The world's most beautiful news anchor


She's not an anchor woman anymore since last September. She's now on TV only once a week in a lame investigation magazine, and she's barely on air.

Quite a shame really, she was one of our finest export


sorry to say ... but some of you guys have come off sounding so extremely shallow and superficial. *shrugs*

i'm sure when it comes down to it ... you're all equal employment opportunity men! *wink*


....only the most disturbing, sterotypical images of dweebs in their underwear, two-dimentional ladies to complment their supple hands, un calloused form narry a days' proper work, dreaming of any encounter with the opposite sex, species, or energy force....."like winning the lottery everday".......HAH! Not a clue, my ungroomed comrade.....she'd be like waking up to more than you knew what to do with!!!!Stick with the librarian type.....mysterious, interesting, inner-allure....
Me, I'll have the reporter who lost her skirt to save a bee from being crushed between her thighs!


This just in - I'd tap that!

Damn she is beautiful, in body, face, voice and language. Oh yeah, Google images has ... more. To be honest, I prefer these clips. She has the sort of style and grace that makes her more beautiful than sexy (although the breaking news story above still stands).

Ladybug - welcome to testosterone. Sorry, it's just how we're wired. At least we're being honest in how we feel. The music sounds like high budget porn film music, I'd expect better from Enya or Diane Arkenstone (not that I know very much about her).


....well hell, how bout puttin' her cute little talkin' head on the cute channel....she's cuter than any fox on a trampoline, or fluffy kitten...HAH! yer right,BicycleRepairman, she even catches his sneaky little ass and gives him a re-directing touch....


It's a good thing she's speaking French because if she was speaking English, I still wouldn't be able to tell you what she was reporting on...
Mmmm mmmm. Wouldn't kick her out for eating crackers in bed.

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