President Obama Addresses the Newtown, Conn., School Shootin

A mass shooting at a Connecticut school has left a staggering death toll and a town in chaos after a gunman opened fire in Newtown Friday. With at least 27 dead, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was worse than Columbine.

Among the dead Friday were six adults who were at the school, 20 children and the gunman.

Media outlets are identifying a 24-year-old man named Adam Lanza as the suspect. Lanza’s mother was a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School. She was also killed, The Associated Press reports.

An adult was also found dead at at secondary scene in Newtown.

As a parent myself, I am deeply affected and saddened by this.
This NEEEDS To be stoped. I think once the anger of a Nation wears off, it is going to be followed by anger. This is the last thing anyone wanted to hear about right befor the holiday season - or ever.


Oh, I meant to ask actually before but I guess I forgot.

Are school shootings common in other nations ?

I had never heard of this until Columbine and that was when i was near Graduating. Since then there have been around seven that pop into my head. All in the USA.. ohh no, wait, there was one in southern Alberta. Taber Alberta.

Before I go into a boring rant, do other countries have this ? is this a thing that happens world wide ? School shootings that is, not public spot shootings.


This is all obviouslly very tragic.
@BoneRemake . School shootings are not only an american phenomenon. There have been similar tragidies all over the world. I believe one of the more famous ones happened in england, some guy shot a bunch of children. The outrage led to the gun control that england now has.
@Kofi, instead of talking about banning guns for all citizens, we should talk about what to do with the mentally ill. Im guesing this shooter is going to be on some kind of prescription phsycoactive drugs. I think most of the people that do this kind of thing are always found to be on meds. and under a doctors "care".
Also, its not front page news for some reason but, A man in china slashed 22 children in a vicious knife attack today (no , Im not kidding) . I hear its a growing trend , with many mass slashings lately, and some blame the bad economy.


Can't we do both?

Many other Western nations don't have this problem, at least not on the scale that the USA does. Access to weapons is a HUGE part of the problem. It enables certain thought patterns to become viable solutions to tough situations.
Sums it up.


@Kofi, instead of talking about banning guns for all citizens, we should talk about what to do with the mentally ill.


You are saying we should BAN guns and TALK about how to handle the mentally ill?
How about we DO something about mental health , and also continue to let people TALK about gun control all they want. I would bet the second scenerio would be more helpfull .
Do these other western nations you speak of pepper the populace with mind altering drugs like the USA does? Id like to hear the stats .
I will admit I'm going out on a limb about prescribed drugs and todays shooter, but Im betting tomorrow or the next couple days , we will find out what kind of meds he was on, then those findings will be forgot, and people will talk about how bad guns are.
I mean if thought patterns are your problem than address things that effect your thoughts.


Can't we do both?Many other Western nations don't have this problem, at least not on the scale that the USA does. Access to weapons is a HUGE part of the problem. It enables certain thought patterns to become viable solutions to tough situations. it up.


All I know is that the "BANNING GUNS WON'T HELP!" chorus is about to start blaring their bullshit to try to drown out reality.

So to undercut that horseshit before it starts, today there was also an attack on a Chinese school, carried out by a madman with a knife. 22 were wounded, but nobody died.

Seems like using a gun really does make crazy people's killing sprees a lot more deadly.


An interesting difference in the case of China's offenses:
"After several such attacks since 2010, the government has ordered all schools to beef-up security and the official media stopped reporting the incidents to avoid copy-cat imitations."

A far cries difference on how the American Media reacts. They can't wait to get the scoop and evoke the biggest reaction. As far as they are concerned - it makes Good TV, which is sickening. The media is currently having a frenzy over this one vying to see who can get the best interview/scoop.


America has by the far the largest amount of guns per person of any country in the world. Nothing short of making them scarce and prohibitively expensive will prevent these massacres and that will not happen in this lifetime.

Assault weapon bans, limits on carry laws, metal detectors at schools, all these policies have negligible effect in light of the larger issue above. As far as I'm concerned that's why it's died as a political issue over there and why Obama rightly has no interest in pursuing it.

What grinds my gears is the media and politicians who milk these mass shootings for advertising revenue and popularity to no end.


it's become the fashionable way to cry out for attention and go out in a blaze of, perceived, glory.

I think part of the problem is that mental health is still largely an unknown science. There is no magic detector that goes off if you're in extreme personal turmoil and about to crack.

There are some very good mental doctors out there, but there are a ton out there who do nothing but prescribe expensive pills.

Until mental health science improves, we've got to go after the guns. As someone already mentioned, we've got the most guns per capita, so obviously "more guns" isn't working. I've heard people already arguing that we've got to arm teachers...are fucking nuts?? There's got to be some sort of increase in gun control, what it is, I cannot say, but something needs to be done.

I also think a lot of this has to fall on the parents too, probably not in all cases, but I think in many you have the issue of negligent parenting. I still remember The columbine shooting and how the parents of the shooters immediately lawyered up. Then it was discovered they had a arsenal of weapons and explosives right there in the home. The parents had to know and just didn't care.

That's the problem though, how do you correct that? how do you stop a shitty parent from being a shitty parent and stop shit like this from ever happening in the first place.

America has some deep emotional issues we need to fucking address or more shootings are going to keep occurring. I agree, banning guns isn't going to solve the problem, but the problem is that tackling the REAL reason why this shit occurs is so out of our reach that banning guns is the only realistic alternative. Yes the problem is crazy people + guns. We have absolutely no idea how to address crazy people, but we sure as hell know how we can address the gun problem.


I agree, the media completely slobbers over this shit. I live in Nebraska and when we had the mall shooting in Omaha, I remember reading an article about it where the author seemed utterly gleeful and compared the shooting to us joining an elite club. I wanted to punch the guy.

Banning media coverage from this sort of stuff would have a significant impact I think since they do this to get attention and there is no bigger attention than national media coverage.

I'm sorry, we just don't need to have interviews and tons of photos. It's always the same thing. Of course they're traumatized, of course they're greiving, of course they're shocked. DUH. Even businesses latch on as much as they can use the tragedy as an excuse to post some fake mournful post on facebook/twitter/etc


An interesting difference in the case of China's offenses:
"After several such attacks since 2010, the government has ordered all schools to beef-up security and the official media stopped reporting the incidents to avoid copy-cat imitations."

A far cries difference on how the American Media reacts. They can't wait to get the scoop and evoke the biggest reaction. As far as they are concerned - it makes Good TV, which is sickening. The media is currently having a frenzy over this one vying to see who can get the best interview/scoop.


If I may : I'm not saying it's all about gun control, I know this would happen even with tighter legislation, I'm saying you're all asking the wrong questions.

Shouldn't it be : with roughly the same type of gun laws, why is the US so dominant in the statistics whereas Canada is almost totally absent ?

And this :


This is all obviouslly very tragic.
@BoneRemake . School shootings are not only an american phenomenon. There have been similar tragidies all over the world. I believe one of the more famous ones happened in england, some guy shot a bunch of children. The outrage led to the gun control that england now has.
@Kofi, instead of talking about banning guns for all citizens, we should talk about what to do with the mentally ill. Im guesing this shooter is going to be on some kind of prescription phsycoactive drugs. I think most of the people that do this kind of thing are always found to be on meds. and under a doctors "care".
Also, its not front page news for some reason but, A man in china slashed 22 children in a vicious knife attack today (no , Im not kidding) . I hear its a growing trend , with many mass slashings lately, and some blame the bad economy.


Two things caused this
1) Easy access to weapons. (2nd amendment)
2) Unhandled psychological issues. (Failing health care system)

Maybe the US should work on those eh? The shooter is just a symptom, not the disease.


I think you are wrong in saying the medical health science isn't advanced enough. I think it very much could have caught this, it's the application of medical health science that's lacking. Too many "psychologists" are happy to sling pills at people, and furthermore the system is designed so that a poor guy like this dude would never even be able to afford proper care.


it's become the fashionable way to cry out for attention and go out in a blaze of, perceived, glory.

I think part of the problem is that mental health is still largely an unknown science. There is no magic detector that goes off if you're in extreme personal turmoil and about to crack.

There are some very good mental doctors out there, but there are a ton out there who do nothing but prescribe expensive pills.

Until mental health science improves, we've got to go after the guns. As someone already mentioned, we've got the most guns per capita, so obviously "more guns" isn't working. I've heard people already arguing that we've got to arm teachers...are fucking nuts?? There's got to be some sort of increase in gun control, what it is, I cannot say, but something needs to be done.

I also think a lot of this has to fall on the parents too, probably not in all cases, but I think in many you have the issue of negligent parenting. I still remember The columbine shooting and how the parents of the shooters immediately lawyered up. Then it was discovered they had a arsenal of weapons and explosives right there in the home. The parents had to know and just didn't care.

That's the problem though, how do you correct that? how do you stop a shitty parent from being a shitty parent and stop shit like this from ever happening in the first place.

America has some deep emotional issues we need to fucking address or more shootings are going to keep occurring. I agree, banning guns isn't going to solve the problem, but the problem is that tackling the REAL reason why this shit occurs is so out of our reach that banning guns is the only realistic alternative. Yes the problem is crazy people + guns. We have absolutely no idea how to address crazy people, but we sure as hell know how we can address the gun problem.


I don't see why we can't come up with a happy medium between what Japan has and what we have.

I've heard pro-gun people here say they would welcome more stringent testing and/or training being a requirement before gun why don't we fucking do that?

Gun ownership is supposed to be this serious important thing, well put your money where your mouth is. If it's so serious and important, then you won't mind taking some drug and mental health tests and background checks. It's asinine that we have more regulations and testing for operating a car than we do a gun.

I have zero problem with gun ownership. I wouldn't mind owning my own if I had a bit more disposable income and time.

The problem, really, is the gun lobby that has a stranglehold on our politicians, either that or we continue to elect shitty politicians that won't stand up to the lobby.

profits getting in the way of creating a fair and just society again.


There's an excellent Washington Post article that examines Japan's gun control laws and why they have such a low rate of gun violence (

Definitely worth a read.


I saw today on CNN that they weren't going to be using the shooter's name as they didn't want his name to become a "Household Name". They preferred to make the tragic reports about the victims and not to glorify the shooter.

It's a step in the right direction.


@Sagemind you've still got the wrong name for the shooter in your description.

Ryan is the older brother of the shooter, Adam Lanza, 20.

It's going to be hard enough to be Ryan Lanza for a long time, let's get the names right.


I saw today on CNN that they weren't going to be using the shooter's name as they didn't want his name to become a "Household Name". They preferred to make the tragic reports about the victims and not to glorify the shooter.

It's a step in the right direction.


New York and Chicago have more violent gun crime than states with sane gun laws. Obama is a tool, a liar, and his crocodile tears leading to some fantasy where the USA has no guns may become a reality if people don't pull their heads outta their own asses concerning guns.

If that school was armed, that emo fuck would have been less likely to twist.

Ban guns is not an option, the fevor for ownership would explode. Everyone with a gun in their hand would be retarded, because the MAJORITY of peeps in the U.S. are developmentally disabled...That's like giving free cell phones and helmet-less crotch-rocket rides to primary school children. Oh wait. They've already done that here.


America, its time to either ban guns or make it mandatory to carry one.


Got it fixed - sorry.
That was a copy paste from a news site.
I didn't realize it was incorrect.

I'm wondering if we shouldn't take a page from CNN and eliminate his name all together.


@Sagemind you've still got the wrong name for the shooter in your description.

Ryan is the older brother of the shooter, Adam Lanza, 20.

It's going to be hard enough to be Ryan Lanza for a long time, let's get the names right.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'President, Obama, Newtown, School, Shooting' to 'President, Obama, Newtown, School, Shooting, Sandy Hook' - edited by lucky760

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