Discussions from: "Police Brutality, Denmark" sift



Guys, as much as this all sound nice and happy, 'hugging' and 'persuading' just wouldn't work in certain areas. I'll come right out and say you guys are being delusional here.

Just with that video kronospeidon posted:

(In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
We've got the same thing in America! This is how New York cops hug cyclists:


That biker probably ignored the cop's orders to stop and attempts to weave through. So cop had to use necessary force to stop him.

You might say 'you can be nice while enforcing the rule'. Oh yeah? You think these guys would give their own time, purposely stop for you and wait for you to order you around? Not in NYC at least.

You think nice words would've made him stop instead? He would've past right through without a glance. If he had listened to the first warning and stopped, sure, give him a hug, a kiss, a reach-around and what have you. But when you fail to obey, you gotta crack the whips in order to make them listen.

Do I think all that force was necessary just to enforce someone to wear a helmet? No, I do think it was excessive. But that's not the issue here. The main point I'm discussing here is that 'nice words would NOT have stopped this man'.

If the biker had listened to the cop in the first place, this never would've happened. But he purposely ignored the cop giving orders to stop.

I currently work in a Gym in New York City, and I've got a bunch of meatheads from the city coming in to the gym and do whatever they wanna do. They're all pumped up from the energy drinks and dumbells. They're hyper, loud and full of testosterone.

I was nice to them back when I first started working here. But then they how far they can push the line, and they test you over and over and over. You have to put your foot down otherwise you're the only one getting hurt. They don't see you as a person, but merely as a 'worker they can take advantage of'

You give someone a break, and the next day they ask for the same thing, and then something else. And if you allow this to continue, they'll keep pushing until they get everything.

They don't limit themselves, and then the rules go haywire. They ask to get a break. But then what happens to other members who adhere to those rules? They ask for the same favor now, and the rules are no longer valid.

You wanna know how my day goes? Let's say someone is not wearing proper gym attire. Trying to work out while they're still in their Jeans. I call out their name to tell them it's not allowed in here. And guess what, they just walk right past you.

But they DID hear you, but they CHOOSE to ignore it. They know that once they're past the front desk and into the main floor, they think it's a done deal. Because nobody wants to chase after a person, either because they're lazy or because it's not worth it.

But I personally get out of my station and chase them down. They call me a hard-ass for doing that. But I only do it because ONLY THEN they listen to you. Otherwise all they do is get past the front gate as fast as possible, not make eye contact, pretending to listen to their IPOD. And then do whatever the hell they want once they're inside the gym. Ignoring all the guidelines and rules.

This one time the guy knew I was following him downstairs to give him a warning, so he decides to go into the spinning bike room and locks the door. You can see right through the plastic windows. I know he can see me, but he CHOOSES to ignore me, pretending to ride the bike with his head down.

I knock on the door, mouthing 'come out'. You know what he does? He pretends he can't hear me over the loud music playing on the overhead sound system... LOL Is he in middle school? you might ask. Nope, the guy was 32 years old.

Guess what, this happened perhaps at least 3 times a week when I first started working at the gym. Back when I was being the 'nice cop'. Nowdays I don't give a damn about their feelings or whatever lame excuse they gotta give. I don't do them favors nor do I care what they have to say. And guess what, only after I act like an asshole was when they started listening to me.

Even still, there's still one or two people (sometimes girls, especially the ones in their late 20s to mid 30s) trying the same shit on me per week. I admit I'm still not used to dealing with these types. I feel uneasy when I have to 'act' tough and be an asshole. But you gotta do what you gotta do in order to enforce rules, otherwise nobody will listen to it.

Nowadays they know I don't do them any favors and know I'll do something about it when they ignore me, either by talking real loud about their bad behaviors and embarrassing them in front of everyone or putting a hold on their membership.

It's like being in a iron cage with a bunch of wolves. If you appear too nice, these fuckers will perceive you as 'weak'. And they take advantage of you until you do something about it. They try to assert themselves whenever they see an opening, it's like a fucking prison cell. Of course, not all of them are like that, but it only takes a few of them to push the line, and rest would mimic the same behavior because they now know it's possible.

And once they know how far they can push it, even the nice ones who never behaved such ways would start to do it. They learn from what others have been doing, so they learn to mimic the techniques and tries to pull off the same shit on you.

Environment you live in, and the culture that dominates is a scary thing. It really is.

That is why niceness is such a dangerous tool to use. It's a double edged sword.
gwiz665 says...

It all depends on the people. The "police" has to respond with what works - if people can't accept the friendly solution, then rougher methods are in order. But that certainly does not mean that rougher methods are always in order.

Just because your work has a shitty clientèle, doesn't mean the whole world is evil.

NeuralNoise says...

Well, you deal with people that think they are doing you a favor by being a customer and thus "paying your salary" - a very specific animal.
But hey, jeans are great for the gym, they protect against scratches, chug moisture and keep the gym cleaner. Tough life being an enforcer of dress codes... for a gym... meh

legacy0100 says...

That's exactly my point! LOL

Just flip it and it would sound like: "just because you live in a socialist country with low crime doesn't mean the whole world is orderly and open to kindness"

And who the hell told you jeans are great for the gym??? They tear up the seats, traps in moisture, and chafes around your thighs. Keeping the Gym clean?? Where the hell did that come from??

schmawy says...

"That biker probably ignored the cop's orders to stop and attempts to weave through. So cop had to use necessary force to stop him."

This cop has been fired and could face four years in prison if convicted.

"That is why niceness is such a dangerous tool to use. It's a double edged sword."

Legacy needs a hug.

rottenseed says...

People shouldn't push...I learned that in fucking elementary school. If you want respect, you earn it. A badge doesn't give you that instant respect anymore. Pushing people is a step in the wrong direction for the entire police force everywhere and the reason people don't respect the badge in the first place. This officer disgraced himself, his department and his profession. Now people are looking to draw unnecessary force out of the cops. Just like when cops try to draw "resisting arrest" out of the suspect they are handcuffing. If you don't want to play cat and mouse, don't be the cat.

rottenseed says...

You wanna know how my day goes? Let's say someone is not wearing proper gym attire. Trying to work out while they're still in their Jeans. I call out their name to tell them it's not allowed in here. And guess what, they just walk right past you.

So push them, let's see what happens.

volumptuous says...

>> ^schmawy:
This cop has been fired and could face four years in prison if convicted.


Legacy I think you missed the backstory to this video. This was obviously a case of police brutality, and this police officer has been fired and will face some serious charges. I get the gist of your post, but this wasn't a good example.

rougy says...

"That biker probably ignored the cop's orders to stop and attempts to weave through. So cop had to use necessary force to stop him."

That's not what happened, and you shouldn't be so lazy as to assume as much.

And I'm really tired of people making excuses for some of the fat-headed pricks we have wearing badges in the United States.

You embarrass the fuck out of me.

JAPR says...

I may not agree on the cop with the cyclist video, but I really understand what you mean with people being assholes and needing to step it the fuck up and exert your authority to keep people from walking all over the rules sometimes. Props, and I feel for you.

legacy0100 says...

Cops are needed rougy. Given that they make bad decisions from time to time, and over exert themselves in more than one occasion.

But that is really a small price to pay compared to what it would be like when cops aren't there to help you.

Many of you are so pent up on this 'the big bully' image of cops that you really forget how necessary they are, and why they act certain ways.

And as for the 'cat and mouse' theory, again you can just flip that story and say that you guys shouldn't expect the worst and act like dicks in front of cops. They're there to help you out and inform you what's going wrong and what's legal. You don't wanna be bothered by the cops? Don't provoke them, and don't do retarded shit that's borderline illegal. Is that so hard?

When I was in college I was getting a ride from one of my friend. His right headlight happened to be out in the rain, and the cop stopped us for it.

We didn't give the guy any attitude. We said we were sorry and we weren't aware of it. Told the cop we'll fix it as soon as the shops open on this coming monday.

That's it, the cop let us go with just a warning.

Next case, typical college kids drinking beer on the front porch. The cops approach us while riding a bike. They see that a few kids were gathered up, so they just give us a warning not to get too rowdy. Okay, thank you, have a good night. That's it. But as soon as the cop walks past the road curve I hear one of my friends murmur 'fucking pigs'.

And I am sure the cop actually heard these words over his shoulder. But he chooses to ignore it, and goes back on his patrol route.

Now, what did this cop do so wrong anything other than to tell you to be careful? He was just informing you that such laws exists, and reminding you of it. Because he doesn't want you to get in trouble, and they don't wanna bust in a good going crowd and ruin your fun either. Why do you need to call them names?

A lot of you always put yourself in the 'individual' category, but I recommend you put yourself in the 'enforcers' perspective once in a while. Then you'll start to see why certain things happen, and why misunderstandings can happen.

Cops are people too. Regular joes with friends and family. They're not here to ruin your day or out there just because they love to 'cap some ass'.

There's always been strong bias and wrongly placed animosity towards any types of authority by blue collar working class. And here in videosift we've got women's rights activists, environmentalists, pro-gay, pro-choice activists and what have you, fighting for individual rights and minorities. But Even YOU, VideoSifters aren't free from bias against authority figures, just because they have that title.

Damn.......I sound very republican right now don't I? LOL

rougy says...

Cops are needed. I know that. But you don't have to be fucking assholes all of the time to get the job done. That's where you fail.

There are good cops. I know that.

But there are fucking pricks in there who keep having excuses made for them, and that's not doing any of us any good.

Your "Show of Force" thing is true, but not in all cases, and I submit that many times it only undermines your authority. As I've said before, we have too many Rambos and not enough Andy Griffith's. We have too many guys with power fetishes who can't wait for an excuse to slap somebody around.

I was lying on a park bench one time and a cop rode his motorbike right up to my face. He didn't have to do that. He could have just said "Sir, that's not allowed here."

I've been stopped and interrogated for doing nothing more menacing than taking a shortcut down an alley on my way home from the pub.

One time in Denver, two cops stopped me and wanted to take me "down town" for a few hours, or a few days, because I was walking home near a place that was robbed. No other reason. No other evidence.

You know, you guys have just acted like assholes so many times that I'm as leery of you as I am of the hoods. And as often as not, you're worthless as hell. You get to the scene an hour after the fact. You file a report that will never be followed up on. You have this "Well what do you expect me to do about it?" attitude.

And I'm pretty mad at you for jumping to the defense of that cop in the video that you referenced.

A lot of you are pretty lazy and not very bright, and bullies at heart.

Just an FYI, my brother wears a badge. I think he's probably really good at what he does, but I don't even know him any more. He's said and done things, grossly insensitive things, that really make it hard for me to be around him.

legacy0100 says...

In reply to this comment by rougy:
Cops are needed. I know that. But you don't have to be fucking assholes all of the time to get the job done. That's where you fail.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
Your "Show of Force" thing is true, but not in all cases, and I submit that many times it only undermines your authority. As I've said before, we have too many Rambos and not enough Andy Griffith's. We have too many guys with power fetishes who can't wait for an excuse to slap somebody around.

I was lying on a park bench one time and a cop rode his motorbike right up to my face. He didn't have to do that. He could have just said "Sir, that's not allowed here."

You know that the cops are needed, then you should also know WHY they 'have to be fucking assholes all of the time to get the job done.' You've got a cop for a brother. Ask him why, for god sakes, he's your brother.

It is necessary because you must show intimidation when approaching a stranger to establish a state of dominance. It is unspoken body language that's practiced out in the field. You as an individual may think it's unnecessary, tell that to all the people wearing uniforms, on duty and active, and they may slightly disagree with you there.

It would be so nice to just figure out who is potentially dangerous and who isn't without having to go through all that. But GUESS WHAT! YOU CAN'T!!! SURPRISE!!!!! So cops establish dominance early. Can you really blame them? They're trying to protect themselves as well, otherwise these people see fear, hesitation, weakness. You can't afford to give them a benefit of a doubt.

A person could be well dress with perfumes, a caucasian female with blonde hair, and chances are she could be a cop killer. Equality for all, no bias, no racism people say. There you go, equal asshole treatment for all. Cops are being just as cautious with you as they would with any other random drunkard out in the street. So what are you complaining about?

You may think it's unnecessary but there's a reason why they do it. Everything has a reason. You see this especially in rough neighborhoods. You wouldn't see a cop do this in, let's say in Beverly Hills, CA. But let's say, in Oakland you'd definitely see the cop approach you with a swagger and an attitude.

I don't think I need to explain the reasons why. It's pretty damn obvious. Just get it, please. So live in a richer area, don't hang out in fishy places. That's all I gotta say. As stated above: That's the jest of everything. Learn it, understand it, keep on truckin'. Isn't that right rottenseed?

Right now where I work we have Thierry, a retired Cop and Dennis, a private detective as part our staff. Thierry receives his pension from the state and is set for life, but he still comes to work all the way from Upstate NY Just because he wants to stay sharp, dealing with the muscleheads, blacks and a swarm of riley young Russians at night time.

The private detective is just doing this for fun when the work flow is slow. Because he likes to observe people and guess the type of personality derived from first impression and body language.

And these guys tell me tell me this:

All you gotta do is cooperate with the cop. Don't act like a tough man and give them an attitude. What are you, Many of you feel uneasy and feel you're 'submitting' to the cop. What's so big about that? It's your damn man-ego that's causing all the friction. You see all those gangsters and criminals in TV shows giving cops an attitude? Like wild dogs they are, growling, snarling, pissing on the floor to mark their territory. You're no better than these simpletons.

Just be calm and cooperate with the authority that has approached you. They're not here to purposely annoy you and take away your time. The more people they interrogate means more office work for them as well. They want as little to no trouble as you would want. So if you haven't done anything wrong, just calm the fuck down, cooperate with the authority, and you should be fine.

Sagemind says...

For the most part, I have no issues with the police. I am optimistic and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I have always complied and have never truly had an issue with any police officer personally.

That being said, not every officer is innocent. Some can be overpowering, insensitive and sometimes bully the innocent. Why, because they can. Some people just get drunk with power. A couple years back, a group of officers in Vancouver used to pick up people and drive them to secluded areas (Stanly Park), and beat the crap out of them. Their justice over real justice.
(I'm sure there are better references but I don't have time to look - sorry.)

You can come to the rescue of police officers doing there jobs, sure, but there are a lot of cases of proven police brutality. To not admit and come to terms with it only makes you part of the problem. Every case is individual, Don't make blanket statements that all police are good and "just doing their jobs," because they're not. Just the same, not all people on the streets are cop-killers and desperatos. Most are upstanding citizens and should be treated as such.

I have found in life, you get respect when you give respect and you always get further in life with the respect people give you if you take pride in your abilities to treat people fairly. To force dominance over someone just places them in the dirt and lets face it, no one wants or deserves to be laid in the dirt at your feet!

peggedbea says...

im going to tell you just one of my many many cop stories.

so, theres a victims assistance cop that comes into my job peridiocally for rape and domestic violence victims. he wanted to date little ole me for some odd reason. i am a snob and would never ever date a cop, but i was horribly curious and had lots of questions. so i told him i would go and he could call it a date if he felt like it, but i was going to call it an interview.... im terribly uninterested in any sort of romantic entanglement with a fucking pig. i flat out told him i didnt date outside my species. in his arrogance he thought this was charming.

so bea gets a babysitter, and gets all cuted up.. cop takes her to a baseball game. because beas LOVE baseball games.

then out for drinks the interview is conducted. i decide just because he is a victims assistance cop doesnt make him any less of an asshole and that he is desensitized (by necessity of course) to extremely horrible things.
my heart hurts for humanity.

he tries to date me again... i tell him im sooo not interested.
...oh but im so cool so he just wants to go have some beers and hear stories of my fascinating adorable life.

so whatever, i am fascinating and adorable and i do like to talk about me. so off we go again. all of that was LIES he just wants to talk about himself somemore (clearly we are incompatible!) and try to get me to go home with him so he can tell all his buddies that he got the feminist dyke hippie chick in CT to let her guard down and fuck his brains out.

the night progresses and its more and more apparent that my vagina makes me stupid and less than him. and that im like some sort of goal. i feel as if he made a bet about where this would go and hes trying hard to win. i also realize hes a fucking idiot.

he seems to have absolutely no clue why any woman wouldnt want to fuck him right then and there. i find this is a sign that he most likely is terrible in bed. so im ready to go, he tries to stick his hand up my shirt.
i say "um fuck no dude" so he pins me to a wall forcefully and squeezes the shit out my tits and one hand is heading south for my lady part. i grab his hand and squeeze, he leans on my tighter and there it is... big mean forceful hand on my puss. i push him off of me with all my strength and wish i had a fucking shank on me.

im about to punch him in the face but remember hes a cop and i would probably go to jail. so i spit on him instead and storm the fuck out of there.

so.... the victims assistance cop is a date rapist. hooray the irony.

oh and a few months later he calls me up for a booty call. wtf?!!??

edit: also, all the cops and paramedics i have ever known regularly drink and drive. hizzah!

rougy says...

Fuck you, legacy.

When you have to treat everyone that you're supposed to protect as if they were your enemy then you can suck my fat dick.


I'm sorry about that.

I kind of know what you mean, when you were talking about the meatheads and such. I used to walk Colfax at night and I know you have to have a certain swagger in your step.

But if you can't tell good from bad, you're in the wrong biz. I'm one of the good ones, and if you're going to fuck around with me...then you really don't fucking get it.

There is a sensitivity and awareness that most cops sacrifice for...knuckle-dragging, flat-out mean stupidity.

I often wish I were a cop because it's funny how many times I have to deal with a real asshole - not a perceived asshole - and how there isn't a cop for miles around at the time.

America's pretty much fucked, anyway. We do everything about as stupidly as possible here, because that's the way it's always been done, and that's the only argument, too.

I don't give a shit any more. I, like thousands of others, won't even bother calling you bastards when we're in trouble. There's trouble with baggy pants and big mouths, and then there's trouble with shiny badges and batons. Take your pick. Thanks for nothing.

You want my support, but then you fucking treat me like...like everyone else that you treat, because apparently you're too fucking stupid to tell one from the other.

joedirt says...

Who is this pathetic whiny gym attendant bitching about people wearing jeans??? And that justifies a cop decking a peaceful bike rider for no reason other than they think critical mass is a nuisance.

I almost think this is some bizarre psyops experiment for the upcoming pandemic and financial crash.. and this is an effort to convince even 10 people just to lie down and take it. Pretend it is prison, don't question the stupid attendant, their arbitrary rules and power trip clearly make a vital difference in the world. Who cares if it is made up and capricious. Obey the power-tripping alpha dog at all costs. Take it up the ass in prison, never put up a fight.

legacy0100 says...

^Hey Joedirt, who the fuck are you to call me names? Yeahhh Fight the system!!! Fuck the police!!! Right? I know my opinion is contrary to yours but you don't have to be juvenile. With an attitude like that, it's no surprise they're having a parade drilling on your ass. The cops are out to get you, yeah? Mean ol' cops picking on poor joedirt, bawwwwww.

Know your place and take it like a good paranoid bitch getting butt-pirated by your local cops LOL

^Peggedbea, I feed bad for you. You didn't have to go through with that kind of shit. You were curious and showed an interest to this person, only that this time it backfired. Understand that it's not because he was a cop. It's just him and him only.

Can you honestly say this was the first time some asshole tried to get at you? You found out the hard way that this guy was a jerk off. And I am sorry that you went through it. But it was you who went out with that guy without knowing anything about his personal interests or his personality. You fell for the old 'ohh, a man in uniform' trick. And that's how he took you as, a curious young girl that's easy to take advantage of.

Also, if it was that apparent he was an idiot and you didn't want to be with that guy, you should've ended the date then and there. Why linger on and give the jerk a wrong impression? He probably thought you were being shy and liked whwere this was going. Or that you were too timid to opinionate yourself. You didn't stand up for yourself, so there you go, they try to take advantage of you.

Relating a personal behavior solely on their occupation is a very biased thing. You should know better than that. Deriving from your post, you seem to consider this as specifically a 'cop story' rather than some random horny asshole trying to get at you. You may have had the same experience with a UPS guy or a hotshot businessmen if you were their type.

With any occupation you could say the same thing, such as teachers. Just because one teacher happens to sleep with a student doesn't mean they all do. Or just because one priest happens to grope a boy doesn't mean they're all pedophiles.

I thought I've said this on the other post but guess it didn't take. Man, you guys really do hate cops. How do you guys sleep at night knowing that the bad cops are driving down the highway with high beams on, siren blasting, tires screeching and coming to getcha at night?

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