Ready, set, go! Noooooooooooooooo!

LiveLeak: As you go from 0 to 203 mph, there are certain things you just don't want to think about.

Oh like he was going to use it for anything other than something to hold onto for dear life anyhow.
I'm going 200+ mph and now I'm going to execute a u-turn.


>> ^doogle:

What kind of car/space shuttle is that?

It's a funny car. Which is basically a top fuel car inside of a "fake" shell. it's just a dragster with a shell on the outside of it. That shell does nothing to protect anyone, which is why the driver is sitting in that cage all back of the bus like. Whenever these things crash the only thing left is the damn roll cage.

Also that thing he hits near the end of the video is the chute release, I think. That seems most likely cause the car jolts as the chutes catch air.


>> ^Deano:

Somehow reminds me of things going tits up for Darth Vader.

I just want to say that this and many of the other comments for this video had me laughing out loud. I love this site.

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