Elon and Zuck are INSECURE Men

luxintenebris says...

do see this. it's a real phenomenon.

the irony is that the 'manly party' is one of the main causes of men not feeling like men. while the 'snowflakes' are the ones more likely to push for better education (affordability), higher wages...things that'd repair these very issues.

you can see it

but the far right (GOP by default) is a ball trap. a death cult. a 3-hole outhouse w/no moon for ventilation (it stinks).

We Don’t Perform for Free!

This monkey made his own lunch

You would survive the sun

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lucky760 (Member Profile)

I Built An Emordnilap Machine

I Built An Emordnilap Machine

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You must be getting tired of losing.

You side use the word nazi as if you even know what it is.

Pick a new trope, this is worn out.

Lets try this.

I hope you die a slow painful death you fucking winners .

That is more accurate WINNERS --
You side LOSERS--
Our side WINNERS.

JiggaJonson said:

I hope you die a slow painful death you fucking nazi.

Cars VS Trailer

I’ve Found The Darkest Brand Commercial

cloudballoon says...

Dark? I find it... enlightening, an absolute breath of fresh air in a sea of mediocre marketing landscape!

I’ve Found The Darkest Brand Commercial

BSR says...

HEY! Ease up on the ant. Pick on someone your own size, ya big brute!

siftbot said:

Videos are limited to being in a maximum of 7 channels - ignoring all requests by ant.

I find meatbag ant to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by ant.

Cars VS Trailer

I’ve Found The Darkest Brand Commercial

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