"Kara" - Quantic Dream's real-time tech demo

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Article at Eurogamer

The actress: Valorie Curry

For a PS3 tech demo it's rather solid. Considering the environment and robotic arms are quite low poly, and that the vast majority go the character, it looks pretty solid. Add the modern mocap (developed by Weta Digital, used most famously in Avatar) it's fairly compelling.

Unfortunately so long as most game developers are working on console hardware so many generations behind, we'll never actually see this. I mean the most graphically impressive game is 'still' Crysis and that was made in 07. I personally suspect the next innovative game technologically will probably come from a small dev house, with good backers and enough time and expertise to really push gaming technically again. And of course the primary platform will have to be the PC.


Nice demo but rather pointless it being in real time.

without the back end for game play and with very specific camera angles you can do allot of things on old hard ware that look good and far above most games on the system.


I'm sure his kindness had nothing to do with her visual beauty.

"Your name is Guss and you will function as an overweight gas station attendant with an addiction to Coca-cola."

"But I like Pepsi."

"Wait. What!? That's not proper protocol, disintegrate his ass."

"But I want to live!!! I want to taste every flavor of Doritos! Please don't..."

"Shut it fatty! *BRAAAAP!"


>> ^mxxcon:

as a tech demo, it's shit.
as an emotional story, it's pretty good.

Funny, i was thinking the exact opposite. As a tech demo it's showcasing some very impressive facial animation. As a short story, it was poor. Cliched, convenient and rushed.

"You're defective, I have no choice but to disassemble you."
"Pretty please with sugar on top?"
"Oh, alright."

His reaction to her being sentient is as if this sort of thing happens a lot, not "Oh my god, how is this possible? Maybe we should study this" astonishment. If it does happen a lot, why let her free this one time? We don't get any feeling from him as this being the straw that broke the camel's back (could just be bad acting/direction on the male character's part). It's just "Oh, you're sentient. Ok, just this once I'll let it slide... Wow, what a weird occurrence. Ooo, it's lunch time!"


It's fine, he's not paid to think either, perfectly realistic
>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^mxxcon:
as a tech demo, it's shit.
as an emotional story, it's pretty good.

Funny, i was thinking the exact opposite. As a tech demo it's showcasing some very impressive facial animation. As a short story, it was poor. Cliched, convenient and rushed.
"You're defective, I have no choice but to disassemble you."
"Pretty please with sugar on top?"
"Oh, alright."
His reaction to her being sentient is as if this sort of thing happens a lot, not "Oh my god, how is this possible? Maybe we should study this" astonishment. If it does happen a lot, why let her free this one time? We don't get any feeling from him as this being the straw that broke the camel's back (could just be bad acting/direction on the male character's part). It's just "Oh, you're sentient. Ok, just this once I'll let it slide... Wow, what a weird occurrence. Ooo, it's lunch time!"


>> ^dag:

Is it really bad?>> ^conan:
should have made 200 instead of 300 languages, maybe her german would be better then :-P

on the grammar side it's perfect but the pronounciation is roughly the same as me trying to pass as native english speaker ;-) Especially the "...dritter Generation" sounds to german ears as if some speech synthesizing software from 1985 produced it :-)


Plot seen a million times, Curry did her role well, absolutely nothing in the tech side that seemed out of the ordinary for a demo. The only surprise was the straight up acknowledgement that it was designed as a sexbot, though the construction doesn't really look like that.

Why is this so high on the list again?


Maybe he's a construct as well. Just because we hear keystrokes and a bit of surprise in his voice doesn't mean he's human.
>> ^Ghostly:

It's fine, he's not paid to think either, perfectly realistic
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^mxxcon:
as a tech demo, it's shit.
as an emotional story, it's pretty good.

Funny, i was thinking the exact opposite. As a tech demo it's showcasing some very impressive facial animation. As a short story, it was poor. Cliched, convenient and rushed.
"You're defective, I have no choice but to disassemble you."
"Pretty please with sugar on top?"
"Oh, alright."
His reaction to her being sentient is as if this sort of thing happens a lot, not "Oh my god, how is this possible? Maybe we should study this" astonishment. If it does happen a lot, why let her free this one time? We don't get any feeling from him as this being the straw that broke the camel's back (could just be bad acting/direction on the male character's part). It's just "Oh, you're sentient. Ok, just this once I'll let it slide... Wow, what a weird occurrence. Ooo, it's lunch time!"

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