No *promoting until the vid is ineligible for Top 15

Hooray for titles that sum it all up!

There are two videos sitting at the promoted part of the front page currently. While they are fantastic (I upvoted both), it gives them an unfair edge against all the other sifts to reach the Top 15.

I think the *promote invocation should only be used to recall older videos which can no longer be awarded with a top position.

At the very least, users should not be allowed to self-promote vids which are still less than 4 days old.

I have opinions!
Edeot says...

The third one is 3 months old, so not what I was referring to.

Don't really understand that second part there, Schmawy, but uh... I'll get my raincoat.

kronosposeidon says...

Though I wish the * promote function was only for older videos, I can't say the current system is unfair. Everyone earns power points, so everyone can promote their own videos if they like. It's not as if a select few people have this privilege. And if you're low on power points, fix a Dead Pool video. Sometimes it's hard to find one to fix, but it's not impossible.

And what schmawy meant was that the word you should be using is "allowed," not "aloud."

Edeot says...

^Few people have the ability to promote. It's for Gold 100s.

[Edit] - And as for self-promotes, sure, anyone can do that. Doesn't mean they should. I could kill all the videos in my sifted section. But I shouldn't.

What I'm saying is opening up a system for abuse and then crossing your fingers isn't a great way to handle things.

I'll go ahead and fix that typo now.

kronosposeidon says...

^I'm not saying I like it; I'm just saying it's not unfair because everyone can self-promote. I started off by saying that I wished promotes were only for older videos, but then went on to explain that everyone can self-promote. The universal ability to promote your own videos is fair.

Ornthoron says...

I've been thinking for a while to start a poll about the selfpromote, and maybe remove it entirely. It used to be a good equalizer that encouraged going charter and buying power points, but now that we all can easily get stuffed with power points from comments and dead pool fixes it seems to do more harm than good.

deputydog says...

i heartily agree with sir edeot. promoterie functions should be limited to older sifts.

however, a seperate section of my brain has just quickly disagreed with myself. sometimes a video's just too good not to be immediately promoteried. maybe there needs to be a limit. or another front page. hmmm. that's it! another front page!! double the width of the homepage so i have to scroll across for ages to see the plethora of promoted vids. and put everything in frames. i love frames. and make the promoted vids flash constantly until the promotion's finished. i have more ideas.

over to you lucky.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^I agree with that rebel part of your brain.

I'm glad that eligible members have the ability to promote new, but incredibly good posts as required - otherwise something that belongs in the top 15 might slip through the cracks, especially if it's posted at an inopportune time.

lucky760 says...

I have to agree with dag (or he'll hurt me).

There are often great videos that go unnoticed. That's just the nature of the beast when there are more submissions than many members can browse through.

I think having a problem with promote makes an assumption that promoted vids always succeed, but more often than not, in my research I've found that a promoted video doesn't get many more votes.

Oh, I know! Why don't we just show a list of 4 or 5 promoted videos side-by-side with just thumbnail and title instead?

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