Turkey broke into my truck


Now who's the turkey?
What a dick, he couldn't chase it out the other side? I hope the next turkey chases him into freeway traffic. I promise to feel just as bad about it as he did.


The cab has two. It entered through the passenger side, evidenced by the fact that he says "go out the same way you came in" with only the passenger door open....but blocked by the driver.
He shut the passenger side and opened both freeway side doors, then shooed it out into traffic.
I stand by my statement.


The sleeper only has one side door!


I feel bad for the person in the compact car.


Now who's the turkey?
What a dick, he couldn't chase it out the other side? I hope the next turkey chases him into freeway traffic. I promise to feel just as bad about it as he did.


mxx, unfortunately the turkey is neither owned by or in control by the trucker. You could no better sue him for the turkey running out the door into traffic then you could walking along the side of the road and startling a deer who runs into the road and hits a car.

I think he could have done better to safely remove it but alas ...

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