The Dark Knight Rises - Trailer 3

Is there any way I can give them my $13 now?

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>> ^kir_mokum:

gives WAY to much away.

Really? There's more footage here than in the teaser, obviously, but we still don't know much about the plot other than what we knew before. As far as trailers for big summer action movies go, this is remarkably spoiler-free.


No matter what trailer comes along, someone always thinks it gives too much away. Don't watch them then. Also I've said it before a ton of times, you may think it gives loads away, but how can you know until you've seen it?


>> ^Deano:

His batvoice really annoys me now.

I might have agreed with you before, but "THIS ISN'T A CAR" wouldn't have been nearly as awesome in Bale's normal voice. That one line alone completely justifies the gravelly voice.


don't make me ruin the movie for you.

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^kir_mokum:
gives WAY to much away.

Really? There's more footage here than in the teaser, obviously, but we still don't know much about the plot other than what we knew before. As far as trailers for big summer action movies go, this is remarkably spoiler-free.

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