Weekly Achievements for 04Aug13 thru 10Aug13
#1 Video
How Germans on the Autobahn React to Ambulance Siren by pumkinandstorm
Body language in cats by pumkinandstorm

The Gravity Gun by lucky760

Idiot in Lexus LX vs Two buses. Karma justice by dilo83
Police arrest woman after request to see warrant by pumkinandstorm

Oh deer by pumkinandstorm

Conan Catches his Producer, Jordan Schlansky Coming In Late by pumkinandstorm

Double wall ride frisbee trick shot. by ant

Jacob tries the Oculus Rift (roller coaster) by RFlagg

Top 15 Videos
Dr Apologizes for Being SO WRONG About Medical Marijuana by pumkinandstorm
Stephen Colbert Dances to Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" by pumkinandstorm

Seeking Justice for a Stolen Amazon Package by pumkinandstorm

Jimmy Kimmel: Guillermo Crashes Matt Damon Interview by pumkinandstorm

Push-Up Bra in Thailand by pumkinandstorm

The Notebook Rain Kiss in Real Life by ant

Brave man frees coyote caught on a fence by walle reached #2
Greatest Vines 2013: Best Vine compilation of 2013. by ant

Bank of America Employees Were Told to Lie to Home Owners by pumkinandstorm

If an American Football Coach Coached Soccer by tedbater

Car Transport Fail by PlayhousePals

Kitten Stalking by PlayhousePals

Amazing RC Model Yak130 RusJet 2013 by oritteropo

Mosquito Mouthparts Find a Blood Vessel by nock

Fat Cat Through A Small Doggie Door by Fusionaut

Clueless Gamer Throwback Edition: Atari 2600 by PlayhousePals

Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model by randeepsamra

Learned Helplessness by blankfist

Wet Dog by PlayhousePals

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her by pumkinandstorm

Woodworker does crazy stop motion video of his project by pumkinandstorm

Her - Trailer by RFlagg

We're the Millers Red Band Trailer #2 by nock

10 Tragedies Caught on Film by SevenFingers

Catch of the Day! by PlayhousePals

Don't believe what you see on camera... by pumkinandstorm

Cop Car Runs Over Skateboarder!!! by bjornenlinda

Steroids - Bottle of Water: 0-1 by YearofthePuma

Suitcase - Simon's Cat by PlayhousePals

How not to load a truck on a trailer by pumkinandstorm

best family feud clip ever by lv_hunter

Dad Uses Kit Kat Bar to Trick Baby Into Eating Veggies by pumkinandstorm

Kid Learns How Not to Play Paintball by RFlagg

Lt. Daniels calmly sticks it to Burrell (Wire Season 1 ep12) by Deano

Can a slingshot hit harder than handguns? The Shootout. by Phreezdryd

Water Bomber Cools Off Traffic Accident by pumkinandstorm

Girl Taken from Pot Smoking Parents & Murdered by Foster Mom by pumkinandstorm

freeD Yankee Stadium by pumkinandstorm

Panhandler Prank - Bragging About His Successful LIfe by Fusionaut

Neodymium magnet clears metalworking shop by pumkinandstorm

Batman vs The Terminator (Trailer) by pumkinandstorm

What if ice did not float? - Periodic Table of Videos by radx

Cosplay Highlights from San Diego Comic-Con 2013 - (part 2) by pumkinandstorm

Warwick Davis and Carrie Fisher Reenact Return of the Jedi by RFlagg

The Coolest Owl You've Ever Seen by oritteropo

TYT - EVERYTHING you do on the Internet is Recorded by messenger

You May Remember Me by notarobot

Man and Chihuahua do Yoga Together by pumkinandstorm

Section 8 Rental - What a sad and upsetting experience by pumkinandstorm

Laptops of the Ancient World by oritteropo

Bill Maher New Rules - Going Coup-Coup by PlayhousePals

Mumford & Sons - Hopeless Wanderer by RFlagg

Around Saturn by lurgee

Red Hot Nickel Ball vs Soap by pumkinandstorm

The future of transport (from Brazil) by oritteropo

Gordon Ramsay Attempts to Teach Norm MacDonald a Recipe by pumkinandstorm

▶Puppet Outtakes by PlayhousePals

BroScience: How to Take a Selfie by notarobot

Bill Maher - Predicting Headlines by PlayhousePals

▶ THE FIFTH ESTATE Official Trailer by nanrod

Hugh Laurie and Stephen Colbert Recite Naughty Words by pumkinandstorm

Dad vs Son Dance Off by pumkinandstorm

Choggie Sings and Plays the Guitar... by pumkinandstorm

Top Comments
Nice vibe in the comments! Better lock all these... by Jinx (19 votes)I feel I can say with some authority that having worked... by Chairman_woo

Nice job fucking it up, that one guy.... by gorillaman

There are countless people like this woman who dip... by Procrastinatron (15 votes)
Jesus, Garfield!... by artician (13 votes)
Most Votes Cast
Conan Catches his Producer, Jordan Schlansky Coming In Late by pumkinandstorm
Body language in cats by pumkinandstorm

The Gravity Gun by lucky760

Idiot in Lexus LX vs Two buses. Karma justice by dilo83 (67 votes)
Double wall ride frisbee trick shot. by ant

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