Obama to Republicans: You Can't Drive!


Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.


>> ^Gallowflak:

>> ^billpayer:
quantummushroom your a stupid hater. Fuck u.

I'm not sure that that's really a useful argument to levy against a guy like quantumushroom, dude.

Oh come on, the reason why no one even replies to him anymore is because he's so far gone in his little delusional fantasy that it's not even worth responding.

But hey, sometimes we all just need a little cathartic 'fuck u'... =)


>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

I'm just curious here, but is there some place that I can go to get a legitimate conservative opinion? Is there a website out there where intelligent conservatives actually have valid points and constructive criticism on todays issues? I am honestly openly looking for that, but I don't think I've ever seen an intelligent conservative comment from anyone, anywhere (that I can remember). Surely this isn't all there is. Where do you go for your facts that have turned you so against this administration? I'm hoping that there is just some secret shining beacon of intelligent conservatism out there that puts everything into perspective and I just don't know about it yet. And please don't say it's Fox News.

I guess i'm actually assuming that your conservative based on the tone of the quote below. I suppose you could be libertarian or even an Anarchist for all I know, but the question still applies.


I like Obama as a person but Democrats and Republicans are both to blame since only a very narrow line is used to differentiate the two. I want to see Republicans drop the Christian lunatic fringe and get back to being fiscal conservatives and I want the "left" to vote in someone who is actually a leftist... then we might see something useful happen that doesn't benefit the 1% that control the vast amount of profit. Fuck those assholes,; give us back our money you fucking greedy thieves!


>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

Now I am from Canada so I dont really understand most of your mentatlity. But from my persepcitive, above you (geographically), it seems like republican reduction of restictions and regulations on various industries as well as commiting to two wars seems to have put your country into somthing of a hole. Then when people try to restore things to a state where they worked one side(the right, ironically in my opinion the wrong) fights tooth and nail to pass the buck. Now it may be some super long term strategy to mess things up so badly that when a dem comes to power you can shift all the blame onto them focusing everything negative onto them then when the term is up the right wing can blame the lousy past 4 years under dem rule as the fault of the democrats and take back power with a surge of public support.

Your country has a lot of problems and fighting people who are trying to stablize them doesnt help.


Obama is, at most, a right-centrist.

And he's not whining about The Job. He's whining about puerile lying frauds who fucked up The Job and have behaved like kids since they lost it.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.


So, honestly, what the fuck has Obama done to help fix anything? In fact, what has he done, PERIOD?

"Change." Where?

Oh, you mean like, he's black?

Now I see where the confusion came from. All this time, we all thought he was talking about, like, you know, actual political change. No, it's cool Obama. Keep focusing on things that don't matter. We don't mind, now that we know all you meant by "change" was your skin tone.


>> ^ForgedReality:

So, honestly, what the fuck has Obama done to help fix anything? In fact, what has he done, PERIOD?
"Change." Where?
Oh, you mean like, he's black?
Now I see where the confusion came from. All this time, we all thought he was talking about, like, you know, actual political change. No, it's cool Obama. Keep focusing on things that don't matter. We don't mind, now that we know all you meant by "change" was your skin tone.

I'm not sure you could make any less of a point with any less evidence backing up whatever the hell it is you're saying and still write in complete sentences without profanity. If that wasn't a carefully constructed troll, I am quite amazed.


>> ^gbfunk:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

I'm just curious here, but is there some place that I can go to get a legitimate conservative opinion? Is there a website out there where intelligent conservatives actually have valid points and constructive criticism on todays issues? I am honestly openly looking for that, but I don't think I've ever seen an intelligent conservative comment from anyone, anywhere (that I can remember). Surely this isn't all there is. Where do you go for your facts that have turned you so against this administration? I'm hoping that there is just some secret shining beacon of intelligent conservatism out there that puts everything into perspective and I just don't know about it yet. And please don't say it's Fox News.

I guess i'm actually assuming that your conservative based on the tone of the quote below. I suppose you could be libertarian or even an Anarchist for all I know, but the question still applies.


Article by Victor Davis Hanson


>> ^quantumushroom:

Pick up Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny. It illustrates how far the US has fallen from its conservative roots and neatly explains the difference between a Statist and a Conservative.
Do liberals learn anything? Sinking Europe implies that they do not.

You're implying that one can be a Liberal Statist but not a Conservative Statist?

How old are you? What are your parents like? What socioeconomic location were you raised in?

You sound like the neo-con younger brother of Dr. Weird from ATHF.


You know I don't think I've heard as accurate an analogy in a very long.. no wait, I've never heard quite so accurate an analogy.

Good show Mr. President! I'm hoping come November the American people will prove they don't have the hopelessly short term memory they appear to have and that analogies like this one actually rattle around in that empty space most of us call a brain in the states instead of the lies, hatred and racism that has so consumed the right.


@gbfunk, apparently silvercord and QM want to prove your point for you.

silvercord brings us an article from pajamasmedia, which is essentially a screed entirely aimed at calling Obama a hypocrite for a laundry list of reasons that have about as much factual basis as your average Fox news segment. There's no actual criticism of his policy prescriptions of course, and certainly doesn't contain the "valid points and constructive criticism" you desire.

QM recommends you read a book that's so far off the deep end, even other conservatives call it wingnuttery.

The best I've seen in terms of non-crazy conservative counterpoint is the American Conservative Magazine, which seems to try to stick to a fair reading of the facts and positions of liberal politicians, while still providing a conservative counterpoint to the stuff I usually read.

I also find that there's limited sanity to be found in conservative economists when they're engaged in debate with a liberal economist (though when they're left to their own devices, they seem to lie like rugs).

Mostly though, I find that if what you're looking for is a constructive, well reasoned, fact-based critique of Democratic policies, you can find tons of it on left-wing blogs. This is especially true if you're looking for criticism of Obama that doesn't just boil down to a) Obama is arrogant, b) Obama is a tyrant, c) Obama is a liar, or d) Obama is not like you, so fear and mistrust him.


That's pretty funny coming from a Chicago politician with no experience and we're all seeing how is failed hopey changey is working out. How many more bail outs must be done before he and his socialist allies bankrupt the country? I can't wait till he is defeated by Sarah Palin in 2012!


Seems to me like the President is just trying to slide off the blame for an economy that is, at best, slowly recovering - at worst it's sliding fast. While his historic Health Care Bill goes into effect it really doesn't do much to combat a 9.9% unemployment, and worsening state and global economics. Freddie and Fannie continue to drain our coffers:
and our government focuses more on social issues (like racial profiling and illegal aliens) than fiscal.
Granted that without a Democratic controlled house and senate nationalized health care would never have passed, but aside from Obama promising to focus on the economy like a laser beam - nothing has really happened to boost our economy in 2 years. All I've seen is the rapid printing of money to shore up fast eroding programs.

Now with businesses collapsing and federal/state tax revenue declining, we have to implement tax incentives that will create growth in both big and small business and cut back on the union pensions and social programs for the short term. This creates jobs, and revenue.
It took years but Gov. Schwarzenegger has come to this same conclusion in California.

But I have little hope that anything will get fixed as long as politicians remain in power.
Oh and go see waiting for Superman:



You still don't understand how we got into the ditch, you still don't accept responsibility for having gotten us there, and don't even show any sign of knowing which way is up, much less how to find the road from where we are. You guys are proudly proclaiming that you aren't going to change how you drive, but instead are going to double down on the behavior that got us into this mess in the first place.

Not to mention that ever since you were forced to turn over the keys to more responsible people, you've been doing everything you can to sabotage efforts to get us out of the ditch, and all the while trying to convince people that they, not you, were the ones in the driver's seat when the car went into the ditch.

So no, you can't have the keys back. You still haven't even said sorry, much less learned anything from your mistakes.


I wonder sometimes if Quantum Mushroom is satirizing the Right or he really believes what he says. It's so hard to tell with the far right nutjobs sometimes when they're serious. If you're serious Quantum you should be institutionalized. Either in a psych hospital or a school, if you still don't learn to think properly at school then option A is the only choice I guess.


I'm not saying Republicans need the keys. I'm saying that Obama and the Democrats aren't exactly backing up the tow truck. Understand how we got in the Ditch? Let's see, Republican President throws us in War we don't want, need, or can afford to satisfy his Dad's agenda. Check!
Greedy banks and real estate agents lie and giving out loans to people that have no means to pay for them. Check!
Home cost to skyrocket only to imploded when the balloon payments go into effect. CHECK!
Then the banks sell the loans to Freddie and Fanny who are forced to buy the loans by the Government. These organizations then get stuck holding the bag for BILLIONS of dollars worth of bad loans. CHECK!
Oh yeah I got plenty of blame to sling around and I think I've got a pretty good idea of why we're in this mess. From what I can tell Health Care didn't have a hell of a lot to do with it. I'm glad we got it and I think millions will benefit from it, but now we need to focus on fixing our economy, and I don't hear anything from Washington except that we are going to wind up paying more. How much am I going to have to pay out of my check to fix other peoples greed? So don't take your holier than tho' attitude that I "still" don't understand. It doesn't take much to understand that my companies sales continue to sink in the toilet. 2 years in and Obama's still blaming Republicans. Democrats control the House and the Senate! Get a solution together and FIX THE DAMN ECONOMY! But that means creating jobs that aren't government jobs and I haven't seen Obama present a plan yet that does that. Oh wait, we can just extend unemployment! That's a great way to help the situation.

So do you know where the road is? Because I don't think bottomless funding of Freddie and Fanny is the way to go. So what's worse? That the Republicans didn't learn from their mistakes or that the Democrats didn't learn from the Republican's mistakes or even their own?!
Oh and judging from some of the polls, it seems more and more of the general population thinks so too.


"Double down on the behavior that got us in this mess"? You mean cutting spending and promoting the growth of small businesses? Yeah, that caused this whole mess. Wait - no it was unregulated banking and the truckloads of C4 that Bush had planted in the twin towers.


>> ^Asmo:
>> ^Gallowflak:
>> ^billpayer:
quantummushroom your a stupid hater. Fuck u.

I'm not sure that that's really a useful argument to levy against a guy like quantumushroom, dude.

Oh come on, the reason why no one even replies to him anymore is because he's so far gone in his little delusional fantasy that it's not even worth responding.
But hey, sometimes we all just need a little cathartic 'fuck u'... =)

I believe the reason fewer people respond to him anymore is because many people have his comments set to 'ignore'.


@silvercord, I notice you don't address what I said about the article, and are holding up that guy's "credentials" as if it means someone who "has been a strong defender of George W. Bush and his policies", can't possibly be anything but a fair and impartial judge of how Obama practices politics because he has degrees and stuff.

It was all an attack on Obama's character. It doesn't talk about his ideas or his policies at all.

The whole thing is one big long whine about things he said he'd do things in the campaign that he didn't follow through on, and that this means he has a "casual disregard for the truth". I think it's a long walk from over-promising and under-delivering to "casual disregard for the truth". Casual disregard for the truth is calling global warming "the Gore fraud"...like Victor Hanson does in that article.

Oh, and on the promises kept vs. broken score, Obama's statistics are actually pretty good.

I don't expect everyone to agree with my politics, but for fuck's sake, when someone asks for something from "intelligent conservatives [who] actually have valid points and constructive criticism on today's issues", can you at least offer up an article that tries to provide constructive criticism on today's issues?


@NetRunner - I did address what you said. I called it the "netrunner filter." It's the filter that says, "this is how sensible people ought to view that article." Then you colored it the way you wanted us to see it. You used the filter again in your first paragraph when you wrongly guessed at why I pointed to Hanson's curriculum vitae. gbfunk did, after all, ask for a "conservative opinion," and not a "fair and impartial judge." I was holding up his credentials for two reasons. He is first a conservative and second, he has credentials to prove it. It is a valid conservative view.

As to your charge that there is no critique of Obama's policies, I will leave that up to gbfunk to decide. While you may take a more legalistic approach to the word 'policy' in order to skate around some of our President's more glaring inconsistencies, I am certain the American public isn't as careful.

Not so by the way, the publication you referenced (The American Conservative Magazine), after apologizing for previous "rough treatment" of Hanson, goes on to call him "one of America’s premier public intellectuals." This, in an introduction to an article written by Hanson and published last November.


@silvercord, let me get this straight. Me giving my own opinion is a "filter"?
>> ^silvercord:

You used the filter again in your first paragraph when you wrongly guessed at why I pointed to Hanson's curriculum vitae. gbfunk did, after all, ask for a "conservative opinion," and not a "fair and impartial judge." I was holding up his credentials for two reasons. He is first a conservative and second, he has credentials to prove it. It is a valid conservative view.

Okay, so his CV was to prove that he was conservative, not that he was necessarily going to make valid points. Fair enough.

>> ^silvercord:
Not so by the way, the publication you referenced (The American Conservative Magazine), after apologizing for previous "rough treatment" of Hanson, goes on to call him "one of America’s premier public intellectuals." This, in an introduction to an article written by Hanson and published last November.

Wait, so his CV was about his ability to make valid points?

Let me try to make my point again without putting in the barbs, and see if you would like to respond to it directly.

The original request was for "a place to go where ... intelligent conservatives actually have valid points and constructive criticism on todays issues".

I read that as meaning that he's looking for somewhere, anywhere to regularly find commentary that:

  1. Makes valid points
  2. Contains constructive criticism
  3. Discusses today's issues
  4. Is written by people who are intelligent conservatives

I'm happy to concede that the article you linked meets that 4th criteria. I'll even say that there's an argument to be made that the 1st is met also. I contest that it meets the other two.

His CV has nothing to do with points 1-3.

You did vaguely attempt to address criteria #3 with this:
>> ^silvercord:
As to your charge that there is no critique of Obama's policies, I will leave that up to gbfunk to decide. While you may take a more legalistic approach to the word 'policy' in order to skate around some of our President's more glaring inconsistencies, I am certain the American public isn't as careful.

...but I read that as "you're right, I'm not talking about issues, but I doubt my audience will notice, so stop pointing it out."

Seriously, there's a ton to criticize about what Obama's doing without having to say "he's a liar". Hell, if the whole case you want to make is "Obama tells lies" you don't even have to dig into campaign promises. But that's not constructive criticism, and none of it is really about the issues.

For example, the statement "Obama bears responsibility for having permitted BP to do offshore drilling without having made enough of an effort to ensure that it would be safe" is a valid point. "Therefore, Obama should fire the people responsible at MMS, and put new procedures in place to ensure that oil companies follow the appropriate safety tests before operating a rig in American waters" would be constructive criticism.

I don't even know where to find the conservative policy idea to deal with what's happening in the gulf, or how they would try to prevent future problems.

All I know is that the right wants to say it's all Obama's fault, and it's Obama's Katrina, and it's not all that bad anyway so we should keep drilling, and liberals should have never blamed Bush for Katrina, and BTW, didn't Obama say during the campaign that he's opposed to offshore drilling?

Not really constructive, not really valid, and not really even about the issue. It's horrifying that so-called "intelligent conservatives" think this is the way they should talk about today's issues.

That's my point, and I daresay it was gbfunk's as well.

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