Concerning Queued and Published
Who ever came up with that fucking idea?
Can we please just switch over to only ever showing queued? There is no valid reason for ever having the other time showed, since it only confuses and infuriates us (me). Especially now when dupeofs are flying every which way.
I request that the present system be changed, because it sucks. Who's with me?
Can we please just switch over to only ever showing queued? There is no valid reason for ever having the other time showed, since it only confuses and infuriates us (me). Especially now when dupeofs are flying every which way.
I request that the present system be changed, because it sucks. Who's with me?
I'm with you. Videos should all show the original time they were published. If you're only going to show one time, that should be it. If you need to decide on a time zone they should all use, then go military and make them all zulu time.
It seems awfully confusing, and has created quite a few problems in the past. I'm with gwiz on this one.
Don't bother making sense, it's not going to be fixed. And don't request a request forum because that's not going to happen either. And don't expect it in 3.4. Matter of fact, just ask yourself, what would Pat from SNL do? Don't pretend you're not.
VifeoSift is ranked well into the top 10k in terms of page views on the internet. We're on an awful lot of browser bookmarks. the vast majority of the viewers never Sift, comment or register.
I'm not saying this is a bad idea. It's kinda hard to see from in here, but we're putting on a show for the people of Intertoobia
I agree, queued time should be all that matters.
Less confusing > more confusing.
Which is to say that I completely agree with this. Or at least if you're going to keep both the queued and published time, make them both clearly visible and obvious as to what is what. The whole "hover over" system is completely unintuitive and thus very new-user unfriendly.
And, what the heck, since I have the power points, *promote!
Promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by Sarzy.
Or an option for registered members.
As you wish.
>> ^CaptainPlanet420:

Don't bother making sense, it's not going to be fixed. And don't request a request forum because that's not going to happen either. And don't expect it in 3.4. Matter of fact, just ask yourself, what would Pat from SNL do? Don't pretend you're not.
Done. See what NOT being a dick can accomplish?
Well I hate it! Way to go gwiz, not being able to see when one of my vids actually sifted is fuckin lame
Oh the time for queued and published. Durrr. I'm a big dummy. You can have my diamond back now.
I think this way is much better than the old, but it could be solved relatively simple by making a bigger hovering tooltip
Queued at: [date][time ago]
Last published at: [date][time ago]
Like item hovers on wowhead.
Or it could be a user setting. It's not like the data is not still recorded (I presume), so it would be relatively easy for lucky to make it a chosen setting, just default it the way it is now.
*quality suggestion
And maybe we could the reverse of what we did with the hover text so that you can know when your video was published. Before you had to hover the published time to know the posted time; maybe now it can be set up so that when you hover over the posted time you can see the published time.
Would that be satisfactory to everyone?
Awarding gwiz665 with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by kronosposeidon.
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