late to get things right. We're still not 100% sure it's all there. Please use this thread to let us know of any post-siftageddon errors. I guess we've all ... been left behind.

Update: If you maintained a persistent login, you might not even have noticed. If so ... then please carry on, and never mind.
Farhad2000 says...

I was going through withdrawl...

The only remaining bug I found is that if I click my avatar or name it goes to a 404 instead of my profile. Though if I use the VS toolbar link it works.

I think we need a VS 12 step program...

looris says...

clicking on queue:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/libs/playlist.php on line 448

ps: also clicking front. "top videos" instead are ok.

lucky760 says...

Sorry for the late reply. Those bugs were my evildoing. I was in the middle of adding a new playlist feature and causing random buglets in the process. Pardon my zinger.

There's no time limit on a sticky post. That adhesive is awfully strong; we peel it off the refrigerator manually when we decide it's been there long enough to serve its purpose.

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