Biden and the June job reports

With reports of lowering gas prices and more job growth, Joe can now be praised for bettering the economy (since he controls ALL things) and Fox News admits they were wrong...


...or not.

More Americans w/jobs than at any time under the previous Ketchup Tosser. Now watch the creativity of the cons trying to spin sugar into sh*t.

*doublepromote good news making Trumpster’s heads explode
*quality leadership, only took 18 months to repair the wrecked economy left by the ex pant pooper in chief. Putting the union back together may be an impossibility, the damage Trump did there seems irreparable.

No doubt, the anti America crowd will find a way to either deny these statistics or do mental gymnastics to say they’re still awful, and tangerine Palpatine would have done much better (despite all evidence to the contrary).


Double-Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, July 9th, 2022 1:02am PDT - doublepromote requested by newtboy.

Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by newtboy.


I applaud the jobs #

But when you say *quality leadership, -- You are Sadly mistaken .

Putting Union back together -- you mean political payback for all the $ spent buying Biden / Democrats that Biden is now paying back the unions in favors?

So you are saying that You are in favor of big business buying our politicians and getting special breaks using American tax dollars.

What Trump damage. Went from a 0.2% GDP growth /yr to 2.5 + Growth. Obama touted that this0.2% was the new norm and Trump claimed BS. Trump said he wold crate jobs and Obama dumbly said how by waving a magic wand.

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

A strong work force is the only positive news of this Admin.

Biden and Democrat policies can make policies that help the American pocketbook but wont.

This biggest is the party stance on oil. Americans are getting poorer mostly from this fact alone. The party decided to cut out fossil fuels and go green. This decision is costing families hundreds of dollars extra, that they don't have every month.

Not just from the extra at the pump but also the extra cost to deliver goods and services .

Current media reports that this extra cost is running about 500$/month 6K$/year.

This is you man Joe, and his party's policies?

I just assume to keep Trump , mean tweets and all, and keep the $6 grand / year in my pocket.


*doublepromote good news making Trumpster’s heads explode
*quality leadership, only took 18 months to repair the wrecked economy left by the ex pant pooper in chief. Putting the union back together may be an impossibility, the damage Trump did there seems irreparable.

No doubt, the anti America crowd will find a way to either deny these statistics or do mental gymnastics to say they’re still awful, and tangerine Palpatine would have done much better (despite all evidence to the contrary).


Noooo….you still don’t like Biden. You still think self serving narcissistic Trump was a leader, but a lifelong frugal public servant isn’t. Nooooo! (I know there’s no breaking through your fantasy, bob. You are a lost cause, totally divorced from reality and totally uninterested in honesty).

No bob, I mean the Union…as in the United States of America. As in the Union vs the Confederacy. Trump nearly dissolved the Union, so much that Republican platforms now include secession as their goal. Derp. Another “L” for your column. Another dunce cap for your collection.
Republicans want to erase America out of infantile spite, but have no idea what to do afterwards. Better learn Chinese or Russian, red states can’t afford to defend themselves, you are all welfare queen states with the highest murder and crime rates.

Side note: But, this means you are anti union, so 100% anti worker? Really? What favors has Biden handed unions? Most unions (all you oppose) lobby for workers, blue collar employees. You would limit lobbiests to to those lobbying for billionaires and huge corporations (including religious corporations) that actively lobby against workers rights, pay, safety, ecological responsibility, hours, etc. Think about that.

You fucking moron, it went from 3.08% (higher than Trump ever reached) in 2015 under Obama to -3.5% in 2020 (the lowest ever in history). Who the fuck told you .2%? Who told you Trump left it at 2.5%? Overall Obama’s growth rate was actually 50% higher than Trump’s, and Obama inherited a deep recession, Trump inherited a boom. They outright lied to you, and you just lapped it up without ever looking. They’re feeding you poo pie bob, not chocolate. I really wish I didn’t have to spend so much time correcting your obviously fabricated statistics, especially since you only spout them to force a correction, getting you attention, not because you believe or even understand them. So you understand, printing 50% more money while your economy is in the worst contraction ever causes inflation, and that’s what Trump did in 2020 while focusing on the election he lost in a landslide and ignoring the pandemic and economy.

Jobs?!? Obama job growth was near 8% adding 12.5 million jobs, Trump was the only president ever to lose jobs, losing 3.2 million. Another 100% break from reality, buddy. I’m telling you, you need professional help.

Yes, Trump did turn us around, from a massive recovery and booming economy to massive economic losses, job losses, absolutely insane deficits and trying to double the debt, huge money printing in 2020 (magic wand waiving) that creates massive inflation (that he now blames Biden for), undreamed of losses of life, and teetering on the brink of depression and pandemic. He made us madder. For libs that means angry, for cons that means totally bat shit crazy with no ties to reality at all.

Far from it, lots of positive, but so much negative left from the previous one we are still in the red.

They have made policies that help the American pocketbook, Trump robbed it blind to hand to billionaires (and fake billionaires).

Who told you that lie. The Democrats have done everything they legally can to force oil companies to increase production and stop price gouging, Republicans all voted against doing anything, then claim “Biden’s fault”. No fossil fuel production has been cut. You’ve been lied to, and you aren’t intellectually honest enough to investigate for yourself…you don’t want to hear the truth.

Republicans are to blame for high fuel prices, Democrats are responsible for the recent lowering. Democrats are making efforts to lower them further, Republicans are 100% opposed to any actions.

Trump benefited on fuel costs thanks to the economic collapse he caused by denying and ignoring Covid for months, dropping the demand for fuel to nothing…not a good policy overall, or do you suggest killing another million and shutting down another year to lower gas prices?

Lol. You are claiming reports say the average American spends $500 more on fuel and goods per month than under Trump? What reports? Glen Beck, AON, or Rush Limbaugh’s ghost? Only if you are a trucker using hundreds of gallons of gas a month. Even in California, fuel cost has gone up less than 1/5 of what you say.

Trump cost you SO much more than $6k per year, over $60k per taxpayer on the official debt alone…and these extra expenses (probably $100-$200 per month tops) are thanks to Trump printing 1/3 of every dollar in circulation (inflation) and fuel supply and demand being out of hand intentionally because oil companies make more money by producing less, and aren’t nationalized so the government can’t force them to stop gouging.

Such nonsense bob. Your facts are all wrong, and since you won’t investigate you are just going to continue to believe the lies you were fed. The people you listen to are making money off your beliefs, bob, and they see you as a huge sucker they can convince of anything and get your money or support for their America destroying “get me richer quick” schemes.


Summary, since I don’t think you can read that much.
Union = United States Union, not unions
Gdp- Obama 1.59% rising consistently during his presidency Trump 1% falling precipitously to the worst ever in history. Also never beat Obama’s high.
Jobs- Obama added 12.5 million, Trump lost 3.2 million
Debt- Obama added $9 trillion, ending a recession and creating a boom over 8 years. Trump added $8 trillion on the books (and trillions more off the books) in 4 years ending a boom and creating a recession
Deficit- 2020 was the biggest budget deficit ever by >200% at $3.13 trillion and added well over $4.2 trillion to the debt that year, way more than 2021 at a still horrific $2.7 budget deficit but ending adding only $1.5 to the debt.

Oil/gas price - all cost cutting measures opposed by Cons.


I applaud the jobs #

But when you say *quality leadership, -- You are Sadly mistaken .

Putting Union back together -- you mean political payback for all the $ spent buying Biden / Democrats that Biden is now paying back the unions in favors?

So you are saying that You are in favor of big business buying our politicians and getting special breaks using American tax dollars.

What Trump damage. Went from a 0.2% GDP growth /yr to 2.5 + Growth. Obama touted that this0.2% was the new norm and Trump claimed BS. Trump said he wold crate jobs and Obama dumbly said how by waving a magic wand.

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

A strong work force is the only positive news of this Admin.

Biden and Democrat policies can make policies that help the American pocketbook but wont.

This biggest is the party stance on oil. Americans are getting poorer mostly from this fact alone. The party decided to cut out fossil fuels and go green. This decision is costing families hundreds of dollars extra, that they don't have every month.

Not just from the extra at the pump but also the extra cost to deliver goods and services .

Current media reports that this extra cost is running about 500$/month 6K$/year.

This is you man Joe, and his party's policies?

I just assume to keep Trump , mean tweets and all, and keep the $6 grand / year in my pocket.

luxintenebrisjokingly says...

So jobs are plentiful...

'Tho to get real for a bit...

California's on fire (Don couldn't even pronounce 'Yosemite'), NATO is prepping for conflict, the US is trying to handicap Russia, SCOTUS is on a political rampage - culling freedoms and national protections, Congress is convincing America it WAS a coup attempt, a Taiwan invasion is palpable and we are coming out from under a pandemic, etc, etc, people are unhappy?

it's when things are bad we need our best. and your [RE:BK33] choice is no choice - much like SCOTUS. don't believe in cults. nor paralyzing a person's ability to divine reality. no cult of the golden daft. no endless tripe from the right.


What an amazingly inaccurate statement.

Contextually, during Trump, I ended up with less money in my pocket. If you're going to be absolutist, you're completely wrong. The question you now have to ask is ... just how wrong are you?

Out of context, there are so many ways Captain Orange made us worse. What you're saying with this one statement is so worshipping that you really need therapy, unless you're a white nationalist bigot woman hating insolent xenophobe, which he pushed into the mainstream and made the US a laughing stock in the world.

Note I'm not saying you are, truly, but captain orange is a really really bad person and should not ever be the national leader of anything - except a poster child of how not to behave and model your children from. The only reason he survives at all is R solidarity and horse-blinder politics.


Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.


Moving this video to luxintenebris's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.


"Take the blinders off. Make sure you step back and see what's going on." Stephen Ayres - Trump Supporter J6 Committee Witness Pleaded Guilty


Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.


100% correct.
You ended up with less because of why?
What happened?
Did Trump take your job or did Democrats shut down you employer? Or other?

Trump isn't tanking the economy. What is Biden doing to curb inflation?

Under Trump I was getting min 20% /year growth in 401K/IRA.
Now I get dick. Make America Great Again, Yea, he was.

How much more $ do you have to spend compared to under Trump?

Inflation at 9% How is that helping. Make Americans poor again?


What an amazingly inaccurate statement.

Contextually, during Trump, I ended up with less money in my pocket. If you're going to be absolutist, you're completely wrong. The question you now have to ask is ... just how wrong are you?


Creating 1/3 of every dollar out of thin air will do that, so will -3.5 gdp growth and losing millions of jobs….all Trump legacy. 😂

Then let’s not forget the majority of the 1 million deaths, not a laughing matter.


100% correct.
You ended up with less because of why?
What happened?
Did Trump take your job or did Democrats shut down you employer? Or other?

Trump isn't tanking the economy. What is Biden doing to curb inflation?

Under Trump I was getting min 20% /year growth in 401K/IRA.
Now I get dick. Make America Great Again, Yea, he was.

How much more $ do you have to spend compared to under Trump?

Inflation at 9% How is that helping. Make Americans poor again?


So if I understand you, you're basically saying that if T-rump farted in the White House just before he left and then Biden was blamed for the odor?


Creating 1/3 of every dollar out of thin air will do that, so will -3.5 gdp growth and losing millions of jobs….all Trump legacy. 😂


Yes, I am, thank you.

I don't think many R's are truly interested in a rational debate. So I wont engage. And that doesn't mean you're right.

It also doesn't mean that the current problems aren't the result of actions and inactions of the R side of politics as well. They need their talking points and blame games. We know where the problems are. It's not Democrat. The R's had a way to fix this but they won't allow any wins. It's childish. We all suffer as a result.

I don't blame Capt. Orange solely. I blame the entire GOP.

We will remember.


100% correct.


the concept that an R has to vote R is akin to mental illness. a serious disfunction in preception.

when Mitch the Turtle was up for re-election, he polled at 13% for how well KY citizens thought he did his job but 26% said they would vote for him (at the time of the poll).

that translates to 1/4 of KYians unable to conceive having a choice. Cult over civilization.

that's f'n stupid¹⁰.

how could a Blue be WORST than 3/4 awful? seems real, really, really pessimistic. In many Red states, it is still 40% Blue. wouldn't that mean 40% failure rates across the communities? sincerely doubt most people could pick 40/100 Blues out a crowd, even at a RATM concert.

It's fodder from the bull shute.


[edited for brevity]

What he said.

luxintenebrisjokingly says...

give it up buttercup.

watched and waited for the '08 crash - then doubled investment in 8 mos.

so should be thankful for the GOP and W?

to believe the economy moves on a dime or by the will of the sitting President - have a bridge willing to part with....

can't think like yourself. not sage, safe or sane.

SIDEBAR: many conservatives can't get past FDR. they say w/o WWII, the Depression would have gone on longer.* that FDR only made it last longer...

...well thank GOD for Hitler?!

* [Kinison Theory at work - which was quickly dismissed when Obama wanted to use the idea]


[edited for brevity]

bob being bob

100% correct...etc.


no kidding.

knew the grid was in trouble the movement it went private.

sure wasn't as strong of a 'feeling' as watching Regan hasten in the Savings & Loan fiasco...but knew what was coming. like watching a dog lifting its leg; who's gonna be shocked by the outcome?


Sure beats a treasonous infantile dictator and Con policies….


love watching boob get destroyed. and like the idiot bewb is, keeps coming back for more beatdowns. not sure who the dolt thinks he is convincing but its lol to watch him bat 0.000


This is your WOW guy . See he ( trump) is guilty guy.
One side no cross.


"Take the blinders off. Make sure you step back and see what's going on." Stephen Ayres - Trump Supporter J6 Committee Witness Pleaded Guilty


I love looses like you watch blindly such 1 side news and drink it all up.

You and your ilk are fools. Ignorant fools.


love watching boob get destroyed. and like the idiot bewb is, keeps coming back for more beatdowns. not sure who the dolt thinks he is convincing but its lol to watch him bat 0.000

newtboyjokingly says...

Clearly, unambiguously, blindly, 100% projection.
Cranial rectosis IS curable…but you have to want to be cured, and be willing to pull hard then wash the shit off your face.

PS- what are “looses”? How do you watch them blindly? WHAT???


I love looses like you watch blindly such 1 side news and drink it all up.

You and your ilk are fools. Ignorant fools.


Plenty of WOW guys and gals, all of which were Trumpist heroes above reproach to your ilk before they testified. Here’s a small sample….

See…he, Trump, IS guilty guy, that’s why all the testimony and evidence points that way.

Trump and Giuliani and other conspirators refuse to testify….and you whine it’s unfair you don’t hear their “side”.
Edit: Bannon was just convicted on two counts for refusing to testify or turn over documents, more coming. Up to two years in club fed.
Hmmmmm….I wonder why we only get “one side”. Couldn’t be because the “other side” won’t even show up, no, must be because they won’t allow them to speak…yeah yeah, that’s it. 🤦‍♂️

One side boycotted the investigation outright. Now you whine you aren’t represented.

Too bad you are too thick to grasp this isn’t a trial with cross examination, but I know the feigned ignorance is just a blanket you clutch and suck. It’s a bipartisan investigative committee hearing.


This is your WOW guy . See he ( trump) is guilty guy.
One side no cross.


It feels like Biden has divided opinion so comprehensively that the two sides can't find any common ground. They each think the other side is the work of the devil and so are unable to take legitimate concerns seriously.

Speaking from a UK perspective I don't like either side, but I see what Biden and his crew are doing around the world and they seem to be an incredibly dangerous administration. Lighting fires and inflaming tensions in countries across the world.

He's upset the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians hate him, so do most of the middle east and Latin america.

Europe has a bleak future ahead of it thanks to Biden and his energy sanction push, and no one seems to have a clue what to do about it.

I'm really starting to miss Trump.


"Europe has a bleak future ahead of it thanks to Biden and his energy sanction push, and no one seems to have a clue what to do about it."


Either you have absolutly no clue about the thing you are talking about or you lie. Mostly to yourself.


It feels like Biden has divided opinion so comprehensively that the two sides can't find any common ground. They each think the other side is the work of the devil and so are unable to take legitimate concerns seriously.

Speaking from a UK perspective I don't like either side, but I see what Biden and his crew are doing around the world and they seem to be an incredibly dangerous administration. Lighting fires and inflaming tensions in countries across the world.

He's upset the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians hate him, so do most of the middle east and Latin america.

Europe has a bleak future ahead of it thanks to Biden and his energy sanction push, and no one seems to have a clue what to do about it.

I'm really starting to miss Trump.

newtboyjokingly says...

Lemme guess, you’re a Brexit guy who’s now totally against it.


It feels like Biden has divided opinion so comprehensively that the two sides can't find any common ground. They each think the other side is the work of the devil and so are unable to take legitimate concerns seriously.

Speaking from a UK perspective I don't like either side, but I see what Biden and his crew are doing around the world and they seem to be an incredibly dangerous administration. Lighting fires and inflaming tensions in countries across the world.

He's upset the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians hate him, so do most of the middle east and Latin america.

Europe has a bleak future ahead of it thanks to Biden and his energy sanction push, and no one seems to have a clue what to do about it.

I'm really starting to miss Trump.

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