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Pres. Obama: "We had a little bit of a buzz saw this week"
I'm in Canada and although I love our health care simply because it means no worries I can also appreciate the conservative American point of view.
Simply put, the free market system for health worked fine in America until the 60's. The government hasn't exactly shown how competent they are lately so how can anyone fault Americans for not wanting the Government to run this as well. If your kid always dings up your car when you lend it to him, why would you keep giving him the keys?
It seems strange no one wants to find ways to curtail what the insurance companies are doing and what pharmaceutical companies are charging.
In a society where competition is good and monopolies are bad why then do drug companies get a monopoly on their product for so long. Especially since after R&D these things are pretty cheap to make.
Americans are getting boned and Obama's plan may be well intentioned, but I don't see how he can fix it with Government spending over personal spending. To be honest, those two are one and the same eventually.
Pres. Obama: "We had a little bit of a buzz saw this week"
Speech = I have good intentions and I like you guys
If you have any problems with what I'm doing please refer back to the above statement.
He's right to point out some of the stupidity in the media though. I'm on board for that part
Atheist Commercial that Compares God to an Abusive Husband
Not exactly the best way to get your message across.
When An Atheist Sneezes
A better comedian would have made fun of the fact we still say these odd things.
Canadian Marijuana Top In the Industry
Yah I was pretty happy with his statement actually. Not saying whether he is for or against but just saying pick something a stick with it. I agree with that as well (as I'm sure both sides would lol).
A Word of Warning
I think his rant makes a good point.
A lot of what he says applies to people being too politically correct as well.
If it's getting to the point where you can't speak the truth because the truth offends someone then I think we need to give our heads a shake.
There is no universal rule that says you may never be offended by anyone ever.
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) humbles Hudson Institute dilettante
I think he looks like Lewis Black but sounds like The Joker. Sans murder sprees (I think).
Richard Gage lays out the case for a 9/11 Conspiracy
So to sum up bcglorf
Yes it is to much to ask to investigate because his suggestion sounds crazy.
Regardless of any evidence they bring up to try and say it is suspicious it seems that a lot of people just want to stick their fingers in their ears and go lalalala. Then the second you lay out where that evidence may lead they unplug their ears and go "AHA! See sounds crazy!".
I just think it's odd that people can't accept the smallest possibility of this. Governments have done terrible things to their own people before. Do you people with your fingers in your ears really think all the good guys are in North America and all the bad are in the Middle East? (not saying there aren't bad people in the Middle East mind you).
I think part of it stems from people not wanting to be "that guy". You know, the one that suggests something out of step of what is commonly believed. The ones you ridicule usually. You got no balls.
Christopher Hitchens Responds to Fundamentalist Apologist
Hitchens may be advocating a war "within" Islam but what is that supposed to mean exactly? A war on their minds? A real, I kill anyone not on my side war? What is the Islamic perspective on our actions?
My problem is that he supports the war in Iraq. Which is crazy talk. The war itself whether fueled by greed, religion or misguided revenge is NOT convincing Muslims that being extremists is wrong. Hitchens seems to think my kind of rationale is "giving up". So I take it his own methods would be to increase our fervor. I was being purposely harsh when I said Athiestic Jihad but I think in a way that's what he wants. "We need to stand up and tolerate these barbaric beliefs no more"!
If your child doesn't listen to your good advice do you start beating him? If he keeps on thinking his own way do you beat him harder? If you do, do you really think that will work on all kids?
I just totally disagree that we go over to other countries and force them to be how we want them to be. If extremists come over here and do honour killings or throw acid on unveiled womens faces then sure, we have a right to throw the book at them.
I think we need to be firm within our own countries but much more diplomatic externally. Also it helps if we're extremely successful with science, work ethic, economy etc. It makes us look like we're on to something.
Christopher Hitchens Responds to Fundamentalist Apologist
True, but I still disagree with him on this point.
To say it's only religion which causes these fundamentalist muslims to rise up is silly. Religion may be a fuel of sorts and a unifying element but I'm sure the initial ignition or spark was caused somewhere else.
I'm an athiest as well and I don't Hitchens telling me I need to go on some Athiestic Jihad because violence is all they will understand.
I still respect him for voicing out against religion however.
Obama should force the votes on health care
Your health care used to work fine 50 years ago. If you think profit is ever out of the equation you're deluded. Even if the government is paying for things people are still making money and the government only gets money from you. So just making government do it doesn't mean it will work.
Government run health care can go just as wrong as what you currently have. If you guys are willing to bail on capitalism right now because of corruption (I don't blame you all for your feelings on it) then if you do institute Government run health care for everyone you still have to be just as vigilant in making sure it does what you want it to do.
If you get lazy and let the politicians make all these decisions or take an "Obama knows best" attitude you may be disappointed in what you actually get.
You could also fix the current system. It's not impossible. Equally as radical.
MSNBC Host Attacks Peter Schiff on The Ed Show - 8/6/09
I like the democracy my ass comment at the end there
Another advantage of smaller government is that in theory (as always) it would be easier to make changes. Without so much money changing hands it might be easier for the small guy to really make a difference.
However you're quite right it takes two to tango. Both are wrong. Companies want more and more and politicians enjoy being employed and the odd one (and even ones?) enjoys the kick backs too.
The thing that matters most is the rule of law at the top end. If the president can't be jailed or convicted of crimes then you no longer are part of a fair justice system and that's a big part of what makes us "free".
Corruption blows
Ron Paul on "Cash For Clunkers" Government Initiative
So your country going bankrupt = a good thing then? As long as there are newer cars on the road it's all good.
Something like this may be a good idea but if your country can't afford it I don't see this being very smart. You may think it's awesome now but in 10 years it'll be this and 100 other programs like it that drag your economy down.
MSNBC Host Attacks Peter Schiff on The Ed Show - 8/6/09
I'm glad this video has drawn a lot of comments.

I don't like the straight libertarian bashing here though. Socialism has strengths and weaknesses and so does Capitalism. I think our biggest problem has and always will be corruption. Mixing the two systems doesn't eliminate it nor does a pure form of one or the other. Unfortunately we're all too meek and lazy to really watch over those we determine are good enough to govern us.
I think both systems do make good points though. A mix is fine obviously and I think most libertarian's realise this. I don't hear of Libertarians asking for private Firefighters/Police etc. Whether you all like to think so or not libertatians DO believe in Government. Only limited in scope. So until you understand the other side a little better try not to make such excessive comments on what they want.
I do believe copyright and patent laws are outta control though. Yes some grace time is beneficial to the one that took the time to develop a product. However a life time copyright or 30 year patents are just way too much. Do you get payed at your job for 30+ years for doing one thing? (i.e. cleaning the floor generates revenue for you for years and years for each time you do it
Anyways I just wanted to chime in and give some support to the capitalist side that's getting bashed a lot here. I do agree with one thing Schiff usually says and that's that the United States current market is NOT a free market. There is so much collusion with government that you have to be blind or stupid not to see it. If he's willing to be more of a fighter to clean it up I don't know why you wouldn't give him a shot. Seems a lot better than a lot of the other guys that usually get voted in.
Deceptive Deceptions Conspiracy Theories
I found this quite amusing actually.
Though I do think not all things that go against the grain of what is commonly believed and gets labelled conspiracy theory are necessarily complete fabrications. I think being skeptical of them is fine but make sure to shake some of that skepticism salt on commonly held beliefs as well