Worst attempt at an insurance scam ever

I need to get me a car cam..

Jeeeesus! Wow man, the Chinese got the United States beat on so many levels, including insurance fraud!

Proof, that the trappings of an industrialized capitalist society in the hands of repressed Asian children become unstable at room temperature ☢


>> ^chingalera:

Jeeeesus! Wow man, the Chinese got the United States beat on so many levels, including insurance fraud!
Proof, that the trappings of an industrialized capitalist society in the hands of repressed Asian children become unstable at room temperature ☢

Just like one video of an american religious zealot chastising gays is indicative of the intolerance of the immature and disrespectful west and their fiendish democracy?

I've got news for you - the west has been up to this and more for years.


Did you hear that whooshing sound? That's the sound of us blowing past the boundary between "insurance fraud" and "performance art".

Alternatively: This was a huge miscommunication. His friend had told him, "I'm making a killing in insurance fraud. You should take a run at it."


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