The Enforcer

Kia driver takes it upon themself to try to drive breakdown lane drivers into the guardrail. On some of 95/128 you can drive in the breakdown lane from 3-7 PM, but not here (just before Great Plain Ave exit, southbound, Needham MA).

I can understand both sides of the issue, but needlessly and illegally creating situations that could lead to a wreck or injury is not the solution.

Had anyone wrecked, he certainly would be liable, and the video would be perfect evidence that it 1)wasn't an accident and 2)called for massive punitive damages.
If he really thought it was his place to stop them (and it's not), why didn't he just drive 1/2 in each lane instead of trying to cause an accident?

I kept hoping someone would merge into his lane, blocking him from swerving back.
He would not try this in front of me. That's the benefit of driving a lifted 46 year old Bronco with a home made brush guard/bumper and rust holes in every panel, no one assumes I won't just crash into clearly wouldn't hurt my car's value. ;-)


According to streetview, contrary to the description, breakdown lane travel is legal on this stretch of road from 6-10 AM and 3-7 PM ans according to the dashcam the time of this vid is 9:53 AM.


Hey hey hey... Don't go bringing facts into this!


According to streetview, contrary to the description, breakdown lane travel is legal on this stretch of road from 6-10 AM and 3-7 PM ans according to the dashcam the time of this vid is 9:53 AM.


What are these people worried about? That traffic is hardly even bad at all. Everyone is cruising right along. That's relatively light traffic compared to where I live. I see no reason to need the shoulder, but I suppose it helps alleviate gridlock.

Before knowing that "lane" is legal to drive in, I was thinking they were all fucking douchebags because it's totally not legal here. But now it's just the driver of the silver car who is the piece of shit douchebag. I kind of wish there was such a law here, but then, where would cars pull over when they need to?


I don't know how much stock I'd put in the timestamp, given that the date is clearly very wrong. Having said that, it does seem safe to assume based on the amount of cars on the road that it's some sort of rush hour.


According to streetview, contrary to the description, breakdown lane travel is legal on this stretch of road from 6-10 AM and 3-7 PM ans according to the dashcam the time of this vid is 9:53 AM.

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