Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman slapping Bill O'reilly

please watch to the end, it gets better by every minute. hahaha, i luv krugs facial-expressions when bill starts to explain fox.....

Ahhhh lets hope so....

I don't know about being slapped... BillO... used his tried and true... i'll simply yell louder and over your argument there by validating mine...


Bill is really, really scary. He KNOWS that there are the talking points, he KNOWS that Fox has far more conservative people on, HE KNOWS what he's saying is lies.

But he keeps doing it

With such anger

*shudder* People listen to and believe him.


The way someone would have to suspend all judgment and objectivity to be able to buy into the things he says is absolutely incredible... The degree to which they just have to be willing to say... I don't care WHAT comes out of his mouth... I'll accept it as absolute truth no matter how absurd or idiotic he appears...

really it's a remarkable phenomenon


It seems to me the loudest people on both sides of the aisle tend to take contrary positions simply because they are contrary. The idea that the other side is the enemy is ruining it for everyone in the middle.


as the "neo-conservatives" lose their credibility,mainly for being WRONG on just about everything,and with so many people leaving corporate mainstream media in droves and flocking to the internet and its host of independent media.we shall see mr o'reilly become more and more irrelevant.
sadly,this process will most likely be a slow one.which means many of our fellow citizens who listen to O'reilly for their news,will remain ignorant.
chief propagandist and host, bill o'reilly, should be ashamed of his continued slanting, partisan, hackery,but shame is an emotion where humility,integrity and honesty are essential.O'reilly has none of those characteristics,he is an egotistical narcissist.a self-aggrandizing tool for his corporate masters.
it will be interesting to see if his rhetoric changes if the democrats are able to repeal the 1994 FCC rules and break up the corporate media stranglehold.
but until that happens(unlikely)he will most likely remain a puppet,and corporate whore.spouting his mis-truths and outright lies,appealing only to the most base of the american public.


Bill is like seven years old in every interview I've seen him in. I used to like some of the stuff he did in the earlier days, but it has just gone straight downhill. I clicked on the video expecting an actual slap, rather than figuratively. Because that's something I'd like to see.


The fags from Fox news need to shut the fuck up, and let some one talk for once.

Some one should fucking jack jaw this fucktard.

EDIT: I let the anti bill orly gene get the best of me. But I wont take it back!


this was incredibly frustrating for me to watch... there really is some mind-blowing disrespect coming from bill o'reilly. regardless of what the issues are, his approach to 'debate' is just gross.

then again, i've had many arguments with people who think louder is better, and that ad hominem is the way to go. maybe they're just used to arguing over nascar engine noise about which beer is better: bud lite or miller lite? whatever the case may be, it's not convincing at all and makes me wonder about whomever is swayed by such belligerent over-talk


It's clips like this that leave me mostly speechless. Not because there's nothing to say but because the rage in me is louder than the peace. It has become so incredibly hard to calmly articulate responses to videos like this where the voice of reason and calm get drowned out by loud, angry, and completely unapologetic hate and ignorance. I despise the fact that my own feelings of hatred and anger precede my feelings of reason and decency. I want to call for bill's head on a plate at the top of my lungs even though I know it would only fuel the fire that's currently destroying my beloved country.
I don't recognize my home anymore, and at times I don't recognize myself.


>> ^MrConrads:
It's clips like this that leave me mostly speechless. Not because there's nothing to say but because the rage in me is louder than the peace. It has become so incredibly hard to calmly articulate responses to videos like this where the voice of reason and calm get drowned out by loud, angry, and completely unapologetic hate and ignorance. I despise the fact that my own feelings of hatred and anger precede my feelings of reason and decency. I want to call for bill's head on a plate at the top of my lungs even though I know it would only fuel the fire that's currently destroying my beloved country.
I don't recognize my home anymore, and at times I don't recognize myself.

A single upvote for your comment is not enough.

The saddest thing about hate mongers like O'Reily is that they raise hate within their opponents. In real life one simply ignores such people to remain sane, but O'reily is out there on television so it just eats you up.

I should seriously just avoid watching anything with him in it, because it's killing my blood pressure. lol


I really, REALLY just want to see the following: someone gets interrupted by o'reilly, the person then calmly tells o'reilly that was very rude and politely asks him to not do it again. Then he again politely asks o'reilly to not shove his finger in his face. This will have to be repeated a few times as o'reilly will no doubt ignore him. He then gives o'reilly a final warning that if he persists with this rude behaviour, he will be forced the kick the sh1t out of him. o'reilly will of course once again ignore him (as he is an egotistical megalomaniacal arse-fart). Person X then gets up and tears o'reilly another ring-piece.



I just had a thought. If Al Franken wins his Senate seat, one of the first places he goes should be BillO's show. And when BillO starts his blovating, like he always does, Senator Franken needs to say "I'm sorry Mr. O'Reilly, but this type of discourse is below the dignity of my office." And walk out.


>> ^MrConrads:
It's clips like this that leave me mostly speechless. Not because there's nothing to say but because the rage in me is louder than the peace. It has become so incredibly hard to calmly articulate responses to videos like this where the voice of reason and calm get drowned out by loud, angry, and completely unapologetic hate and ignorance. I despise the fact that my own feelings of hatred and anger precede my feelings of reason and decency. I want to call for bill's head on a plate at the top of my lungs even though I know it would only fuel the fire that's currently destroying my beloved country.
I don't recognize my home anymore, and at times I don't recognize myself.

See my downvoted comment for hate and anger.


I didn't really like this clip for a couple of reasons. 1.) Paul Krugman, an intelligent man and scholar, couldn't confront BillO in a meaningful way. It seemed that he like all of us watching was cringing at what Bill said, but instead of taking him to task and getting him to shut up, he seemed to bend under the pressure and wring his hands uncomfortably without getting a good word in edge wise. 2.) Tim Russert, rest his soul, never did his job in getting BillO to be quiet long enough for Krugman to finish a sentence or train of thought. He basically allowed him to MAINTAIN CONTROL BY BEING THE LOUDEST one present.

It's frustrating to me, because we all know that BillO is a sexual miscreant that barely knows US history, takes marching orders from the GOP, and smears more than he is actually smeared. Furthermore he lacks a firm understanding of the issues he's talking about, but finds small patches of words to cling to and say louder. He was the one blowing semantics out his ass about the economy, which is comical for his lack of foresight but sad when looking at the current state of things.

I'd like to see more interviews where he actually has an adversary with a sharper and louder tongue to pummel his lousy flaffel head into the ground. Then, in three years when his prophesied future doesn't exist, we can force feed him alternative energy, socialized health care and education, and he's damn well gonna like it!


Phelixian.. I think you are quite right and I agree.. but I think this laregely comes from inexperience...

What transpired on that clip is not how intelligent discourse and debate takes place... It is quite simply not how intelligent people discuss things... Billo... carried the 'discussion' the only way he is capable of. And unfortunately I agree, the vastly more intelligent Krugman did come across as a little bewildered... Really how to do argue against Billo's stupidity when his only real response is to reiterate it with increasing volume... There really can't be intelligent debate with someone like this.


Erm, when does the slap begin exactly? Figuratively or physically would've been sufficient.

I mean, it's advertised in the tiel. I was looking forward to it.


@ poolcleaner and NordlichReiter
That's exactly what I'm talking about. I'm starting to feel like I am both physically and mentally starting to reject the anger and resentment that I've harbored for the last 8 years. It wants to come out in the meanest, most destructive way possible, but I and possibly many others have reached a point where I just can't continue on with it. The anger that is coming from the McCain rallies is a good example of what I'm talking about. It has crossed the line and no longer exists in the realm of passionate partisanship. It has entered a destructive realm whos consequences I don't even want to begin to think about. On one hand I want to turn away and pretent that people like Bill O don't exist, if for no other reason than to help my own blood pressure but at the same time I'm not ok with giving people like him the last word and continue their destructive bigoted ways. I am just at a complete loss for ways to fix things.


And there by becoming what you despise MrConrads... I know very much how you feel... I don't think i've realized it as long as you have but can appreciate it just the same... It is very difficult at times not to shout back against ignorance... I find i have to often remind myself that responding in kind will only perpetuate that ignorance... and validate it in some ways...

It isn't always easy but I try to let my actions speak for themselves...

Feel free to remnid me of this ya'll, if McCain wins!...


If anything this and the current run up to the elections prove, it's not what you know, it's the conviction you can put behind it when saying it that count.


^MrConrads.. I agree. It makes me think of talking to my mom about George W., I'd always have to stop her from being hateful and tell that the only way to truly change someone like that is to love them and hope that your love can illuminate the errors in their ways. It sounds silly, but I really do believe that, even when I'd love to see BillO take a smackdown..... eh verbally.


bill o is an idiot and a bully of the worst kind. a disgusting piece of human being if there ever was one. and he is a defender of "judeo christian values". i puke on your values and piss on your fat wobbly neck.


I completely agree with you on that point and I hope that I have at least attempted to live my life as such. I sincerely hope that I haven't come across as a person completely consumed by hate and anger in this thread, but instead simply a person expressing a wider felt emotion. I'm just hoping for the best for everyone.
On a slightly lighter side note, every time I see an interview like this with mr. bill I think of the same joke.
What do you tell a man with two black eyes?
nothing, hes already been told twice.
usaully makes me smile

>> ^phelixian:
^MrConrads.. I agree. It makes me think of talking to my mom about George W., I'd always have to stop her from being hateful and tell that the only way to truly change someone like that is to love them and hope that your love can illuminate the errors in their ways. It sounds silly, but I really do believe that, even when I'd love to see BillO take a smackdown..... eh verbally.


Videos like these are why I keep coming back to videosift. Big props to the poster for finding this little gem. Though in defense of O`Reilly: He probably knew he was outmatched from the beginning, hence decided to play the bullshit-card.


That fucking guy really needs a bitch slapping, Krugman is too humble to do it. Bill O'Reilly is a terrorist sympathizer, end of story. Fox news is a extreme right wing propoganda wing, end of story. Colmes as a liberal representative on Fox? Give me a break. Someone really needs to shout that O'Reilly fuckwad into the ground some day.


there are people that make money by deliberatly being a fucking idiot and arguing the toss over things any normal person would understand.

but, to be honest, i think bill just is a fucking idiot. I've yet to see a single video of him in any shade of good light.


>> ^debu:
Why is it anytime someone stands up to this windbag it's a slap or pwnage? I've yet to see either..

I doubt you will actually ever see O`Reilly get "PWNED" on TV. He might be a douche, but he is also a professional.


I would never invite BillO if I had a talkshow. What's worse than being a moron is being a moron who's absolutely sure of things that just aren't true.


"It's part of our policy not to be taken seriously because our opposition, whoever they may be - in all their manifest forms, don't know how to handle humour, we're humorists, we're Laurel & Hardy, that's John & Yoko, we're willing to be the worlds clowns... The establishment irritates you - pull your beard, flick your face - to make you fight because once they've got you violent they know how to handle you. The only thing they don't know how to handle is non-violence and humour. " -John Lennon

Bravo to Mr. Krugman for not blowing up like Bill'O the Clown. Nonviolence, calm and collected communication is THE best way to be.

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