UNCHARTED 4 Gameplay PS4 - E3 2015 HD (uncharted 4 a thief's end gameplay demo)

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, June 28th, 2015 5:00pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.


I would get absolutely NOWHERE in this game.

I'd spend the first twelve hours of play seeing exactly how much of that marketplace I could break, wreck, ruin or otherwise damage in various ways.

OCD = Obsessive/compulsive destruction, that's me.


nice to see there will finally be a PS4 exclusive title that can't be handled by previous generation consoles. (A PC could run it, but Naughty Dog has a deal with Sony)


Pretty, and the driving section looked amazing, but wow, aren't we all bored of third person cover shootin now.


I had some fun with the first three games, but I didn't need a fourth. Plus they haven't really addressed my main complaint with the series. I was never able to reconcile playing as this fun-loving, adventurer-hero, serial murderer . They never once acknowledge that he's killed hundreds of people with a smile. It's a creepy, dissonant portrayal of reality..


There are some amazing looking games that I really want to play on consoles, but the controller is a deal breaker for me. I can tapdance on the head of a pin with kb/m, but I'm useless on the controller.

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