Only One Has Been Consistent. Only One Has Been Right.

For 30 years.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

While I disagree with a lot of what he says, at least he's consistent about it. Shame he doesn't have a chance of getting the nomination.

That's one of the big myths of American politics. Consistency is not a good thing in a leader (at least not to the exclusion of all else). Leaders should be flexible, open to new ideas and ready to admit it when they're wrong. As one comedian joked about Bush, "He'll believe the same thing on Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday."


Agreed. But, as with all things, there's a balance to be found.
>> ^Drachen_Jager:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
While I disagree with a lot of what he says, at least he's consistent about it. Shame he doesn't have a chance of getting the nomination.

That's one of the big myths of American politics. Consistency is not a good thing in a leader (at least not to the exclusion of all else). Leaders should be flexible, open to new ideas and ready to admit it when they're wrong. As one comedian joked about Bush, "He'll believe the same thing on Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday."


For better or worse, finally a republican candidate who wants to challenge the status quo.

It's amazing he's even allowed to be nominated.

Let me get this straight, Dr. Paul.

You want to close all the military bases, end the wars, hobble the defense contractors, slash the budget to nothing, fire all the federal employees nation wide, then hold to a sort of good neighbor policy in terms of pollution and regulatory abuse in the Laissez faire right wing utopia you unleash on the world for four or more years.

A crack-pot Texas gynecologist who isn't Ivy League, and doesn't carry a Skull and Bones card in his wallet.

I was thinking that said something positive about America until I remember the last Republican vice presidential nomination.

Anyone who is a member the Republican party for any semblance of ideals and philosophy will vote for Ron Paul. The rest of them just like country music, kevin costner movies, flashy advertisements and anything else that doesn't require their concentration for more than five minutes.


>> ^ChaosEngine:

While I disagree with a lot of what he says, at least he's consistent about it. Shame he doesn't have a chance of getting the nomination.

I don't get this mentality at all. As @Drachen_Jager says, it's not even necessarily a good thing to be consistent, but even if you think it is, why is it good to be consistently at odds with what you think?

"I disagree with everything you say sir, but by god you have been consistently disagreeing with me since day one... I will elect you"

It's rubbish.

And if that's what people have to hang their hat on about Ron Paul, good luck to them.


The only thing I disagree with Ron Paul about is the following:

1) I believe the government should fund science and that the NSF and public research institutions stimulate the economy in way that cannot be accomplished with private research.
2) I believe taxes should be graduated such that the rich pay more in taxes than the poor.
3) I believe in the public school system (I just think it is underfunded).

Those are the big ones.


>> ^swedishfriend:

>> ^blankfist:
Services and goods offered at the barrel of a gun are immoral.

Good thing we live in a representative democracy!

The US isn't a representational democracy. It's a constitutional republic. That aside, both forms of government are immoral to some degree because they force services and goods onto the people.


>> ^blankfist:

>> ^swedishfriend:
>> ^blankfist:
Services and goods offered at the barrel of a gun are immoral.

Good thing we live in a representative democracy!

The US isn't a representational democracy. It's a constitutional republic. That aside, both forms of government are immoral to some degree because they force services and goods onto the people.

Where is the force? You don't have to use government services. You can live on your own away from others and supply your own food and shelter. Many people already do this in the USA. You have to accept your own responsibility in participating in the system which you call immoral but which only includes willing participants who themselves set the rules.

I and many others love paying taxes because we are contributing to the collective strategy of an entire nation. If there are rules or strategies I don't like I work to change them. If I ever felt threatened or forced to do anything I would resist or move to a more reasonable society.



>> ^swedishfriend:

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^swedishfriend:
>> ^blankfist:
Services and goods offered at the barrel of a gun are immoral.

Good thing we live in a representative democracy!

The US isn't a representational democracy. It's a constitutional republic. That aside, both forms of government are immoral to some degree because they force services and goods onto the people.

Where is the force? You don't have to use government services. You can live on your own away from others and supply your own food and shelter. Many people already do this in the USA. You have to accept your own responsibility in participating in the system which you call immoral but which only includes willing participants who themselves set the rules.

I and many others love paying taxes because we are contributing to the collective strategy of an entire nation. If there are rules or strategies I don't like I work to change them. If I ever felt threatened or forced to do anything I would resist or move to a more reasonable society.

You have to pay for them. The money is forced from your income.

And let me ask you, do you enjoy paying taxes for endless wars, hegemony, and having over 700 bases in the large majority of nations? Tax money well spent.

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