The KIM DAVIS Cell Block Tango

And now, Randy Rainbow pays musical tribute to everyone’s favorite Kentucky clerk, in his rendition of: ‘The Kim Davis Cell Block Tango’…

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When I started watching this video, I thought to myself, "I'm glad I have bobknight33 on ignore, because I'm sure he had to stop in and say something stupid in this thread."

I can't be 100% sure I'm right because I can't see his comments, but I'm willing to assume I am.


The dance party is in heaven. Misery is for those in hell. Take some bottle water you will be parched.


If heaven includes you, shinyblurry and Kim Davis, I think I'd prefer hell... The dance party, cocktails and drugs would be top notch.


For which one? Certainly not the gay ones. Maybe you mean Jesus. I can totally see how a guy with metaphysical superpowers needs the help of a intolerant adulteress. Or maybe you mean her 4th husband and their holy bond of 3-times-divorced-marriage.


Don't know but at least she standing up for the man.


I've a funny feeling that bk33 has me on ignore.


When I started watching this video, I thought to myself, "I'm glad I have bobknight33 on ignore, because I'm sure he had to stop in and say something stupid in this thread."

I can't be 100% sure I'm right because I can't see his comments, but I'm willing to assume I am.


Kim Davis was just ordered to pay over $260000 in attorney fees on top of the $100000 judgement they won for denying them their right to get married.

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