"The sequence of events shown is fascinating. You can hear Neil say he is opening the MESA, the Modular Equipment Storage Assembly. The movie camera that took the footage of his actual first step on the Moon was in there (some Moon Hoax twinkies love to ask who took the movie of Neil’s step, never bothering to, y’know, look it up. I guess typing stuff into Google is too hard for them). It was aimed at the bottom of the ladder, so Neil would be in its field of view when he walked off the footpad.
Next, he takes a hop from the lowest rung down to the footpad. He then hops back up to the last rung, to make sure he can get back off the pad. If he had trouble, he could talk to Houston and work out what to do.
He then observes the surface, noting the dust. He tested it a bit with the toe of his boot to get a better look at it.
Then, of course, he makes the most momentous step in history, separating us from a planet-bound species to one that strides across worlds."
Bad Astronomy
rougyAnd the American flag patch was on the left shoulder, where it belongs.
excellent find.
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silvercordThis is a beautiful clip. Thank you!
TrancecoachHow did they get the special effects to make it seem so realistic like that? <sic>
StukaFoxsays...This is the America I believe in and love.
antIs this from the good quality tape that NASA lost and found?
Haldaug^Seems like it was this guy who found it and uploaded it to youtube: http://depletedcranium.com/?p=1876
8266says...I checked, its real NASA footage.
grubertsays...This is absolutely awesome. I especially like the way Armstrong delivers his now legendary words, then proceeds to analyze the ground and the crater left by the Eagle. After being the first human to step on the f***ing Moon! How unbelievably professional!
I agree with StukaFox, this is what the USA can achieve when at its best. 400,000 Americans, men and women, working together for a decade to land men on the Moon. The 21st of July this year will be the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing. I think it would be a nice symbol if your president announced then he's set a new goal for your country, something of the same scale, be it the conquest of Mars, the cure for cancer or the development of a new, clean energy like cold fusion. I guess that would be enough to reconcile the United States with the rest of the world, and forget about the last eight years of mayhem.
Sorry for being so lyrical, I'm not drunk!
andybesySome more footage here:
blackoutsays...Obama has already put the task to the nation of "curing cancer within our lifetime" he did this at his not-state of the union address.
jimnmsNASA's deleted scenes?
14762* lies j/k

As everyone knows, he did misspeak his planned legendary oneliner. He only left out a single letter word, but that "a" being absent makes the statement make no sense when you think about it. It always bothers me a little every time I hear it because I'm kind of a perfectionist, and if I had bungled that shit, I would have been really pissed off at myself.
BicycleRepairMan>> ^binglebongle:
lies j/k
As everyone knows, he did misspeak his planned legendary oneliner. He only left out a single letter word, but that "a" being absent makes the statement make no sense when you think about it. It always bothers me a little every time I hear it because I'm kind of a perfectionist, and if I had bungled that shit, I would have been really pissed off at myself.
Actually I believe they analyzed the recording and found that Armstrong actually did perform the line correctly(a man), but that in a freak coincidence, it was lost in the transmission.
9865Wow, I love how some of the back and forth between Armstrong and NASA was near instantaneous, no 2.7 second delay. Was the audio tweaked in any way?
Memorareamazing, 40 years later i wonder if we could pull off such a feat, seems like these days we have trouble just getting things off the ground.
southblvdAt 5:17 -- aliens?!
fuzzyundiesTremendously inspiring.
ajkido>> ^southblvd:
At 5:17 -- aliens?!
Some lightning guy walked into the shot? Luckily Neil didn't pull a Bale...
bareboards2*rest in peace....
from the stranger:
Death / Science Neil Armstrong
Posted by Paul Constant on Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 12:14 PM
NBC is reporting that the first man to walk on the moon has died at age 82. He had heart surgery earlier this month.
Between this news and Sally Ride's death last month, it certainly feels as though we're passing from one generation of space exploration to another.
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Friday, March 6th, 2009 9:13pm PST - promote requested by bareboards2.
shagen454Thats a pretty sweet stage
Let's *promote all of videos related to him!
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Saturday, August 25th, 2012 2:21pm PDT - promote requested by ant.
siftbotThe duration of this video has been updated from unknown to 7:53 - length declared by blutruth.
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