WTF? View co-host doesn't know if the earth is flat or round

The ladies discuss whether evolution is real. Co-Host Sherri Shepherd says it isn't, so Whoopi asks her if she believes if the earth is flat or round. She wasn’t able to answer, using the excuse that she was too busy being a good little housewife to think about complicated things like matters that science settled hundreds of years ago.

omfg! i was like... maybe she's just making a subtle point by not answering, and then they push her, and she says the library thing, omg!!!
at least she knows what a library is.
i'd love to be the clerk when she comes up and asks "can you tell me where the books about the shape of the earth is at?? my boy gotta question and he need answers!"


I work in a factory and you'd be amazed at how little some people there reflect on anything beyond what they have to do that day or their kids or who's doing who etc. One of our engineers was explaining a problem with a machine and said it was a 'dynamic' problem and for a full day I heard them joke about him for using such a fancy word as 'dynamic'.

Sometimes I just sit back in speechless awe. Once I was explaining to one girl what the word 'queue' meant and looked up to see the entire break room listening to me. It's a different world.


From the front page of her website...

To those of you who prayed... let me tell you ... PRAYERS WORK! Because it is a miracle of God that I am now a co-host on The View.

To those of you who fasted for me to get this job... YOU CAN EAT NOW!

Now just keep praying, that every morning I don't put my foot in my mouth - but if you know me, it's bound to happen

God Bless You



OMG, What an moron!!!!!!!

The ultimate irony of this is that hear doubts about the earths shape is no more, or less silly, ignorant and stupid than the denial of evolution.

The Flat-earthists and Creationists belong in the same camp.


Well, to contrast with the ancient scientists who argued for a flat earth...

She probably had to fly in an airplane to get to wherever The View is taped. at 30,000 feet, it's plain as day that the earth is not flat.

But I guess ignorance could also be defined as not looking out the window.


Yes, dag, in centuries past. In times when airplanes were nonexistent, boats were only wind-powered and information wasn't as available as it is today.

We see pictures of the Earth from space at least a few times per year now. People have circumnavigated the globe by air and sea. Fuck, students see globes every day of the week in class! I've heard nutcases claim it's a conspiracy and the world is flat, but to have never formed an opinion you need to be 4 years old or less, or a complete moron. You can't even get through elementary school without having to confront that question a few hundred times.


Pity the Bible did not describe judgment day as the day we are all judged on our intelligence. Then maybe some of these ftards would not be so willingly ignorant. Walters must want to rip her ears off what with having to put up with one sub-species after another.


"Definitely ignorant - but possibly not stupid. Many very smart people in centuries past believed the Earth was flat."

Key words are "centuries past". Makes me wonder what other incredibly huge gaps in her education exist. Has she never seen a globe? Never heard the quip "digging to China" and wondered what it meant? Never read or heard the term "Earth's core" and wondered what it meant. Never heard of "Around the World in 80 Days". Never looked up and seen the Moon? Sheesh! I could go on and on. That is some MAJOR f'in ignorance. My vote is "STOOPID".

EDIT: Oops, xxovercastxx beat me to it. What he said, I guess.


Also what about the lame excuse that she never thought about it because her priorities are to take care of her son and her family? Well...what about the 18 or so years before you had a never thought about it then? You never had to think about it when they were TEACHING it to you in school?

I have found that there are a lot of people like this that if they feel they are being lead down a path with logic that might cause them to doubt what they believe that they will just switch off and not answer the question.


"...if they feel they are being lead down a path with logic that might cause them to doubt what they believe that they will just switch off and not answer the question."

That makes more sense than ignorant or stupid. Just stubborn, and doesn't give a damn how it makes her look.


"Batman, is the world flat?"

"Only one way to answer this, Robin... TO THE LIBRARY!"

(cue spinning image of books and fast trumpets going 'duhnuhNUHNUHnuhnuhnuh!' transitioning us to the library scene... we see Batman thumbing through a large book...)

"... says here that the Earth is in fact, spherical."

"Holy quadric-surfaces Batman!"


Listening to this show is like dropping a microphone down through a hole in a strip club dressing room....only thing missing....the discussions regarding cocaine, pills, or lerks that surround them when they at work.....


Who doesn't know that the world is flat? OMFG. That's scary, but very eye-opening.

"I don't care because I'm feeding my children."
Is that what she was doing when she was in first grade? It reminds me of the new season of Beauty and the Geek that just started with lots of the so-called beauties (most of whom are actually quite ugly inside and out, but have the right level of stupid for entertaining television) say things like "I'm in college. I don't have time to read. I'm too busy studying." and "I hated all those classes in high school where I had to read."

Some people are just anti knowledge. ("God says the world is flat, so it's flat and this flat earth was created 6000 years ago. Period. Almighty God also says you should sell your daughter into slavery and murder homosexuals, so that's exactly what we should do.") Other people just don't care to and are actually proud of not knowing anything. ("Why should I need to know stuff? Look at me. I'm hot. Everyone wants me.")



I'm actually surprised that in these 30+ comments that no one considered that she didn't interpret Whoopi's question as a concrete, scientific question... rather as an abstract question. Such as "Are we flat or dynamic" or "Who are we or why are we here?"

She also seemed flustered, so I don't think she was clueless about the Earths physical structure. She seemed, more or less, lost for words when it came to intellectually debating Evolution vs Creationism. A lot of that can be attributed to how she displayed blind faith with no real thought behind it.


I'm actually surprised that in these 30+ comments that no one considered that she didn't interpret Whoopi's question as a concrete, scientific question... rather as an abstract question.

It seems clear she was considering the question in a literal sense when she said "I'm busy feeding my children" and "We'd better go to the library."


I don't think that necessarily means she saw it as a literal question. If anything, her comments proved even more how clueless she was about what was being said in the conversation. She was more confused and flustered than anything.


"I'm actually surprised that in these 30+ comments that no one considered that she didn't interpret Whoopi's question as a concrete, scientific question... rather as an abstract question. Such as "Are we flat or dynamic" or "Who are we or why are we here?""

I think it's pretty clear what Whoopi is one point she says something about "science says the world is round" and as Sherri is talking about the "Bible" and how "God created the earth", Barbara asks "what about some of the scientific things like is the earth flat or round" and then asks her "If your son says to you Mom is the earth round or flat?" Sherri gives the classic answer..."Baby, we gotta go to the library".


This is the most inane television show I have seen in years, and proof that some of our public schools suck. Shouldn't she have seen a globe in every geography classroom she ever entered?


Yowsers. Nice hire, Barbara. A real upgrade. Maybe next they can get Melanie Morgan on.

For the record, I think the "stupid or ignorant?" debate is immaterial. If she made that response out of ignorance, it is an ignorance so deep and astounding that she would have to be culpable for it (unless she has some kind of learning disability). In other words, sometimes we can be held morally and intellectually responsible for not knowing certain things, if in fact it is due to our own negligence that we fail to know them. So even if she isn't stupid--and I think she is--it would be hard for me to believe that her ignorance could be of any other kind than the one I've just described. Either way the debate goes, she turns out to be an intellectual leper.

My 2 cents.


The more ignorant one is of physical reality the easier it is to pretend God has a role in it. All gods are gods of the gaps. Genesis is only one of thousands of different incorrect creation myths invented by different ignorant tribes in antiquity.


"Whoopie references evolution as a scientific fact"

You are making a straw man argument. Whoopi did not reference evolution as a scientific fact. She was asking if "evolution is possible"...she was stating that for her it was possible to believe in both the Bible and evolution. She never stated or referred to evolution as a "scientific fact".

"Evolutionists live in as much a fantasy world as a flat-earther. They make up their reality based on simple observation, not proven fact.

More at" We are incredulous and skeptical of any truth claim that does not originate from or is not glorifying to the Trinitarian God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) or detracts from Holy Scripture.

Nuff said...


"You cannot uphold one without undermining the other."

Exactly my feelings. BTW, you get a free gift with the dogma they sold ya? A bible? Prayer cloth? Anything?

Evolutionary faith? Lol. That's rich.


OMFG - it's *terrible that she is even allowed on TV.

@ElessarJD - actually, the thought hit me immediately - hmm, is she interpreting this on some philosophical level? - well she sure didn't put that attitude forward, that's for sure.

Sounds like one of Enzoblue's colleagues, fer sure. In her defence, perhaps she might be able to answer the question in a quiet calm setting.

Which goes back to my original sentence in this comment, though: who the hell thought putting her on air was a good idea? Perhaps they're just evil bastards chasing ratings. Hmm, that makes sense, actually.


I hate the fact that this show is considered representative of my gender and its concerns... the leaders of the feminist movement 30 years ago would have been appalled to know this was what they were burning their bras for... so ignorant bitches like this can have air time and confirm for everyone that we really are just a bunch of silly, bitchy cunts who can only make babies and spend our husband's money... goddamn The View and any woman who has ever sat at its table.


It's funny that one of the major descriptors of the Earth is the word "globe".

Pronunciation: \ˈglōb\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin globus
Date: 15th century

Definition: something spherical or rounded

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