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Strangers Lift Van Off Trapped Woman

Colorado Traffic Stop Turns Ugly

MilkmanDan says...

I completely agree that it *looks* like very bad form by the police, and also that race seems like a very clear factor in the escalation.

However, the phone video doesn't tell the whole story. While I tend to believe the passenger when he says that they were NOT told why they were being pulled over, the officers did NOT give their names, etc., the phone video doesn't preclude the possibility that they were given that information before the video started.

I think @bobknight33 is right to say that seeing a dash cam recording from the police car would definitely help clear things up, especially if I was in a situation where my opinion mattered (say, if I was on a jury in a case against the officers).

This is exactly the sort of situation where a good cop would be very happy to have dash cam or uniform cam evidence to show that their actions were justified, if indeed they were. That seems unlikely (but not completely impossible) here, though.

Colorado Traffic Stop Turns Ugly

bobknight33 says...

Does a high crime area warrant a stricter standard of police action?

Would be nice to see the police dash cam or such.

The passenger for the most part was complying ,

Just because no reason was give does not mean there is not a reason.

How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger)

StukaFox says...

I've always wondered if the passengers on United 93 had managed to retake the cockpit if they could have then flown the airplane and then landed it. From this video, it sounds like that could have.

Daldain (Member Profile)

How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger)

mxxcon says...

I was following him until he started talking about flaps. From that on is became really complicated.

Aren't flight attendants more qualified at this than random passengers? They gotta go through some sort of basic emergency training...

How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger)

artician says...

Wow, this is awesome. I thought it was going to be someones joke, but what a great idea (even if in a real-world scenario, passengers being admitted to cockpits would never happen).

If you had a fear of elevators before...

Super Crazy Accident

Ehang184-chinese unveil new passenger drone prototype

Drachen_Jager says...

You forgot "Made in China" not a label to inspire confidence. If it were made in Germany, I'm sure a lot more people would believe in the safety features, but honestly, I think the reason it's NOT made in Germany is that it's inherently impossible to design such a vehicle to actually be safe.

1 blade breaks (bird strike?) 1 motor fails, ANYTHING goes wrong with the software or hardware, structural failures, hell, even the passenger shifting rapidly in their seat could cause this thing to fall out of the air like a brick.

They seem to think if they repeat "absolute safety by design" often enough somebody will believe it, but the video does absolutely nothing to show what they've done to actually make the thing safe.

I have a new tag line for them:

"Absolutely safe, just like Chinese-made hoverboards!"

Ehang184-chinese unveil new passenger drone prototype

EMPIRE says...

"Absolute safety by design"

- open props and the passenger has to pass between them to get into the cockpit. all it takes is a false ignition or some other mistake after it lands , and the person is cut in half.

- drone design. just one of the 4 engines fails, and that shit drops to the ground like a brick, because it has no gliding properties and it can't autorotate like a helicopter or gyro, and at the height it will operate, I doubt a parachute would be of any use.

yeaaaahh... Not really anxious to try one out

Slavoj Zizek: PC is a more dangerous form of totalitarianism

ChaosEngine says...

"The idea is that if you smoke during the flight e-cigarette you publicly display your addiction and that is not a good pedagogical example for others and so on and so on."

Or (far more likely) the airline realised that other passengers don't like people smoking around them in a confined space. You want to vape at home or outside? Knock yourself out. But kindly refrain from doing so in my cramped airspace. Otherwise, we'll test the old adage about how my right to swing my fist ends at your face.

He hasn't really presented any kind of decent argument here. Ok, the Carmen thing is stupid, but if you actually read the story behind that, it's because the Opera house was sponsored by a health company. Essentially they bowed to commercial pressure. Nothing to do with PC.

Even if WAS a "PC" decision, on what planet is that "a more dangerous form of totalitarianism"?

Someone decided they didn't want to stage an opera because there's smoking in it... oh no! Save us from opera-hitler!

Did the government step in and force them to do this? Nope, they made the decision themselves.

Hero Bus Driver Stops Suicidal Girl from Jumping Off Bridge

Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

shang says...

insane, back when I was in highschool there was no cops/guards/etc

We even had a smoking section, and guns could be brought on campus.

For smoking section you just needed a letter from parents that they knew you smoked. and on recess the smokers all hung out there.

To bring gun to school, it was during any hunting season. You had to have note from parents that they know. The gun had to be visible, either gun rack in back window of truck or in passenger seat. Rifles and Shotguns only no pistols.

You had to have your Hunter's Safety Course card, Your Hunting License both on you to give copies at office.

You had to leave your vehicle keys with the front office and submit to random vehicle search of the hunter's vehicles only.

So while everyone could go to their cars at recess, or if you had extra empty elective, some of us juniors would drive up to Hardees before lunch and grab fast food then be back before 4th period started, but the hunters had to leave their keys with front office and they could not retrieve them until end of school.

So much more freedom.

Smoking was banned on campus for students only my 10th grade year, but Teachers had the smoking lounge in building. There was a teacher's lounge on each hall, the back hall F where weight lifting, welding, home ec, and vocational classes were was where the teacher's smoking lounge was. Most students friendly with teachers could sneak in there and smoke anyhow.

crazy times.

I had a 84 Camaro and kept a flare gun under seat my dad owned a boat and had couple extra flare guns. So I had that for some crazy reason thinking if someone attacked me, at point blank range I'd put on a huge firework show

Then there was the stereotypes that were proven right not wrong.

The jocks hung out together, the headbangers/smokers hung out together, the nerds, the band folks like me as my senior year I was drum major
and the blacks stayed together all in separate cliques at lunch and recess and before/after school.

stereotypes even went further.

the only highschool girls with babies (during time I was there I stress) were black girls, they had to build a daycare from the old mechanic shop behind the highschool for them. And even though this was the early 90s in the south, you'd hear over the Intercom every 6 months "All Black female students to gym at this time please" where they'd get lectured on abstinence, or condom use, and std's and such.

the only time rest of the student body went through that was in 10th grade they'd take the boys one day, and girls the next day.

We had a blast though as the guys, the protection/std talk was given by one of the football coaches, and during the talk with the guys and showing various "shock images" of std's on penis on the TV, when he got to the "sex ed" portion, he flipped in a Nina Hartley porn intro where a nude Nina Hartley showed the correct way to place a condom on. haha was hilarious looking back before "political correctness" went out of control.

I loved highschool and college.

Graduated high school in 94, got associates in 96, took year off then got bachelors in computer science in 99.

But 89-94 (our highschool here in the deep south is 8th through 12th) most are 9-12, but not here. It's still 8-12th here. So it's nothing seeing 12th graders dating 8th graders. Freaky yea, but not unusual.

If you got into a fight, if a coach was around he'd let the fight finish, unless it got a bit too over the top then they'd break it up. You didn't get suspended, you lost recess privileges usually 3 days plus the starter of the fight got 10 licks of the paddle in principle office, the other only got 1 to 3, or if person was just dominated and got ass kicked you just got detention.

Kids didn't act up at all most times. And the reason was Corporal Punishment. Not private paddling either.

Once I was having a bad day, me and "highschool" sweetheart were having a bit of a spat. We sat next to each other so we were bickering a bit during class. Teacher had yelled at me to shut up and do the work. I sighed "Leave me the fuck alone"

bad move.

She called me to front of class and I got 5 licks of paddle in front of everyone. They'd stick finger in your belt loop and yank it up tight to put that extra sting on it. Embarrassing as hell! Even female older teachers who didn't paddle hard, it was just too embarrassing to get paddled, so kids behaved.

And of course if you refused paddling which you could but you'd take a zero for the day's work. few of those in a semester and no matter how hard you worked you were flunking that semester.

But the system worked.

It wasn't until they went crazy insane on political correctness, stopping corporal punishment, and putting cops/rent a cops/guards in schools and after the No Child Left Behind was signed into law, they severely dumbed down kids forcing the smartest to learn at the slowest kids pace. Doc's prescribing SSRI's like candy to kids in MASSIVE quantities, that schools in today's culture are crazy.

Hero Defends a Defenseless Blind Kid

rancor says...

I think twitching and other weird movement is normal after getting knocked out. I've only watched a little MMA, but seen it plenty of times. You can also see it in ride-along fighter jet videos where the pilot pulls G's until the passenger blacks out. While they're out and/or waking up some weird stuff happens.

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