This driver's balls are inversely proportional to his brain

At first it looks like he's out of control. Then you realize he's just some maniac behing the wheel of a massive truck that may or may not be full of a flammable liquid. I wouldn't be driving so close to him, that's for sure.

Why the FUCK would you stay that close to him? He's obviously a fucking nut job and really could have completely lost control at any point. You really want to be right up the arse of a truck as it looses control?




Eia is not for this. You have Skillful and eia, that doesnt make any sense at all.

and yes, there is nothing in that tank other than Air. This is kick ass if nothing less.

Skills and balls to that driver, you do not maneuver like that without knowing what you are doing.


And, sadly, lots of practice. That's the scariest part is knowing he's probably done this a lot. Not kick ass, extremely dangerous.

>> ^BoneRemake:

This is kick ass if nothing less.
Skills and balls to that driver, you do not maneuver like that without knowing what you are doing.


>> ^heropsycho:

And, sadly, lots of practice. That's the scariest part is knowing he's probably done this a lot. Not kick ass, extremely dangerous.
>> ^BoneRemake:
This is kick ass if nothing less.
Skills and balls to that driver, you do not maneuver like that without knowing what you are doing.

Yes, the thoughts you laid out are fairly standard and would come to most people, Not I ; you infer quite a bit from this situation, you seem to build a back story and life for this truck, you do not know anything about the driver, you assume that it was done on roads that where filled with school bus' full of children, you assume that this guy works for someone else and is not driving his own rig/business. You assume so much about this and can not enjoy the video for what it actually is at its base point.

Relax guy !


A whole backstory? LOL...

So you're telling me you think this is the only time the dude has done something like this on a public road? That's a pretty reasonable assumption, and it's dangerous without a doubt. Hell, it's dangerous just for the dude behind him filming it.

Just... wow...

Go do something dangerous all you want. I don't care. Just don't endanger others significantly when you do it.


yeah i imagine he learned it somehow... but tbh if there were icy or rocky roads i would drive easier knowing I was behind someone with this ability. Maybe it's something he learned in icy drives? Maybe it's something he does to tell fuckwads following him so close to back up? I see more skill than eia here but then again eia also works for acts including balls of steel.


You can be skillful and stupid to the point of removing yourself from the gene pool like the idiots who street race well. The skill level is irrelevant. All that matters is how stupid or cocky you are. * eia is appropriate, unless someone is arguing that this has a large enough margin of error.


Does this not also put stress/damage on his rig and especially tires? If so, that would raise his odds of dying due to hardware fail/malfunction during an actual critical moment on the road. So it's dangerous while he's doing it and also creates latent danger. Double EIA.

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