Hide/Show NSFW feature – Return it to original location
Most of what is posted on VideoSift is suitable for work, but a large chunk is not. This is no surprise to registered members, but may be completely unknown to unregistered viewers. Why? Because right now, by default, all NSFW content is hidden unless you take the following steps:
1. Look for the New Users button
2. Click Quick Options
3. Then select 'show' for NSFW Content
That's not user-friendly to the casual viewer. For such a viewer, going through three steps just to reveal content that you never knew was hidden in the first place is ridiculous. It's not like any page at all on VideoSift says “We have NSFW content, but you have to figure out how to view it yourself,” and the New Users buttons is not intuitive enough for most unregistered viewers to make this discovery. This has to change.
This is how the old NSFW button appeared. It's right upfront, no successive clicking is needed to find it. That's where it needs to be returned to.
Here is how our front page should look with the NSFW button restored. It doesn't look cluttered at all to add the NSFW button. It also belongs there because it expands and contracts the total number of videos you're able to view. The NSFW button also should be added to the Unsifted page.
One more thing: make NSFW videos viewable by default. That's the way it used to be, and it won't hurt to return it to that way because all NSFW videos should be clearly tagged with the bright red NSFW tag in the first place. You can't give a much better warning than that. As far as entertainment sites go this place is safer than most for work, so we don't need to oversanitize and Disneyfy it.
Please return the NSFW button to its original location, and please make NSFW content viewable by default. It will improve the experience for VideoSift's unregistered viewers, who greatly outnumber registered viewers. Their ease of use should be just as important as ours, maybe even more so. Let's make it happen.
I want a sandwich.
1. Look for the New Users button
2. Click Quick Options
3. Then select 'show' for NSFW Content
That's not user-friendly to the casual viewer. For such a viewer, going through three steps just to reveal content that you never knew was hidden in the first place is ridiculous. It's not like any page at all on VideoSift says “We have NSFW content, but you have to figure out how to view it yourself,” and the New Users buttons is not intuitive enough for most unregistered viewers to make this discovery. This has to change.
This is how the old NSFW button appeared. It's right upfront, no successive clicking is needed to find it. That's where it needs to be returned to.
Here is how our front page should look with the NSFW button restored. It doesn't look cluttered at all to add the NSFW button. It also belongs there because it expands and contracts the total number of videos you're able to view. The NSFW button also should be added to the Unsifted page.
One more thing: make NSFW videos viewable by default. That's the way it used to be, and it won't hurt to return it to that way because all NSFW videos should be clearly tagged with the bright red NSFW tag in the first place. You can't give a much better warning than that. As far as entertainment sites go this place is safer than most for work, so we don't need to oversanitize and Disneyfy it.
Please return the NSFW button to its original location, and please make NSFW content viewable by default. It will improve the experience for VideoSift's unregistered viewers, who greatly outnumber registered viewers. Their ease of use should be just as important as ours, maybe even more so. Let's make it happen.
I want a sandwich.
Self promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by original submitter kronosposeidon.
I second the motion! NSFW content should be viewable by default.
Hear hear,
Was the switch to hiding NSFW videos by default intentional? I sometimes find myself not being able to find a video only to find out that I'm not logged in and NSFW videos are being filtered out as a result of it.
Awarding kronosposeidon with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by Fusionaut.
You ended a sentence with a preposition.
Maybe that's a bad thing if you're a 19th century grammarian. I live in the modern era.
But I will hand it to you - you do know the meaning of "i.e."
>> ^blankfist:
You ended a sentence with a preposition.
>> ^kronosposeidon:

Maybe that's a bad thing if you're a 19th century grammarian. I live in the modern era.
I hate it when the grammar gods change the rules willy fucking nilly. I remember reading somewhere they changed the rule for possessives on words ending in s. So, Tobias' is now supposed to be written Tobias's.
Who are these grammarian busybodies that appointed themselves with the power to rewrite English language rules? And why? Is there still a need to hone the English language after all these years? Is Great Fucking Expectations a goddamn work-in-progress? Does that mean I should've passed my 11th grade English exams just by shitting in a bag of Doritos because how dare the teacher tell me what is and what is not correct English? Shit, with this kind of loose adherence to language I imagine cave paintings could be considered proper fucking diction. I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...
By the way, quality idea about the NSFW tab.
I was taught the same thing about prepositions. We were also taught to never split an infinitive, like I just did. But it's okay, actually. You can also start sentences with conjunctions sometimes, which is good news for me. Because I do it all the time. >> ^blankfist:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
Maybe that's a bad thing if you're a 19th century grammarian. I live in the modern era.
I hate it when the grammar gods change the rules willy fucking nilly. I remember reading somewhere they changed the rule for possessives on words ending in s. So, Tobias' is now supposed to be written Tobias's.
Who are these grammarian busybodies that appointed themselves with the power to rewrite English language rules? And why? Is there still a need to hone the English language after all these years? Is Great Fucking Expectations a goddamn work-in-progress? Does that mean I should've passed my 11th grade English exams just by shitting in a bag of Doritos because how dare the teacher tell me what is and what is not correct English? Shit, with this kind of loose adherence to language I imagine cave paintings could be considered proper fucking diction. I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...
By the way, quality idea about the NSFW tab.
What kind of sandwhich did you want ? and what type did you get ? or did you get one ?
If it where possible to have a Donair or a Sandwich, which would you prefer ? CONSIDERING the filling is the same, only thing that is different would be the delivery system.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Grammar wars aside, you make a good point on the visibility of the button - we'll try and fix that.
On the other point, I think we had a business reason for not displaying NSFW by default - Ie. rolling over to appease our advertisers - I can't remember exactly, but I'll dig through my emails- maybe we can change that too.
>> ^kronosposeidon:
I was taught the same thing about prepositions. We were also taught to never split an infinitive, like I just did. But it's okay, actually. You can also start sentences with conjunctions sometimes, which is good news for me. Because I do it all the time.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> blankfist said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="http://static1.videosift.com/avatars/b/blankfist-s.jpg" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box"> I hate it when the grammar gods change the rules willy fucking nilly. I remember reading somewhere they changed the rule for possessives on words ending in s. So, Tobias' is now supposed to be written Tobias's.
Who are these grammarian busybodies that appointed themselves with the power to rewrite English language rules? And why? Is there still a need to hone the English language after all these years? Is Great Fucking Expectations a goddamn work-in-progress? Does that mean I should've passed my 11th grade English exams just by shitting in a bag of Doritos because how dare the teacher tell me what is and what is not correct English? Shit, with this kind of loose adherence to language I imagine cave paintings could be considered proper fucking diction. I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...
By the way, quality idea about the NSFW tab.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: right; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> kronosposeidon said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: right; width: 40px;" src="http://static1.videosift.com/avatars/k/kronosposeidon-s.jpg" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-top: 1px; right: 52px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">►</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-right: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">Maybe that's a bad thing if you're a 19th century grammarian. I live in the modern era.
And can we fix this goddamn fucking quote system? I mean, what the fucking fucking fuck? My eyes just vomited blood from looking at this jumble of nonsense. But seriously, believe in Jesus.
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