MarineGunrock says...


Sarzy says...

It's pretty clear what happened here; we have set rules for this now, so just ban him for his two weeks, and let's be done with this before it turns ugly.

mas8705 says...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this no different from the incident where one guy got his video discarded and downvoted everyone who took it off...

If someone downvotes your video, that means they didn't approve it... If that ever happened me (which it has countless times) I just blow it off and move on...

From what I see, he broke Rule 10:

Please do not down vote a video because you dislike the Sifter... this is entirely unacceptable. Instead, vote solely based on the quality of video content. If down voting or any other member privilege is intentionally misused, the offending member will be temporarily banned for no less than 2 weeks. A second offense will result in a permanent ban

I say we give the same treatment shown here and the gentleman should have the proper punishment for continuous downvotes...

(I'll be watching my posts, and if he does the same to me, I'll see to it that is considered the 2nd offense)

choggie says...

none forthcoming so far, in fact, let's remind all of the history of users who never came forward to answer to allegations.....they all left!!...and in doing so used their last act as their last contribution-and they are probably still here, under new names-who cares????

The people of character, resolve, and those self-worthy who have come forward, offered chagrin, responsibility, and dialog, are all great additions to the tribe-teh two or three who are about to come off their 2-weeks??...Don't expect much in the way of character when they slink back, IF they fuckin' do, won't miss em-That's another great function of the sift-sifting out aggravating users...and no worse are the kind who have been here a while getting away with bullshit, and never bein' called onnit-"stand up to your accusers, lest your own shadow shrink as your counsel..."(made that last shit up on the fly)

deathcow says...

> of users who never came forward to answer to allegations
> .....they all left!!...

I have heard of some users who had a mild spat of this but actually hung around long term.

8266 says...

Well the reason why I downvoted the members entire video que was I was pissed off. I figured it would be a good way to get get back at him.

So yes I deserved my ban. I also served my two week ban time and have been reinstated.

That said I did deserve the bannage. And I also know a second offense gets my account deleted.

Was it worth it? I take the 5th on that one.

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