Samuel L Jackson " Wake The F*ck UP " for Obama


Paid for by the Jewish Council for Education and Research, WTFU is a product of Schlep Labs.
WTFU, Schlep Labs and The Great Schlep are all projects of JCER.

"The Jewish Council for Education & Research (JCER), a federal Super PAC, was created to develop and disseminate information to voters in the United States around issues of concern to the Jewish community. In 2012, JCER is supporting President Barack Obama’s re-election effort with a series of high-profile initiatives in the spirit of the The Great Schlep. JCER will confront the scare tactics used to peel away Jewish voters from the Obama campaign and reenergize those in his base whose enthusiasm may have diminished from four years ago. Recognizing that the Jewish community is not one-size-fits-all, JCER is creating cross-platform initiatives to develop the community’s narrative about Obama and to shore up support for his campaign in key swing states. "


Mik Moore - Before starting his own firm in 2011, Mik was the Chief Strategy Officer at Jewish Funds for Justice. Links to his projects, published writing and television appearances, and firm portfolio can be found at

Ari Wallach - Ari Wallach is the founder of Synthesis Corp., a consulting firm based in New York City that provides strategic counsel converging at the intersection of memes, technology and innovation. Ari is also currently a member of the boards of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), 5ivepoints, and the Coalition for the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL)

Mira Oreck - a dedicated and dynamic professional who has been working for over a decade recruiting and mobilizing individuals behind a cause or campaign. Born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Mira lives in Brooklyn, NY where she recently earned her Master’s Degree in Urban Policy Analysis and Management at The New School

Emma Goldberg - a high school student passionate about communications and new media. Born and raised in New York, she attends the Abraham Joshua Heschel School. She pursues her interest in digital strategies through her role as Social Media Coordinator for STAND, a national student anti-genocide coalition.

and someone who knew sarah silverman and sam jackson!


Wait a second? The JCER did this? A Jewish group? A group of people who belong to the only religion that has been disrespected by Obama more than the Catholics is actively supporting his re-election. Hmm.. Wonders never cease.


>> ^My_design:

Wait a second? The JCER did this? A Jewish group? A group of people who belong to the only religion that has been disrespected by Obama more than the Catholics is actively supporting his re-election. Hmm.. Wonders never cease.

Some more conservative Jews think that Obama has disrespected Israel, but it's not true they're still getting a ridiculous amount of Aid from the US, it's not even funny they belong in another category.

As fas as disrespecting the Religion of Judaism I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Did he tip over your menorah or something?


>> ^PostalBlowfish:

It's really special to see a party of vote suppressors claim the President is anti-America. Go on shivving the basic principles of the republic while pretending it's the rest of us who have a problem with America.

The assumption is those people aren't "Real Americans" so they shouldn't even be allowed to vote.


If we're concerned with whether actual Americans are voting, we should register everyone who is an actual American actively, actually put the proper credentials into their hands, make election day a holiday, and then encourage them to vote on that day.

That stuff isn't about making sure "non-real Americans" don't vote, it's about making sure specific actual Americans can't.


>> ^PostalBlowfish:

If we're concerned with whether actual Americans are voting, we should register everyone who is an actual American actively, actually put the proper credentials into their hands, make election day a holiday, and then encourage them to vote on that day.
That stuff isn't about making sure "non-real Americans" don't vote, it's about making sure specific actual Americans can't.

You're getting hung up on the wording. This is about how they see things, they see people who wouldn't vote for their interests as not "Real Americans".


>> ^quantumushroom:

Smuguel Jackson should release his tax returns. Since he doesn't look like a b tch, I'm sure he has a team of lawyers serving up every tax break and loophole they can find.

Thank you for that fact-free speculation that Sam Jackson is a hypocrite.

Now explain why the vote should go so someone who definately has exploited said loopholes and has made his billions shipping jobs overseas and pays less taxes than the 47% of the country he dismisses as moochers.


THIS. I'm sick of this partisan horseshit. This isn't about Red vs. Blue. This is about America becoming the exact opposite of what it's supposed to be. We torture, we assassinate, we hold people indefinitely without trial or even bringing charges. We we spy on our own people, curtail free speech by having free speech zones, and send in the police to break up peaceful protests. We're the bad guys now. It's shameful and I'm against any person and any party who supports such actions.

>> ^NobleOne:

I am just going to leave this right here.

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