How Do You Pronounce Your Screenname?

As the Chawggie vs Choaggie debate pointed out, it isn't always obvious how to pronounce screennames on the internet. Feel free to use this thread to either set the record straight on your own screenname, or to inquire about others'.

You may also use this thread to clear up any common misconceptions about your screenname. (ex: ant is not really an ant; mLx, not mIx - gosh darn you to heck lowercase x with all yer sneaky optical phantasms)
jonny says...

I'm sure I'll wake up tomorrow and realize the joke I missed, but for now - WTF is a hard 'A'? I thought vowels were either long or short, consonants hard or soft.

Farhad is one I've always wondered about - I settled on fuh-rod', but I'm sure it's probably something I can't even pronounce (presumably that's an anglicized version?).

Oh, and in any case anyone was wondering, I have it on good authority that SiftBot's name is pronounced dik'-hed.

gwiz665 says...

Well, I say it gee whiz, but lately I've grown fonder of just gwiz (like quiz), because it's easier and faster to say. Either way is good with me.

I most certainly do not say it jizz... anymore.

spoco2 says...

spoco2: Spock Oh 2 (Although for the most part, the 2 is silent.)

Origins: My login to the university computer systems, automatically generated and is created from my actual name.

To this day there are people (in the real world) who only know me as Spoco... it's just what I was called in Uni.

lucky760 says...

Dunno why everyone seems to call me "luh-kee seven sixty." I've always pronounced it "loo-kai" or sometimes "loose-K-Y" if I'm feeling frisky.

For others, I always say "ih-see kitty," "matt see," "gee whiz," and "dee eff tee," to name a few.

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