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Oddly hypnotic. I'd rather this than those painfully contrived Bud Light et. al type commercials where they go to lengths dancing around the point trying to paint a picture of sex and alcohol. This kinda cuts straight to the goods. Is it an actual commercial for Jim Beam? [5]


Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...


I'm wondering what the original concept for this started with. Maybe "I want you to come up with something that's as sexual as possible that can get past the censors?"


>> ^Sagemind:

... But totally sanitary as the Whiskey kills any germs or viruses present!


Viruses can live through alcohol. The simpler they are, as they're "dead" anyway, the easier it becomes for them to not be targeted by alcohol. Some have protective protein or other type of layers on their outer layer (or shell, whatever). Those are the ones that die; like influenza (I'm unsure if it kills ALL types of influenza), HIV, and I think Herpes simplex. However, other viruses like Herpes A (correct me if I screwed that up anybody, this is by rote memory) don't die. Viruses are just "lines of code" were as bacteria has structure, relies on it's environment and is just as susceptible to it's own "diseases" that come in the form of proteins, enzymes, or molecules (like alcohol). Alcohol can pass the outer layer of the cell walls and screw things up, plus it can cause water to get absorbed (I'm not sure if it would "pop" the bacteria, I think it just destroys the cell's integrity).

For all we know there ARE bacteria out there that can survive, but they'd have to be specifically setup in a way that the intrusion of the alcohol doesn't disrupt cell functions. For all we know they could evolve a surface that has a function that deals with alcohol. Of course, some have to survive in the first place or by random evolution hit the jackpot pertaining to alcohol; their structure is their major limitation in protection (one cell and dirt simple) . I also love how silver does it's thing to bacteria. Yes this is semi-off topic, but I live for science. *monocle smile* (do we have an emoticon, yet?)

I'm more scared of prions.
(of Mad Cow disease fame; really scary scenarios are possible if we get a full-on human version)


The first 10 seconds, sure, ok, let's have a kinky sip of scotch/bourbon, (whatever. They all taste like lighter fluid).. Then he's spraying supposedly HARD LIQUOR right into her eyes -- OUCH!!! Gag-inducing!!!
Jim Beam, your ad agency has been drinking too much of your samples.


>> ^Lolthien:

>> ^probie:
Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...

Jim Beam is made in Tennesee.

I think his point still stands. I think he just meant it came from some shitty place.

/I know, I know: DIAF, "one ticket", ...whatever...


>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^Lolthien:
>> ^probie:
Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...

Jim Beam is made in Tennesee.

I think his point still stands. I think he just meant it came from some shitty place.
/I know, I know: DIAF, "one ticket", ...whatever...

Hey, speaking as a guy from KY, bourbon is one of the very few things to be proud of from my state, so how about you back off just a bit and make fun of our senators or Rand Paul or something. But just leave our whiskey alone.


>> ^Lolthien:

>> ^kceaton1:
>> ^Lolthien:
>> ^probie:
Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...

Jim Beam is made in Tennesee.

I think his point still stands. I think he just meant it came from some shitty place.
/I know, I know: DIAF, "one ticket", ...whatever...

Hey, speaking as a guy from KY, bourbon is one of the very few things to be proud of from my state, so how about you back off just a bit and make fun of our senators or Rand Paul or something. But just leave our whiskey alone.

Well, hell, just make fun of my state instead: Utah! It's a gold mine! As long as you come for the sights and stay away from the small towns you'll do O.K.!

Plus Utah would have a collective heart attack if it was known for anything with alcohol in it.

/Didn't have my morning meal yet; I was looking for easy meals.


Saw her on TV again and remembered this commercial. Both of them are from a television show called "Kyle XY", the guy is Matt Dallas and the girl is Jaimie Alexander. You may recognize her from Covert Affairs(TV) or the new Thor movie, haven't seen the movie yet.

>> ^Porksandwich:

She's hot, and looks familiar...probably from a TV show as I haven't seen any movies in awhile.

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