Cop Abuses Power Searching Star Trek Fan's Car For No Reason

Elaborate video made by a trekkie/trekker to (overly) document an elaborate traffic stop of a suspected drug smuggler.
Interesting for the many ways the police officer was caught in the act of bullshitting.

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At the point that the cop said he was free to go, he was. He refused the search, couldn't he have refused letting the dog sniff the car? After all, that is also a search by a law enforcement officer. He should have just walked away when he had the chance. But kudos to him for making a video detailing the whole incident.


The collateral damage from war on drugs is incalculable - we abuse the non-users and demonize non-violent people users. When will the world understand that doing drugs is not equal to being bad person? War on drugs is a social engineering failure. People who do drugs will always get them legally through prescription or illegally, no matter consequences.


only thing the poor guy was guilty of was having a out-of-state license plate.
cop was hellbent on searching his car, and just looking for an excuse.
the dog search thing was a total sham.

the star trek fan should know his rights better, but the cops like this should be fired.


Can a video be declared NSFW because of the advertisement before the video?

In the lottery of advertisements I saw "Billy Boy" for the smart cock (chicken). There were definitely some NSFW women walking around in a video that I couldn't skip.


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