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newtboy (Member Profile)

A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”

Crows are intelligent but just how intelligent are they

newtboy (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

"The car-maker’s share price has cratered since Musk announced his buyout plan, shedding more than 30 percent of its value over the course of a month."

You're right about it being a relatively good time to buy the stock (always buy on bad news) but last I checked, you seemed keen around here

At the very least, unless you bought stock in Tesla before Dec 2020 - OR - very specifically the month of June 2021, you're in the Red. At worst, you're down 30%.

But you're right, it IS a great time to buy that stock...because it's doing so amazingly fucking incredibly poorly. However, what's the stock gonna do when the S.E.C. comes ah-huntin for them shady deals that Musk seems to be runnin by acting like a lunatic in thinly veiled price manipulation schemes???

One maxim i've found true, rich people get mad when you mess with their money. They even get mad when other rich people do it.

About your brain damage, how exactly is it joe biden's fault? EXACTLY?

bobknight33 said:

It’s a fantastic time to buy Tesla stock. Truly this is a “thank Joe Biden”

WRT to twitter musk trying to get a true sense of fake accounts and bots

Autism Simulator

JiggaJonson says...

i don't think that the visual hallucinations are a good comparison to what it can be like to be in an area where one can't concentrate like that.

In the middle of typing this I got distracted and opened up the Katydid eats a wart video that's trending here at the moment. in the middle of typing THAT two of my neighbors started mowing the lawn at the same time and my wife has all the windows open so I know what my allergies are going to do and i don't want to walk around with a headache all day so I better close them should I do it now or whehn i get don....

what was I saying?

The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

JiggaJonson says...

Effective January 1, 1996, leaded gasoline was banned by the Clean Air Act for use in new vehicles other than aircraft, racing cars, farm equipment, and marine engines.

Why not altogether? Who fuckin knows- prolly lead brained idiots think it's better for their farm equipment. They spew exhaust into the chief export of Indiana: Corn. You know, the syrup they put into basically every food you eat.

Fun Fact: "Lead does not biodegrade, or disappear over time, but remains in soils for thousands of years."

But hey, you can save a few pennies if you poison the entire planet for the next few thousand years now... so... VOTE REPUBLICAN

newtboy said:

The shocking part of that isn’t the brain dead decision process that makes them think that’s ok, nor the ignorance it takes to not switch to alternate fuel additives…it’s the fact that you can’t find the same thing in most red states. Economy over ecology is a right wing mantra.

The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

JiggaJonson says...

In indiana - you can somehow still buy Leaded gasoline at the pump

I thought that shit was federally illegal a long time ago. Go on challenge me anyone, say it aint so. I can give the name of a gas station - fuck it, here's the sign i have to drive by every day in this hardcore republican state I can't get the idiots to do anything about it,-85.6718487,3a,15y,30.06h,90.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sALPxpjsJZqFs88PGpUg81Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

This man is POTUS

JiggaJonson says...

Yeah. Exactly.

ONE OF THE WAYS we spend "foolishly" is by giving tax breaks to billionaires so they can spend part of it convincing dumb shetts like you that it's all the people who are workin three jobs and can't barely scrape by - convincin people like you that THOSE people are the problem
------------------->here's the rub

They gotta new plan!
This could be the one that could fix all the problems!

-->Step 1. Spend less on social services
--->Step 2. Give Billionaires EVEN MORE MONEY!

bobknight33 said:

There is only 1 way.

Stop spending foolishly

In the build back better only 30% was for roads. The other 70% is in a sense pork.
Spend what you need not what you want.

This man is POTUS

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

The dangers of a Russian energy superpower

newtboy (Member Profile)

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