Native Alaskan - "I wanted you to honor your responsibilities. That is what I wanted. I wanted you to be part of the political process instead of becoming a celebrity so that you could make whatever it doesn't matter" <transcript lists this last part as inaudible, correct me if I'm wrong>
Sarah Palin - "Talking point talking point talking point. I don't have to engage in a conversation if I don't even acknowledge you said anything!"
Also wtf is with that face she gives the woman when she says "I'm a teacher," @ 1:10
I'm going to interpret it as "Ohhh I'll bet you have a fancy degree too; well I ghost wrote a book bitch!"
For full transcript see:
EmptyFriendsays...I think the face she made about her being a teacher was basically "well shit, nothing i can really say here..."
i love the banner. "WORST GOVERNOR EVER".
moodonia"You belong to America now and that suits me just fine" Lol Teacher Burn!
PoweredBySoyGod that woman is a fucking moron.
"Out there fightin' for Americans to be able to have a Constitution so we can have free speech BLAH BLAH BLAH FIGHTIN' FOR CONSTITUTION AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH PROTECTION MAMMA GRIZZLIES!!!"
residuea *quality american not putting up with bs
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by residue.
ForgedRealitysays...Bitch is annoying. Can we get her on Jerry Springer to get the ever-loving shit beat out of her already?
No wait, she'd get paid to do that. Let's just organize an angry mob.
mgittlesays...My god...the pitch of her voice when she responds to stuff really sets my brain on fire. Oh..that and the content. I wish the teacher lady would've just continuously asked, "what does that even mean?" in response to her meaningless talking point crap.
ForgedRealitysays..."Fightin' for our Constitution, so we can keep havin' a Constitution.."
Bitch, u dum. Does she even know what the constitution contains? The Constitution has little to nothing to do with conflicts in the Middle East, and us being there has nothing to do with it either. We're there for money, not "so we can have a Constitution." Stupid bitch.
Her fucking irritating passive-aggressiveness at the end is the icing on the cake though. God I wish she'd go away so people would stop paying attention to her.
dystopianfuturetodayWhen ever I hear Sarah Palin attempt to speak, I am reminded of this clip.
JiggaJonson@dystopianfuturetoday that joke is overused, as is Billy Madison in general, to the point of being kitsch.
Here's a bit something new you can add to your reportage:
kymbosThat was immensely satisfying.
KnivesOutWhat's up with the fucking douchebags constantly trying to impede the camera in such an obvious fashion? Did they think they were being suave or subtle? Was that Todd? What a fucking idiot.
alwaysBilly Madison may be kitsch, but Jimmy Fallon never has been, nor ever will be, funny.
notarobot>> ^EmptyFriend:
The banner is its own best caption for the woman standing before it.
lantern53says...Sarah trying to be polite, conciliatory and accommodating to this one person who i doubt has any idea where Mrs. Palin actually stands compared to other Alaskan governors. She sounds a bit naive in that anyone who runs for an office like Pres. or VP automatically becomes a celebrity.
curiousity>> ^lantern53:
Sarah trying to be polite, conciliatory and accommodating to this one person who i doubt has any idea where Mrs. Palin actually stands compared to other Alaskan governors. She sounds a bit naive in that anyone who runs for an office like Pres. or VP automatically becomes a celebrity.
Umm, what? Seriously?
Her point was that Palin left the governor's office before her term was up. Initially Palin said that it was to get her family out of the spotlight. And to accomplish this, she had some books written (and promoted them), started touring the country to promote things (like the Constitution and stuff), and took a job as a Fox News consultant. Yep, those actions seem consistent with her initial statement of wanting to be out of the limelight, right? Bullshit. She failed to finish her term as Alaska Governor because she wanted to leave and earn more money. She saw a chance to cash in and jumped on it. Is that wrong? In my mind, yes - because leaving a public office before fulfilling your full term is not the same as just getting a new job. There is some honor and duty when you accept a public office position.
In conclusion, I think that your opinion lacks facts or logic and you should work on that.
Edit: I apologize for my peevish tone, but I don't take anything back. lol - I guess that's not much of an apology, eh?
Besides, Palin didn't fulfill her Oath of Office pledge, which states:
"I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion"
Purpose of evasion. Meaning, you can't just suddenly decide you don't want the job anymore and quit. Citizens don't want to elect people who aren't going to stick around for their full term. If Palin had said "yeah, I want this job but I may leave for something better" she wouldn't have even been on the ballot.
Palin left for the exact reasons that curiousity stated.
>> ^curiousity:
>> ^lantern53:
Sarah trying to be polite, conciliatory and accommodating to this one person who i doubt has any idea where Mrs. Palin actually stands compared to other Alaskan governors. She sounds a bit naive in that anyone who runs for an office like Pres. or VP automatically becomes a celebrity.
Umm, what? Seriously?
Her point was that Palin left the governor's office before her term was up. Initially Palin said that it was to get her family out of the spotlight. And to accomplish this, she had some books written (and promoted them), started touring the country to promote things (like the Constitution and stuff), and took a job as a Fox News consultant. Yep, those actions seem consistent with her initial statement of wanting to be out of the limelight, right? Bullshit. She failed to finish her term as Alaska Governor because she wanted to leave and earn more money. She saw a chance to cash in and jumped on it. Is that wrong? In my mind, yes - because leaving a public office before fulfilling your full term is not the same as just getting a new job. There is some honor and duty when you accept a public office position.
In conclusion, I think that your opinion lacks facts or logic and you should work on that.
Edit: I apologize for my peevish tone, but I don't take anything back. lol - I guess that's not much of an apology, eh?
ElessarJDsays...That wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped it would be. Basically, Palin continued to prove she's a Political Celebrity Drone and the woman voiced her disapproval. No "shutting down" occurred here.
lantern53says...I think it is possible she left office as she was being harassed legally with frivolous lawsuits and in order not to go into debt she had to make some money. Currently she is being forced to return checks to contributors who are trying to help her out.
It is undoubtedly difficult to govern a state when you are constantly preparing responses to legal suits and in the best interest of the citizens of Alaska, she turned it over to someone else.
jwrayIdiocracy was prophetic
quantumushroomAnd while Palin was governor what were the liberal vermin there doing? Why, filing spurious lawsuit after lawsuit against her, all of which were dismissed (but you know, those lawyers still want to get paid).
You can really feel the heartbreak from the
union repgovernment school teacher over Palin letting her down. Oscar-winning performance. Speaking of celebrities who know nothing about politics, has this woman ever heard of obama? Is the problem obscene money-for-nothing celebrities? How much does Filth Clinton make a year giving speeches?Will jumping Palin's shit distract attention from the jug-eared goofus in the White House, the worthless congress and massive failure that is obamanomics? Find out November 2nd!
dystopianfuturetoday^Why do conservatives like Palin? She is ignorant, shallow, rude, self absorbed, materialistic, corporatist, huge sense of entitlement, out of touch, small vocabulary, speaks in slogans and doesn't ever seem to fully understand anything, especially anything that she says herself. She is everything that is wrong with movement conservatives and therefore a perfect mascot in my opinion; so why would you choose a mascot that embodies so much fail? I don't get it.
Is it just that you want to fuck her?
You know, I don't even think fucking is in the question anymore. I personally couldn't do it, I don't care if she came in covered in whipped cream holding a plate of cheeseburgers, all the shear stupidity that pours out of that woman non-stop has removed any form of fuckability from her in my eyes.
GrimmMany "conservatives" don't like her and can't stand her either. There are "some conservatives" that like her and the only thing I can think of is that their hatred of the left is so strong that they are drawn to anything that is "anti-liberal" no matter what. For them logic doesn't enter into the equation.>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^Why do conservatives like Palin? She is ignorant, shallow, rude, self absorbed, materialistic, corporatist, huge sense of entitlement, out of touch, small vocabulary, speaks in slogans and doesn't ever seem to fully understand anything, especially anything that she says herself. She is everything that is wrong with movement conservatives and therefore a perfect mascot in my opinion; so why would you choose a mascot that embodies so much fail? I don't get it.
Is it just that you want to fuck her?
PoweredBySoy>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^Why do conservatives like Palin?
ponceleonAnd yet, Palin and her wretched brood will continue to capture the imagination of Americans because we have become a country of stupid, ignorant, intolerant assholes who are proud of this fact. She represents us. God-fearing, pregnant teen, book-burning, catch-phrase-spewing troglodytes.
We deserve her.
TangledThornsFor you ignorant Palin haters this video was posted by the same Shannyn Moore who lied that Sarah Palin was being investigated by the FBI last year. Good for Sarah Palin for speaking politely to the protester who was actually quite rude to Sarah.
When will the Left and America understand that Sarah Palin will make a brilliant leader for our country? Seriously, Obama is the worst president since Carter.
rougy>> ^TangledThorns:
For you ignorant Palin haters this video was posted by the same Shannyn Moore who lied that Sarah Palin was being investigated by the FBI last year. Good for Sarah Palin for speaking politely to the protester who was actually quite rude to Sarah.
When will the Left and America understand that Sarah Palin will make a brilliant leader for our country? Seriously, Obama is the worst president since Carter.
Seriously, pull your head out.
People like you will be the death of this country.
GrimmCan any of you Palin supporters tell us any one thing she has done to "protect the constitution"? That is such an empty statement that anyone involved in the political process could easily claim. The only thing she mentioned when asked this was that she is fighting for politicians who believe in the constitution. This assumes then she was campaigning against politicians who do not believe in the constitution...which constitution hating/dismantling politicians did she help defeat that would have been elected otherwise without her help?
Shepppard>> ^TangledThorns:
For you ignorant Palin haters this video was posted by the same Shannyn Moore who lied that Sarah Palin was being investigated by the FBI last year. Good for Sarah Palin for speaking politely to the protester who was actually quite rude to Sarah.
When will the Left and America understand that Sarah Palin will make a brilliant leader for our country?Seriously, Obama is the worst president since Carter.
>> ^TangledThorns:
The Obama WH is has shown nothing but failure this past Summer. From a out of control oil spill, firing a general during war time, and now firing a woman who shouldn't of been. Just shows that America elected a very inexperienced person for the job.
heh..hehehahah....hahaha..HAH...hahahahahahahahaha hah, ahhhhh.
aren't contradictions funny?
IssykittyYou BITCH-ya
xxovercastxxWhat about knowledgeable Palin haters; got anything for us?
>> ^TangledThorns:
For you ignorant Palin haters...
xxovercastxx>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^Why do conservatives like Palin? She is ignorant, shallow, rude, self absorbed, materialistic, corporatist, huge sense of entitlement, out of touch, small vocabulary, speaks in slogans and doesn't ever seem to fully understand anything, especially anything that she says herself. She is everything that is wrong with movement conservatives and therefore a perfect mascot in my opinion; so why would you choose a mascot that embodies so much fail? I don't get it.
Is it just that you want to fuck her?
I think you answered your own question: she's relatable.
peggedbeawas fucking EVER in the question???
1. she wouldn't have you
2. unless you're todd palin it's completely and utterly irrelevant
3. i can't believe you actually took the rhetorical douchebag bait intended for qm.
4. ad hominem, ad hominem, ad hominem.
>> ^Shepppard:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since January 9th, 2007" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#000000">dystopianfuturetoday
You know, I don't even think fucking is in the question anymore. I personally couldn't do it, I don't care if she came in covered in whipped cream holding a plate of cheeseburgers, all the shear stupidity that pours out of that woman non-stop has removed any form of fuckability from her in my eyes.
I don't care if in reality she wouldn't have me. In reality she probably wouldn't be covered in whipped cream and/or holding cheeseburgers. It's a hypothetical.
I gave my opinion on a topic, why you felt the need to single me out when others also responded to the same question, in a more meaningful and less playful manor I might ad, is completely beyond me.
Also, I'd like to point out that I didn't take any "bait". I was in no way defending or giving any form of explination as to what the right thinks about Sarah Palin, just, again, giving a silly opinion.
So, please, remove whatever is stuck up your ass, take two aspirin, and have a nice morning.
peggedbeaplease show me where in this thread someone else discussed how "fuckable" she is (or isn't), excluding of course dft's hypothetical question meant to invalidate qm's own opinion.
i "single" you out because you are the only one who made such a comment.
if you feel "singled" out by "whatever" is "stuck up" my "ass", you should read my comment history and you will realize that i make the same bitchface comments to all the thoughtless, unwise, latently sexist, white, middle class, male, proto facist comments i've ever had the displeasure of reading on this site.
if this is causing some butt hurt on your end, my prescription would be a quiet period of introspection and to reread your comments and wonder how on earth someone could up come with the aforementioned category to fit them into it.
if you can't find the answer, it's hopeless. unclench and the pain will subside.
budzos>> ^peggedbea:
please show me where in this thread someone else discussed how "fuckable" she is (or isn't), excluding of course dft's hypothetical question meant to invalidate qm's own opinion.
i "single" you out because you are the only one who made such a comment.
if you feel "singled" out by "whatever" is "stuck up" my "ass", you should read my comment history and you will realize that i make the same bitchface comments to all the thoughtless, unwise, latently sexist, white, middle class, male, proto facist comments i've ever had the displeasure of reading on this site.
if this is causing some butt hurt on your end, my prescription would be a quiet period of introspection and to reread your comments and wonder how on earth someone could up come with the aforementioned category to fit them into it.
if you can't find the answer, it's hopeless. unclench and the pain will subside.
What horseshit.
The question he was responding to was "Is it just that you want to fuck her?"
Take two more pills.
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