Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train

Snifff Snifff. It has been brought to my attetion, and I sub-sequentially threw some chum overboard to a fellow sifter, and some fish showed up, to round-a-bout fail, to answer a direct and simple couplea questions-rather than point a finger, I would ask them here to show yerself and answer the question regarding the links posted here all coming from 1 account, on youtube. I'm probly' being overtly cautious, but it was beginning to wax a trifle activity free, this loverly evening....Cheery-oooh's???!!! Who art thou, slinky one???
choggie says...

nothing like yours fedquip, whom I am happy to say I dig as much or more as I did before that tirade...this is simple dimple, squeeze a pimple, and I suspect the reasonable explanation, will garner some chiding and hand-slapping.....for me.

thesnipe says...

The honorable thing is to come out and this point and explain yourself, it's no secret anymore mr/ms. x self linker. Rectify the situation with us please before you need to be called out publicly and go through what fedquip did.

karaidl says...

I've looked into the posts in question, it's quite suspicious.

Suspicious??? All the videos are coming from one source, and on top of that, they've all been uploaded recently to YT and have very few views. The only thing that could make it more "suspicious" is if s/he put "Lelf-sink" in the tags.

It's a shame though. It'd be a lot easier if s/he hadn't made bronze yet, not to mention we're losing a charter.

Lilitu says...

You folks should be ashamed. I upload local copies of all my vids to YouTube so that I never have to have links go *dead. I intentionally make the description and tags vague so they can't be found in a search and I won't get a takedown. Hence the low YT views. I'm shocked that this is interpreted as some sort of conspiracy. It's just smart sifting, sorry you all aren't doing it too. Ppl need a new passtime.

karaidl says...

Huh... now why didn't I notice that before?

Anyway, I personally don't have a problem with sifters archiving their own vids. I've actually thought about it before, but ultimately I'm too lazy.

I can already see a big debate coming over the horizon on this one.

Ppl need a new passtime.

We take our site seriously. A dedicated community is what makes it great. I don't understand why you would have a problem with that.

Lilitu says...

> We take our site seriously. A dedicated community is what makes it great. I don't understand why you would have a problem with that.

Karaidl, you're a wonderful sifter and I love you dearly, but some very venemous and slanderous things were said in this thread just because someone did things different than the rest. This smelled a lot more to me like witch-burning than dedication.

Woland says...

We know where you're coming from with regards to wanting to share quality videos and wanting to ensure they don't die. But you're on a bit of shaky ground at the moment considering you broke the rules, so please do respond again and calmly present your side of the story, and I think you'll find some sympathetic folks.

Lilitu says...

Hi again lilitu, I see you responded again before I posted.

As a new Sifter myself, I think, but can't tell for sure, that there's been some history of self-linking transgressions that have solidified VideoSift's stance on the self-linking rule, and you have self-linked egregiously. You probably didn't intend it, but you did break the self-link rule, and it's pretty clear that the consequence is banning.

Your new tone is going to get you a lot farther in terms of discussing this, and possibly being welcomed back, but I think the rules are pretty clear. Good luck.

Lilitu says...

Sorry Woland, but I don't understand how I broke the rules. If I see a good video I post it. Then I download a copy and upload it to my YouTube account and eventually update the link to point to a copy I have control of. This isn't self-promotion since I'm *intentionally* hiding my YouTube account. If I'm breaking the rules I'll happily accept the censure -- I haven't read the rules in the past few days -- but I really don't see how this is bad behaviour. Please explain how I've been "called out".

Lilitu says...

Incidentally, some folks need to do some research about what "self-linking" is. I've posted many videos where I took a great scene from a classic film, clipped it from the original, encoded it, uploaded it to my YouTube account then posted it to the Sift. Are you suggesting that great movie clips can't be uploaded by fellow sifters, that this is somehow "egregious" self-linking?

Woland says...

Hi lilitu, as a new Sifter myself, I understand your point completely, and it is a bit weird, and very confusing, but there are good reasons behind the rule.

I'm sure someone more senior will step in and describe it better than I can.

I still imagine you'll be banned and your videos discarded, but your taste in art is obviously shared by many people here, and I hope you stick around.

Lilitu says...

Woland, I'm one of the only people actually posting *original* and *new* content to VideoSift, and you've somehow twisted it such that if I submit something I created -- or rather captured -- it's grounds for bannage. If I created the clip then it will only be hosted by me. I can't change that. Move on...

Woland says...

OK, after posting the following privately to lilitu, I received this response: "Woland, you need to eat shit." I think it's clear I no longer have any interest in seeing her / him back:

Hey, just wanted to say that I'm just as confounded by the self-link rule as you are, but I don't think you're gonna get out of this without a ban. Just roll with it, say you're sorry, create a new account and come back. They will welcome you back.

You obviously have phenomenal insight into art, and you can find most of your current clips on YouTube without having to "self-link."

People on VideoSift clearly like what you like, so you can get back up to speed quickly. Don't take it personally: old-time VS folks have been through this debate many times, and it's been decided to be pretty harsh on any sort of self-linking, even if it isn't self-promotional in any way.

Hope to see more of your videos on VS soon!


Lilitu says...

Woland, you misunderstand. You really need to piss off. This witch hunt was ridiculous and unnecessary. You are the only person still pursuing this. Please leave me alone and stop harrassing me by IM...

silvercord says...

Lilitu, this is what it says on the submission page:

If you uploaded the clip, you are not permitted to link it here. This is considered a self-link, and is a bannable offense.

Maybe you missed that part. This has been discussed ad nauseum here on the Sift and those of us who have content we've captured or that is somehow proprietary have found that others are more than willing to host those clips for us.

I'd rather not see you banned, however hosting your own clips is a good start down that road. There are several of us here, myself included, who would be happy to put those clips in our own YouTube accounts for you.



P.S. - this isn't a "witch-hunt." It's a Siftquisition.

See here:

mlx says...

One point of the no self-linking rule, to me, is to prevent the Sift from being used as a tipping point for global web popularity for a particular video or website by someone not really interested in our community. The rule provides transparency for the Sift, it gives us credibility as arbiters of quality videos online. Without it there'd be nothing but lap dance videos on the front page.

Fedquip set up a youtube group to solve some of the issues you use in your defense, and there have been several times that other Sifters have hosted a clip for me on their youtube account to save a dead vid. So there are ways to keep your vids here, but it's done within the shared community. I'm fairly sure that VS 3.0 will alter some of this policy, perhaps saving a dead video by uploading a local copy could be addressed. I see you have a good eye (and perhaps a short fuse), but hope you can understand this and want to be civil and work within our system as it is now.

choggie says...

I still don't get it....lilith, did you make these viddies???? oh I geddit, clever and convenient justification of rule breakin', like when I steal from Walmarts and Home Depots??? Hey woland, I have said fuck you before to a fellow sifter, and now they won't never talk to me any more....boooooo hoooooo!!! Funny thing is, that same sifter is one of the special folks that makes this place, such a great diversion......

ok lilitu, here's my particualr peave, stated here again, in simple verbiage. Creepy answers to straight forward questions means ya got something to hide, and know yer doing wrong-Asked you the questions that led to this post in private, and now it's here-i ain't no meany, just like to know the terrain I travel-this is way better than a birthday party, look, all these new pals are showing up, and they probably are gonna bring a couple of presents!

Lilitu says...

Silvercord, do you really think I could get someone else to host a video for me? The pitchforks and torches came out just because someone new managed to get a copper star. I get it, I capitulate. No new members allowed unless you're a friend of an existing member. I will leave the sift alone, you have my promise.

raven says...

Lilitu, I suggest you change yer tone about this whole thing, remove your self-linked vids and start afresh... I'm sorry this sucks for you, but rules are rules hon, we've enforced them in the past and -as cool a member as you seem to potentially be- we can't make an exception this time around... I'd like to avoid banning you, but it seems we might have to, especially if you keep on telling people to fuck off- just a little bit of remorse can go a long way with us

raven says...

... the pitchforks and torches came out not because you have a bronze star... please stop looking at this in that way... we like new members, and I was really happy to invite you into my collective -was really looking forward to see what you could post- but rules are rules, and by your own admission, you've been breaking them, so, like I said, lets avoid a bannage and start afresh? eh?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I agree. This is an infraction, and you have only been finger wagged - just get with the program and move on. For the record, Fedquip was a gold star when he was put to the Question.

Lilitu says...

Hi Raven. Thanks, but I would appreciate if folks would just complete the ban. Rules are rules, but also common sense is common sense. I thought I was contributing to the sift, I was wrong.

bluecliff says...

There's no need to quit. In a way this all my doing.

These are all common occurances, which can be easily rectified.
Mr. choggie is a nice guy
dag is a nice guy
karaidl s just fat

overall this is a peachy-clean community of boyscouts who sometimes turn pornographers
sometimes lunatics.

The only rule is the self link rule.

It doesn't have to be this way... is all that I'm saying

choggie says...

yeah, wrong adjectivos if ya wonder to me, alright deano, watch it buddy, you can reeeaaal close to *bannin' me outa turn,wait till ya look at who posted before wavung that weapon around....

choggie says...

well, according to my calculations, we're this user blogged properly, they'd a been appealing to the admins er sumpthin' already...I'm all for ban if she don't swallow the ego and admit the infraction....yeah deano, it's a defensive posture in the face of denial, seasoned with some bullshit entitlement issues.....and attachment, lotsa stuff....if anyone want's, tey can come to the sifter's coffe haus, and take a spin on Choggie's Couch

joedirt says...

yeah, you guys are on the wrong *ban wagon...

WTF.. This one is lame. The discussion should have been about uploading content.. And it's not necessarily like the person was trying to create popular #1 YT user of the year. I think stuff like this is lame.

Choggie, save this for people who have ten HEAD ON ads from one acct. Or stuff that is more exciting than genereic MTV videos.

bamdrew says...


the sift is a fun game for me; I have a great memory for weird music videos, short films, etc., often ones that are hard to find on youtube. When I find and sift one of them its like collecting fossils or seashells or something. Then when that link goes dead, well,... its simply a reminder of the impermanence of this mortal coil! ... and I move on adding more junk to my little collection of crazy vids.

That said, I've lost a number of really fun things, but its not like we're archiving the universe of video entertainment; we're sharing enjoyable things with others who might enjoy them. There is already no way you're ever going to watch everything on videosift that you'd enjoy watching... (probably)

karaidl says...

I didn't honestly see anything wrong with it. JD's right, she wasn't trying to give her YT s/n a boost. The whole account was made for the purpose of uploading to VS. But whatever...

I think Lilitu might be outta here. She's killed all her queued.

bamdrew says...

yeah, i noticed that too, karaidl. and I tend to agree. possibly its a 'slippery slope' sort of argument that someone would throw at your comment... rules are pretty clear, too, in attempting to avoid confusion. doesn't have to be black and white here, but it is.

choggie says...

I knew after a bit that the innfarckshun was an innocent exercise in personal twist....again, not so concerned about some egregious crime of self-linking, some sneakin' about and getting away with weirdo-ness, this poor kid was having fun here, and, wtf, paying for the site's physical plant-Called the sifter out, anon(someone else mentioned the name) and maintained my self-motivated position, that desirous of a chagrined, sincere, explanation......not a defensive, whining tantrum.....jeez, who ya feelin' sorry for???

Lilitu??? Come on back-if you'll notice, there are folks here with sincere appreciation for your contributions, and that share your tastes-I am one of them. You haven't even been dragged across coals, if anyone should suffer embarrassment it should be meeeeeeee! the sands of the hourglass, so are the days of our lives

pho3n1x says...

you know... i'm just sick of people saying to themselves... "self, i see the no self-linking rule, but instead of attempting to clarify with ANYONE AT ALL what this means, i will just move forward with my links and consider myself an exception."

"this rule is stupid"
"this rule didn't apply to me"
and more recently, "Rules are rules, but also common sense is common sense."

common sense is to clarify with the admins and/or senior users what the rule means if you don't understand it.

highdileeho says...

While reading this I felt as though I was transported back in time. The characterization was strong, the plot marvelous. I see the Joe Dirt sucker punch as being the climax, but felt the resolution to be 'shallow and pedantic'.

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