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manfromxThis was actually pretty funny.
Though I think most libertarians believe government has a proper role in society that is more limited than current. I don't think they want an absence of government. Those are anarchists.
quantumushroomLiberals equate anything that doesn't agree with their communistic worldview with anarchy, like if you oppose expanding a government program that has already been proven a failure, you must secretly be "for" genocide or something.
rougyYeah, QM, and you have your hero and heart-throb G.W. Bush to thank for the biggest expansion of government in the history of the USA.
It's too bad you have no capacity for shame, or you would have shut your pie hole years ago.
Throbbin>> ^quantumushroom:
Liberals equate anything that doesn't agree with their communistic worldview with anarchy, like if you oppose expanding a government program that has already been proven a failure, you must secretly be "for" genocide or something.
Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to quantummushroom, for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particularly glad these lovely children were here to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish - it expressed a courage little seen in this day in age.
quantumushroomBack to Bush-bashing again? Certainly not over spending. Bush can be blamed for the first $350B bailout while Obama and Democrooks are responsible for $1,287B (the $787B second bailout, the second $350B chunk of the first bailout, and the $150B of "sweeteners" in the first bailout).
In 100 days the Magic Kenyan and his merry band of Tax Cheats have burned through the Monopoly money--no one knows where it's gone and no one's talking--and changed EXACTLY NOTHING.
Hell, anyone who studied FDR's folly for 10 minutes knows it's impossible for a country to spend its way out of debt. But why let the lessons of history get in the way? As Rahm the Ballerina says, "Don't waste a crisis."
Democrat corruption continues unabated, thanks in part to a worshipful mainstream media that are farther from real journalism than Pluto is from the sun.
The libertarian-bashing is perplexing, since they're not in power and never have been.
Is it to take minds off the thieving socialist utopia that has arrived and is a steaming pile of sh;t? I don't blame you.
NetRunner>> ^quantumushroom:
Liberals equate anything that doesn't agree with their communistic worldview with anarchy, like if you oppose expanding a government program that has already been proven a failure, you must secretly be "for" genocide or something.
Actually, the reverse is true:
Conservatives equate anything that doesn't agree with their fascist worldview with communism (or socialism), like if you support expanding a government program that has been proven a success, you must secretly be for genocide or something.
Your second response is pretty much the embodiment of why your favorite party is on the outs; you are so viciously hostile towards people who don't share every last facet of your worldview, you drive away people who might've been otherwise inclined to agree with some aspect of your philosophy.
Like libertarians.
rougy>> ^quantumushroom:
Back to Bush-bashing again?
And Obama's trying to fix the mess that your love god brought to bear.
And you never said a fucking thing about it when Bush was robbing us blind.
rougyFrom Media Matters.
Fact: GOP Presided Over the Largest Expansion of Government Since LBJ's Great Society. The Wall Street Journal noted the GOP's complicity in the largest of government since LBJ. "President Bush and the GOP Congress continue to preside over the largest expansion of government since LBJ's Great Society. Economic growth fueled by the Bush tax cuts created a 22% surge in federal revenue over the past two years. But even that flow is barely keeping pace with spending, which went up by 8% in 2005 and is set to increase by 9% in 2006. When the good times slow down, no one expects it will be easy to slam the brakes on spending." [Wall Street Journal, 1/30/06, emphasis added]
And you never said a word about it, QM, true to your lying-ass, pissy-pants form.
XaxI didn't realize libertarian was such a dirty word. I don't take it personally, though, because honestly, my political views are a mash-up between liberalism, conservatism, and libertarianism.
imstellar28says...1.) LIBERTARIAN : ANARCHY
(A) dog : doghouse
(B) squirrel : tree
(C) beaver : dam
(D) cat : litter box
(E) duck : watermelons
quantumushroomConservatives equate anything that doesn't agree with their fascist worldview with communism (or socialism), like if you support expanding a government program that has been proven a success, you must secretly be for genocide or something.
I'm for limited government (the non-magical kind that can't be everything to everyone) but even among Constitutionally-authorized government programs, let me know when you find one that works as it was supposed to and is efficient and fiscally accountable...
Your second response is pretty much the embodiment of why your favorite party is on the outs; you are so viciously hostile towards people who don't share every last facet of your worldview, you drive away people who might've been otherwise inclined to agree with some aspect of your philosophy.
The reason why Republicans are 'on the outs' (for now) is because this sorry-assed gang in DC are not conservatives. It's that simple. Drunk on their own power, they're trying to be like taxocrats, a deadly mistake because no Republican can outspend a taxocrat and shouldn't try.
Taxocrats are victims of what is called "bad becoming normal". The debate is no longer about how much money should be pissed away on Amtrak or Head Start each year, but stopping Obamarx and Friends from literally mutating the national DNA to suit their warped vision. Seriously, buying car companies, floating sht banks? The dickheads at the Fed, which should be abolished along with Fannie and Fartie? Get real. You may love everything Obama is doing, but rest assured, he doesn't care a whit whether you approve or not. Obama works for Obama.
Bush and his goddamned No Child, Medicare expansion, amnesty, etc. If Obama did all those things (and he is, only on steroids) he'd be praised by his media sycophants. Bush supposedly fcked up a lot of things he also gave the 'Crats most of what they wanted each fiscal year. And THAT'S why he's a failure.
Conservatism doesn't fail, it only gets overrun by parasites (both in DC and government housing) living off the working class the left pretends to love. If the left really gave a poop about the bourgeoisie, they'd let them keep more of the money they earn instead of trying to give all of fking Mexico "free" health care to buy votes.
I'm not waiting for socialists to agree with any or all of my philosophy: it's not worth sacrificing core principles for acceptance along the narrow, flimsy band between communism and capitalism.
I say again, Lefty, enjoy your hollow victory. For now, you've won. Libertarianism? Statistically speaking, no one's even heard of it.
The evidence that Big Guvmint socialism will fail and is failing is now all around you. Me. Us. They'll be no Bush to hide in this time.
quantumushroomAnd you never said a word about it, QM, true to your lying-ass, pissy-pants form.
Listen up you big ape, I'm a hell of a lot more upfront about Bush's failings then you will be about the Messiah. Of course, who would know? The media work for the White House!
When Republicans screw up by not acting like conservatives, they don't get elected.
The opposite is true for taxocrats.
rougy>> ^quantumushroom:
Listen up you big ape, I'm a hell of a lot more upfront about Bush's failings then you will be about the Messiah. Of course, who would know? The media work for the White House!
You lying piece of shit.
You were calling me a traitor not two years ago for daring to question your precious lord Bush.
As far as you were concerned, he never did anything wrong while he was in office.
gtjwkqsays...The burden of libertarianism is being misrepresented.
NetRunner>> ^quantumushroom:
Conservatism doesn't fail, it only gets overrun by parasites
The dickheads at the Fed, which should be abolished along with Fannie and Fartie?
Libertarianism? Statistically speaking, no one's even heard of it.
You really should look into this Libertarianism thing, nothing you said there would've been out of place coming out of one of blankfist's orifices. Though I think he would've been a bit more creative with his insults.
As for how your response pairs up with my comment, I think you reinforced my assertion nicely.
I look forward to the next few years, especially if a consensus develops within the Republican party that their problem was that they hadn't been extremist enough.
enochWOW QM,
that last comment was a barrage of incoherent nonsense.
having no basis with actual fact,just conjecture and poorly applied logic.
and for the record...
you made netrunners point for him.
it is obvious from your posts that you are passionate..
about what i have NO idea!
thats not quite accurate,
you seem to be in favor of small government,and fiscal responsibility.
that is an inherent republican viewpoint.
nothing wrong with that,
but who was the last TRUE republican?
Barry goldwater,now THAT man was a true republican.
no republican since has shown the discipline for fiscal responsibility,
nor have they helped make government smaller.
quite the opposite in fact.
nixon,reagan and bush (bush 1 didnt do half bad..comparatively)all tripled the deficit,expanded government and de-regulated such institutions as the financial industry,which let loose the dogs of unhindered greed and gave us the debacle we are in now.
the republicans have also become the party of chickenhawks.
its like we live in bizzaro world!
for 200 years it was the DEMOCRATS who were chickenhawks..not the REPUBLICANS.
the last ten years the republican party has been more neo-conservative,than conservative.
dont let that title fool you.
neo-conservative has NOTHING to do with "conservative",it was originally called "neo-liberalism".
the republican party was hi-jacked by this band of imperialists.
you should be mad as hell QM.
the party who purports to stand for the values which you hold dear,
have not done so in over 30 years.
why you defend a party who no longer represents your philosophy,and hasnt for a generation,boggles the imagination.
history is your friend QM.
i suggest you look into it,instead of throwing out tired polemics fed to you by an establishment who left you behind a very long time ago.
one final note.
just because i have listed a brief history of republican misrepresentation,
does NOT automatically mean i am a democrat.
that is the weakest,media-induced polemic of all.
it lacks imagination,character and any sense of critical thinking.
what i have posted is fact...period.
a fact you should look into before you start throwing out expletives at people defending a political party that has abandoned your philosophy.
stop defending them,
and instead..start holding their feet to the flames and make them accountable for the principles they promised,
or..which i found quite refreshing this past election cycle.
vote them out.
because i read your posts QM,
and you are a paradox.
you rightly admonish the media for manipulation,
yet you listen and regurgitate their narratives..
only when it fits your premise it seems.
nobody here is your enemy QM,
your party is.
nadabusays...Actually, i know quite a few people who are all for very libertarian *federal* government, while allowing local regions to be as socialist as they want. Most libertarian frustration is at BIG, CENTRALIZED government, not government itself.
Of course, most Americans are too caught up in the national (and binary) political narrative sold by big media and the two parties in power to realize that local politics actually do and/or should have far more importance for their daily lives.
siftbotThis post has been removed from the Philosophy channel by channel owner mauz15. Please review the FAQ to learn about appropriate channel assignments.
cybrbeastEnoch, I realize you are new here and I'm sure you have a lot of interesting things to say, but could you please build your sentences somewhat correctly. I mean not every comma and point requires an Enter after it. Is there something wrong with your keyboard? You write everything in this style. It's not that I'm a grammar nazi, I just can't read that. No offense intended but it looks like you're having a monologue in a chat room.
enochi hear ya cyberbeast,
my apologies.
i am the run-on-sentence KING,so i have written in vertical prose for over twenty years.
its a habit..a bad one albeit.
i write the way i talk.
call it teacher/preacher cadence..
i am looking for an editor,you volunteering?/tease
i shall do my best to at least shorten my comments,
that should help some.
and whats with the "new here"?
since when is 4 years "new"?
cybrbeastMy apologies enoch, from your lack of bronze star I assumed you were new, furthermore I thought I would have noticed your way of writing before. If I can see past westy's spelling I guess I can see past this and accept your prose.
newtboy>> ^quantumushroom:
And you never said a word about it, QM, true to your lying-ass, pissy-pants form.
Listen up you big ape, I'm a hell of a lot more upfront about Bush's failings then you will be about the Messiah. Of course, who would know? The media work for the White House!
When Republicans screw up by not acting like conservatives, they don't get elected.
The opposite is true for taxocrats.
Really? Since when? I've never seen a post where you note ANY failings of ANY republican or Faux news "reporter". You often bend over backwards to claim that their failings are, in fact, democratic failings. (like calling the first $700billion bailout an Obama plan, as I recall, the first and second bailout were approved before the election by Bush, as were the back room deals lending at least that amount to failing businesses). I have never once seen a post where you list ANYTHING as a true Bush failing, and I've been reading your posts for years.
Second, you seem to be accusing the white house press of censoring you? Which white house press did this, it must be the Bush white house (since you claim they kept us from knowing that you wrote about Bush failings). Why would they waste their time replying or dealing with a small minded Faux news regurgitator like you?
You are (again) completely wrong about "When Republicans screw up by not acting like conservatives, they don't get elected." If that were true, the only republican left would be Ron Paul (My guy) the only true republican left.
You are the embodiment of the retardicans. Feckless and feculant. The dumbocrats aren't much better, but they are far less nasty about it. The ONLY responsible party left is the Libertarians (who are NOT anarchists, they are CONSTITUTIONALISTS. I know, a 6 syllable word is probably 3 syllables too many for you, but try to keep up). If believing in the constitution and it's limits on government makes us "fascist" or "anarchist" in your eyes, (I believe you've called us both in the past) I suggest you read a dictionary and look in a mirror before writing.
Lastly, do you realize how silly you often look with your posts here? Usually, your posts look like someone spoofing the silly side of an arguement rather than a thoughtful person with a real point to make. Your inability to even speak the name Obama (or write, as the case may be) without calling him the magic negro or something else equally as insulting makes you and your arguements out to have the mindset of a disturbed 3 year old. If you had any real point to make, you should try making them without the infantile namecalling and maybe someone would actually consider what you write instead of dismissing you as another simple minded, faux news believer.
rottenseed>> ^quantumushroom:
Liberals equate anything that doesn't agree with their communistic worldview with anarchy, like if you oppose expanding a government program that has already been proven a failure, you must secretly be "for" genocide or something.
Conservatives always make generalizations.
rasch187Would it be too much to ask to stay clear of personal insults? I like qm, he's a funny guy. I might not share his political point of view, but I don't call him a "lying piece of shit" anyway. So try to act like civilised people.
volumptuous>> ^rasch187:
Would it be too much to ask to stay clear of personal insults? I like qm, he's a funny guy. I might not share his political point of view, but I don't call him a "lying piece of shit" anyway. So try to act like civilised people.
SaNdMaNsays...>> ^quantumushroom:
Liberals equate anything that doesn't agree with their communistic worldview with anarchy
No, but you equate everything non-conservative to communism. In fact you just did that in your comment.
Asmosays...It wouldn't be an average night on the sift without QM running around yapping like Old Yella with rabies...
Mashikisays...>> ^rottenseed:
Conservatives always make generalizations.
Liberals always generalize Conservatives.
Gee that was easy. Can I has a cookie now?
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Wednesday, May 6th, 2009 3:00pm PDT - promote requested by Norsuelefantti.
quantumushroomAh yes, what a difference 18 months of FDR-brand socialism has made since this originally was submitted.
The people are smarter than any politician, obamarx included.
November 2nd we'll find out if there's enough sanity left to kick the Statist bums to the curb.
ravermanThis whole discussion thread has cholera![](
NorsuelefanttiI'll *promote this again, because it's in my rational self interest.
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, October 5th, 2010 1:35pm PDT - promote requested by Norsuelefantti.
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