The Weather Forecasting Cat

Via Neatorama:
When German weatherman Jörg Kachelmann was doing his live weather report, he had an unexpected guest: a cat named Lupin wandered into the studio. Without missing a beat, Jörg picked up the cat and continued on!

"I don't know how he got into the studio," Kachelmann said, adding Lupin belonged to a staffer who was out of town.

"I noticed him when he rubbed against my leg and thought people might wonder what was happening. I figured it would be easier to control the cat by picking him up. Cats get annoyed if they feel ignored. So I made sure he didn't feel ignored."

I bet initially Lupin's owner was in hot water. But after all the positive press they get maybe we'll see a return

Still that's a pretty risky maneuver picking up a cat. I've had cats brush up against my leg but you go to pick them up and you get the stink eye and a growl.


The meowterologist says:

The forecast is for fleazing rain, with a tempurrature just below freezing. If this were summer, I'd expect a Cat-egory 4 tornado

And with this low humidity, watch out for static electrikitty.


of course celsius, but still too damn cold! anything below 10°C is...
an entire region that cold? I can hardly believe it, must be some kind of mistake...

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