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My Favorite Thing to Sift, Kassie. Gay is the New Black!

..not a civil rights issue?

I am terribly upset to say this girl is less than an hour from me. She lives in my state. The chances of me seeing her while going into Dallas to a concert would be huge ...if she had musical tastes.

I can't believe people are still saying gays have the right to choose. No one chooses to be persecuted. Sorry. I am sure their lives would be a shit ton easier if they could pretend to be straight.

Let them get fucking married already!! Stop being such puritanical assholes.


..."they have no control over the color of skin they were born with ..."
That implies that if they had control they would choose something "better".
So she's a racist and a homophobe.

Yes, you should not get senior citizen benefits until you are a senior.
Do gays have to wait until they are human to get basic human rights .. like the pursuit of pursuit of happiness, which I am sure includes marrying someone you love. (though some married people might disagree .. lol)

I've never seen this stupid bitch before and don't plan to again.


I really don't think that's fair. I'm "religious" and I'm not anti-gay. And there is no mention of religion in here.
Sorry. *nochannel *wtf *gay *sexuality *controversy *terrible
I believe in God, but I don't think it's my place to tell people what to do with their lives, how to have sex or how to fall in love.
People either have rights or they don't.


Sorry burd...Nibiyabi's right. Unless you really meant to say you're anti-gay but not religious, that is.

I have yet to see a single argument against gay rights that wasn't based on religion, although I've seen quite a few people try to deny it (likely because you have to be incredibly stupid not to see the problem with legislating religious dogma, so best to deny the connection if you -want- the legislation).


Stormsinger, I agree with Burdturgler. However mingled religion may often be with anti-gay arguments, there was absolutely no mention of religion in this video. Given the complete lack of religious arguments (or claims of religious founding for her arguments), I don't believe the "religion" channel should be invoked here.

There are people out there who simply consider themselves "old-fashioned" or base their claims on "nature" and use that as the basis for their decision to be unsupportive of gay rights.


I know it's a ridiculous waste of time, but believe it or not, there are religious people who don't rape children, who do believe in gay rights, and who do understand science. I'm a gay rights advocate. I put this in the gay channel.

I'm not even going to argue about it. There's nothing in this video that references religion so it doesn't belong in that channel.


True burd, but I would argue that the concept that gay is "wrong" is primarily a religious one in this country. The proponents are people who mostly believe that it is wrong because "god" tells them so. It is a bit of a stretch to put it in the religion channel, but I wouldn't call it totally uncalled for...


How is this even an issue for that bitch? Making gay marriage legal would affect her Also I know this argument has been said, but why and the fuck would someone CHOOSE to be gay?


>> ^pmkierst:
Why are you giving her airtime?

I wonder about that too sometimes. Should I upvote videos that promote the exact things that I despise? Should I downvote them? In the end I think it's best to expose the shit for what it is. Schmawy taught me that. I'm still on the fence about it.


I totally thought this video was someone taking her actual video and cropping it down to all the parts where she says dumb things. Then I clicked it and saw that that was her actual video.....



Blacks were fighting for the same rights as Whites.

Gays are fighting for "special" rights.

Society has every right to decide what's important and what's not. Society says one man/one woman both of legal age and married is the preferred relationship. That's what a "value" is, declaring one thing more valuable than another thing.

It's always an adversarial stance with these gay activists, yet gays don't do anything as a group that merits being held in higher esteem than any other group, class or creed.

The self-righteous act is tired everywhere.


Yep, the same special rights as hetero couples. Time to go after those heteros and their 'special' rights, quantumushroom.

And how do you define what 'society' decides? The majority? It won't be long until there are 51% of people who want gay marriage - then will you agree that it should be enshrined?


>> ^quantumushroom:
Blacks were fighting for the same rights as Whites.
Gays are fighting for "special" rights.
Society has every right to decide what's important and what's not. Society says one man/one woman both of legal age and married is the preferred relationship. That's what a "value" is, declaring one thing more valuable than another thing.
It's always an adversarial stance with these gay activists, yet gays don't do anything as a group that merits being held in higher esteem than any other group, class or creed.
The self-righteous act is tired everywhere.

They're called human rights for a reason. They're not black rights, or white rights, or hispanic .. asian .. gay .. straight ..
Gays don't need to do anything to "merit" those rights. They're entitled to them the same way you are.

"Society has every right to decide what's important and what's not." ... Well if society has decided that equal rights are important and that personal freedom and liberty are important than gay people deserve those same rights and liberties as anyone else. How can you believe in liberty and withhold it at the same time? You can't "value" freedom and rights if they are only for certain groups of people.

Gays aren't fighting for "special rights". They want to get married and have it recognized just like any other couple.


Yeah, I really can't subject myself to this kind of inane bullshit spewing. The only reason she gets any attention is because she's somewhat attractive. If I had a nickel for every idiot on YouTube I've found, trying to push their views.. I'd be a rich man.


why doesnt she just come out and say it!!!
"the bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman"...
but noooooooo...we have to be subjected to her inane rhetoric.
here is a thought to keep you up at night kids.
she is one of them "breeders".
keep the lights on..mwhahahaha...


>> ^quantumushroom:
Blacks were fighting for the same rights as Whites.
Gays are fighting for "special" rights.

Quantum Mushroom, the primary rights gays are fighting for are Marriage, Adoption, Covering their family on their insurance, hospital visitation rights for their partner, and a few others.

I am honestly curious to know how you consider these special rights.

But I suspect you know that they're only asking for the same rights as heterosexuals. You just don't think they should get them. Tell us why you believe that rather then hiding behind insincere rhetoric. Seriously, we know you have the balls to be unpopular. Show us your balls.


>> ^pmkierst:
Why are you giving her airtime?

I am giving her air time because she is a closed minded asshole that needs to be exposed as such.

This also opened up a great discussion. Im sure that the reasonable people who are on the sift are not going to be influenced and have their views swayed by the idiotic ramblings of an over privileged neo con.


>> ^quantumushroom:
Blacks were fighting for the same rights as Whites.
Gays are fighting for "special" rights.
I would say "Homos are fighting for the same rights as heteros."
I'd like to know two things QM:

i) Why you didn't compare "Gays" to straights like you compared Blacks to Whites?

ii) What are the "special" rights that homosexuals are looking for? By my understanding they're looking for the legal equivalence of homosexual and heterosexual relationships and nothing beyond that.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'gay, black, kassie, dill, republican, head, in, her, ass, civil, rights' to 'gay, black, kassie dill, republican, head in her ass, civil rights' - edited by xxovercastxx

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