Got Fired Today...

One of the reasons sited for termination was:

"Rick falls behind in responding to customer e-mails because he spends too much time watching youtube videos"

I was very offended so I made myself clear.

I said: "Scott (my boss), I haven't gone to youtube even once since I started working here. Go ahead and check the log."

Didn't want to work for them anyway. Pricks...
choggie says...

Ok Ok OK...(Lost power and having to start over for your job-losin' ass....

This should make you feel less like a time wasting dumb ass....

I worked at a Xmas store back in 87 for a friend of my mother's from the hippie days...seasonal-retail...On break one day OI bought a copy of the collected "Life In Hell" Series from Matt Groening...while reading it at work, I realized that Bongo and his co-workers, represented perfectly in my own experience, just how much my life was like their hell.

I quickly and enthusiastically xeroxed a copy of my favorite workplace escapade, labeled each character with co-worker's names, esp the boss, and proudly pinned it up for all to see the next day.(You see I closed, and the boss opened, and I thought her recovering alcoholics Excedrine-addicted crazy bitch-ass would have a sense of humor!!...

She greeted me the next day with a smile, a coffee and caffeine jag from the asprinz addiction, and a piece of paper in her hand she smiled and described as my last check, my ass at the door...(she could have called, I was fucking late anyhow)

I wrote Matt.

I sent him a copy of his doctored cartoon strip and an explanation attempting to evoke some sympathy as well as tickle him because I had had enough of that place anyway ...he replied with a postcard with a "You know what they say, work is hell." and a signature on the back, and a cool autographed in marker production print glossy of him next to a marina holding a duck with a cartoon bubble for the duck quacking, "Halp, Halp! HALP!"

This was the year the Simpsons first appeared on the Tracey Ullman Show-Still got that gear, baby.....On f'sale on Ebay..... Item# 90824655..?

choggie says...

So now everybody has to tell gettin' fired stories to make Ryjkyj (poor lazy fucker) feel better.....about bein'...a dumbass!!

...We are all dumb asses brother, it happens to the rest of us. Been fired so many times(who would have guessed, huh??!!)

Ryjkyj says...

Wait, wait, wait... let me make this a little clearer:

I'm happy about getting fired. I already didn't like the company I was working for but I don't want to work for ANYONE (especially a software company) that would have the audacity to call VIDEOSIFT youtube.

Screw those guys, they should know better.

demon_ix says...

To be oh-so-very technical, the videos still come mostly from Youtube and your browser still views them there. While your browsing history might not show any visits to, the network traffic your unfriendly IT guys monitor will still show your workstation visiting Youtube on a regular basis

But, YEEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHH how dare they compare VS to YT??!???!? DEY TOOK UR JEBS!

laura says...

I got fired from a job once because
a) I wouldn't drink margaritas with them on Fridays at work then go pick my kids up from daycare.
b) I fixed a problem, which wasn't in my job description. Threatened the ego of a guy above me...
So I get into work the next day and the secretary tells me they're all sitting in the "conference room" waiting for me. Did I do such-n-such rephrased to sound bad even though I fixed a problem? Yes. Was that my job? No. Please leave, we'll send you your last check.
I celebrated with Margaritas.

demon_ix says...

>> ^KnivesOut:
Got fired because... they couldn't tell me why. When I asked why I was being fired, they told me "the fact that you don't know is why."

Self-generating excuses are the best.

-What are we going to do about <blank>?
-Don't you worry about <blank>. Let me worry about <blank>.

rebuilder says...

>> ^KnivesOut:
Got fired because... they couldn't tell me why. When I asked why I was being fired, they told me "the fact that you don't know is why."

Is that legal over there? Were you on a trial period or something? At least over here, once you're past the two-month (or thereabouts) trial period where either party can terminate the employment contract without advance notice or a reason, they have to give a valid reason for firing you. Or did you just not feel like pressing the matter?

Crosswords says...

>> ^rebuilder:
>> ^KnivesOut:
Got fired because... they couldn't tell me why. When I asked why I was being fired, they told me "the fact that you don't know is why."

Is that legal over there? Were you on a trial period or something? At least over here, once you're past the two-month (or thereabouts) trial period where either party can terminate the employment contract without advance notice or a reason, they have to give a valid reason for firing you. Or did you just not feel like pressing the matter?

I think it depends on the state. In my state they don't have to give a reason, they can fire you at anytime for any reason, unless that reason is racial or gender based, in which case they make something up.

Sagemind says...

All fun aside, I hope good things come your way.
The fact that you didn't care says you were ready to move on anyway, so they helped you out. I suggest buying a lottery ticket (and winning) - that would be the best way to throw it back in their face.

KnivesOut says...

>> ^rebuilder:
>> ^KnivesOut:
Got fired because... they couldn't tell me why. When I asked why I was being fired, they told me "the fact that you don't know is why."

Is that legal over there? Were you on a trial period or something? At least over here, once you're past the two-month (or thereabouts) trial period where either party can terminate the employment contract without advance notice or a reason, they have to give a valid reason for firing you. Or did you just not feel like pressing the matter?

North Carolina is an "At Will" to work state, meaning they can terminate you without cause.

I did get a nice severance, and technically I "resigned" so my resume doesn't look bad, but in return had to sign a 1 year no-compete so I wouldn't run off and start coding for their competitor. Fuck 'em, who needs 14-hour days anyway?

rottenseed says...

Oh and congrats to ryjkyj on being canned today. Hopefully it'll allow you to pursue a company that you tend to like. Or maybe you can follow your dreams of becoming a porn actor. I heard you have to start out in gay porn, but if you really really want to do it, that's not so bad right? And who may like it.

kymbos says...

This guy checked out of a restaurant I worked at the best way I've ever seen. The exchange went something like this:

Waiter: here's your white wine, maam.
Woman: Oh, actually I ordered red wine.
Waiter: No, you ordered white wine.
Woman: No, I ordered a red wine.
Waiter: You ordered a fucking white wine, now fucking drink it!

He then slammed it down on the table, calmly walked out the back of the restaurant, clocked off, and never came back.

Admittedly, he was the worst waiter I've known, but a most memorable exit!

videosiftbannedme says...

Only job I ever got fired from was my very first job; working at a Little Caesar's pizza when I was 15. I kept calling in because I had rather gotten stoned with my buddies, and the final call went something like this:

Me: "Yeah, I'm not coming in..."
Asst. manager: "Hold on." (covers the phone, someone yelling in the background)
Asst. manager: "Did you hear that?"
Me: "Hear what?"
AM: "Joel said if you're not coming in, then don't come in again."
Me: "Does that mean I'm fired?"
AM: "Well, if you don't come in..."
Me: "Okay!" (hung up on her)

We then got baked and went and got Pizza Hut.

budzos says...

Fuck it, you're better off. It's been almost ten years since I've had a job. Of course, I've got a crushing debt looming over my head and am basically dependent on computers and the internet for my livelihood...

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