Sizzler Commercial Circa 1991

Don't let big government ruin your freedom to consume steak at Sizzler.

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OMG... I watched this 10 minutes ago and now all I can hear is "sizzler ... is the choice.... of UHMURRRIKA"

the horrror... the unrelenting horror

Damn you @MrFisk.... dammmmnnn yooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu......


Aw shucks, I guess I'm the only Sifter to not hate Sizzler and America. And, I just ate at Sizzler's last week. Steak and all you can eat shrimp. At the very least, don't hate on the cheesy bread!!!!!

Do I get an America badge or a Sizzler badge or both? Because I deserve it.

If it wasn't for old people and meth addicts, I would not have had the pleasure of visiting this dying breed of restaurant. (At least it's dying over in socal.) And, yes, I am the reigning Duke of Sizzler on Yelp. 5 stars.

Also, I'm pretty sure every company in America had a video like this.

(Whispers: Sizzler)


I have no opinion on the restaurant chain... never eaten there.

The jingle though.... that's a satanic dump on music (and not in a good way)


Aw shucks, I guess I'm the only Sifter to not hate Sizzler and America. And, I just ate at Sizzler's last week. Steak and all you can eat shrimp. At the very least, don't hate on the cheesy bread!!!!!

Do I get an America badge or a Sizzler badge or both? Because I deserve it.

If it wasn't for old people and meth addicts, I would not have had the pleasure of visiting this dying breed of restaurant. (At least it's dying over in socal.) And, yes, I am the reigning Duke of Sizzler on Yelp. 5 stars.

Also, I'm pretty sure every company in America had a video like this.

(Whispers: Sizzler)


It is HORRID. Agreed. But I clawed my eyes out and stabbed pencils in my ear drums so it's fine now. It's... everything will be better when we're dead.


I have no opinion on the restaurant chain... never eaten there.

The jingle though.... that's a satanic dump on music (and not in a good way)


If they replace SIZZLER with CANDIDATE, this would be the perfect political ad of all time.

(I was really hoping to see the crazed murderer from Too Many Cooks pop up any second there)

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