Collective FAQ
There have been and still are lots of expected questions floating around in Sifter minds about exactly how collectives work. To help explain, we've added a Collective section on the FAQ page.
Hopefully this will help familiarize you with just how to function in and around these new mini-subsites. If you have any questions that are not described in the FAQ or it doesn't fully explain something, feel free to ask here.
Hopefully this will help familiarize you with just how to function in and around these new mini-subsites. If you have any questions that are not described in the FAQ or it doesn't fully explain something, feel free to ask here.
hay dude, could'ya tell yer cronies, or teach me t' pay better attention, [please,,
where's the "Add To Playlist" feature.....
uhhh is this for replacing established playlists, or just a whole lotta fun???
Yayayay Collectives. They work to synaptic connicticus...
It's still there below the video, but now in icon form.

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Thanks Lucky.
broken link:
if you go to the collectives tab and click the username featured (like sbchapman for rock & roll), it's a broken page ( the top vote member link does work.
Thanks for the bug report, PM! It's working now.
A question... I don't think it'd affect me but I'm curious!
If I were a member (and a goldstar for this example) of a collective, and the founder of that collective wishes to pass ownersip to me.. Could I take ownership even if I already had my own collective, or could I only have ownership if I didnt have one already?
If it is the former, then it's possible for someone to have more than one collective... right?
Thanks for asking, Mooseman. I meant to include that in the FAQ, but overlooked it. You cannot offer to take ownership if you already own a collective.
OK, thanks for answering that one f'me!
Does it have to be the original submitter of a clip that chooses to include it in a collective?
Yes, because that's the only person who has access to a video's submission/edit page.
FAQ needs one more question: "What is a collective?" (e.g. how does it differ from a channel)
How different is it from a playlist? Why invitations?
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Eric, it's much more collaborative than a playlist. In effect it is a "mini-site" that people with a common interest can gather around and post videos.
It's one possible solution to finding the stuff you like in the ever-growing queue.
Are collective icons coming from flickr or similar sites? I was curious.
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All from Flickr at the moment.
FAQ needs one more question: "What is a collective?" (e.g. how does it differ from a channel)
Good point. Added.
Are collective icons coming from flickr...?
Is there a way not to get these collective offers to be accepted or denied? I get too many requests!
Like a reject all collectives, or an accept all collective flag?

I suppose that is the burden that comes with being one of the most prolific members on the site
Well, no e-mails about the requests/offers. I am not interested.
why the disinterest with the collectives & the forum, ant??
Maybe everyone could rescind their invitations to Ant. No problem here, I never sent him an invitation anyway. No hard feelings, right?
how come a founder of a collective is not listed in the "Top 5 ... Members" box? i have a video in there that has the top number of votes ... but it's not showing up in that list. are founders excluded from that list?
i had a few other questions ... but i forgot them now! *bites lip*
oh yeah ... is it possible to create html links to our featured playlists?? i have 3 playlists featured ... but all the vids are just jumbled up in related videos. making it pretty hard for another member to know if their playlist IS being featured or not. i think it would be a nice addition to be able to specifically list certain playlists that relate to your collective ...
Yes, it would be nice to show what playlists are featured with a collective on it's front page.
Could a video be associated with more than one collective? (as a video can be associated with more than one channel)
oh!!! good idea, mlx! ... invite rescinded, ant!

edit: silly me ... i never invited ant to the religion collective!!! guess i knew better!
how come a founder of a collective is not listed in the "Top 5 ... Members" box?
Question added to FAQ.
Could a video be associated with more than one collective?
Question added to FAQ.
is it possible to create html links to our featured playlists?
Great point, LB. This will soon be added.
firefly, per the submit screen:
'Select the collective for which this video will be associated (once set, this can not be changed):' ... it appears that you can only associate your vid with one collective.
So we can't be collective whores? *pouts*

I've accepted all invitations sent my way so far (even one that never showed up in my email but did show up when I browsed the collective home page). I'm just sayin'.
how come a founder of a collective is not listed in the "Top 5 ... Members" box?
thanks for all your hard work! 
*runs to the kitty collective*
Question added to FAQ.
great answer added to the FAQ, lucky!
you can still be a whore, maudlin!!!!
Thanks, LB.
There's now a "Selected from the Following Playlists" section linking to all playlists that comprise the related video listing.
Way too busy. I don't need more videos to look at.
OK, here's one:
If a saved video is re-posted (and was originally submitted prior to the collective creations) can it then be placed into a collective?
I have one that expired (or will expire) with 6, and would like it added to the science collective. If it'll be saved that is...
That's an excellent question. To be honest, I had to check to find the answer as I hadn't accounted for that situation. Calling *save on a dying or dead video changes the video's submission date to the date/time of the invocation. So, the answer is: Yes, you can in fact add a saved video to any collective you are a member of at the time it is saved.
I personally amn't in favor of it working this way, but for now at least, that's how it functions.
Interesting, so you think there is potential for abuse? Will this functionality be dis-allowed eventually?
amn't!?!!? is that legal!
lol *makes mental note* i do tend to agree with you lucky ... i really don't think saving a video should then allow the original submitter to then add it to a collective. i think it could potentially open the box for abuse ...

should saved videos have the ability to be added to a collective? what do you think??
ant, how would you have more videos to look at? they are exactly the same videos just categorized differently. to each his own, but i don't think the collectives require any extra time ...
Of course, it's legal, LB. How dare you question my gnaw ledge of thing Lish lang wedge? (That's is actually a question, but it looks so strange with a question mark at the end of it. Go figure. Let me know when you're back.)
This gaping hole in our full proof security system is being fixed immediately. Yes, I said full proof.
i'm back! ta-DAH!!!
LB: Oh! I thought these collectives were including other videos not shown on home page. DOH!
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If anything Collectives should add a layer of efficiency, because presumably the videos in a collective you are a member of, would be interesting to you.
Hmm, how would that affect my VS visitations? Bascially, this how I spend time on VS:
1. Come to home/front page.
2. Look at almost all unvoted videos on the home/front page. Vote and/or comment. [most of the times]
3. I might submit some videos. If they are duplicates and already on VS, then I vote and/or comment. I always keep my queue full (always have plenty of videos to submit).
4. Leave and come back again later. Usually, I visit twice a day. I do visit if I get e-mail notifications from that crazy bot named SiftBot.
i thought there might be some confusion there, ant!! glad i could clear the air a bit!
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