Samwise R.I.P. April 9, 2012
Sam, my basset hound, died today. He has been sick for two months. It was mistakenly diagnosed as a stubborn abscess, but turned out to be cancer. We helped him today end his pain.
Sam has been my best friend (and online avatar) for years. He was 8 years old. He has a facebook page haha
I know I haven't been here in ages. But Sam represented me here for years. I wanted to tell everyone here. Cheers.
I am sorry to hear this news, your heart must be breaking. Some of my best friends have been and always will be the furry 4-legged type and I understand the pain you are feeling.
I know you don't know me but don't hesitate reach out if you need someone to talk to.
We had a Bassett Hound when I was a kid.
Barney was the coolest. Sorry swampgirl.
His pictures made me smile.
DFT and I send you much love and sympathy for your loss. sorry Swampy...
I'd offer you some pie. Really good pie. Sorry to hear about your loss.
Seems like Samwise had an awesome friend/owner.
Thanks for remembering us. Everyone misses you here.
I still feel the pain of looking into the eyes of my pancreatic cancer stricken four legged friend. The hurt it unique every time a loved one goes, no less from our four legged ones. I understand and weep with you.
So sorry Swampy
Tried to find something meaningful to say but the words just aren't there.
All I can say is, I'm sorry .. I wish it didn't happen .. and I understand.
We will all always remember Sam. Wigs, glasses and all. And we all miss you Swampgirl.
Sweet dreams Samwise.
When my cat Griffey got attacked by a dog, I was at work. I didn't realize how bad it was because I passed up the chance to leave during lunch and go visit her. Instead, I worked through lunch and got off early, but when I got to the vet's office, they were already closed and I couldn't see her. She didn't make it until I could finally get in. I really, really wish I could've seen her one more time just to let her know I cared about her.
I always feel stupid telling the story about my cat dying. We all know they're "little tragedies" waiting to happen, but that's the point. If you give them a good life, what more could they possibly ask for?
Sorry to hear about your loss Swampy, it's so hard to lose a part of your family. My deepest sympathies go out to you.
I'm sorry for your loss, @swampgirl
I'm so sorry to hear. Dogs are never with us long enough.
Sorry to hear about Sam . . .
Sam will be missed...but not as missed as you are
Sadness. Please receive these internet *hugs* They can not replace your puppy pal, but hopefully they can play a small role in helping to +1 your happy meter at such a time as is appropriate.
Sorry Swampgirl. I know how it is to lose a dear friend.
Thank you. He was a great companion. Life has been tough in general. Big changes are going on in my household. Hope to be coming back more often. Cheers.
I just saw this and I'm so sorry to read this news, swampgirl. I just lost one of my own a few weeks ago (Lucy, a mini-schnauzer) to kidney failure. Hope to see you around.
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