The greatest MMA staredown of all time

UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva versus Chris Weidman
The thumbnail sort of gives it away :D

Yeah, that whole guy who looks / nods down is the beta dude. It's crap. All these pickup artist sites promote that myth. Years ago, at my dojo we had a sixty-something black belt -- forget his dan but it was waay up there -- visit our club from Japan. Dude was amazingly fast and fit.
At one point, during the day's workshop we locked eyes and he bowed ever so slightly. But he never broke eye contact with me. There was no doubt as to who was the alpha male -- and it weren't me.


That's actually Dana White, the current president of UFC.

I don't think there's anything wrong, un-alpha, or to be ashamed of when showing respect to an opponent. Only those who know they're not have to do that stupid little dance.


My favorite? The ref, or whoever that guy in the middle is. Totally was trying not to crack up!


They do it to sell tickets, even if the fighters are close friends.

Most fighters are fairly respectful once they're in the cage together, but paychecks and the sport itself rely on people buying tickets/ppv access.


I don't think there's anything wrong, un-alpha, or to be ashamed of when showing respect to an opponent. Only those who know they're not have to do that stupid little dance.

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