Most expensive item in Antiques Roadshow history

Why can't I find stuff like this?

The thing that always gets me about the Antiques Roadshow is how interested and attentive the people try to appear when the appraiser is talking about the history of the piece and describing it for the viewers, whereas the owner really just wants them to get on with it and hear how much they can pawn it off for.

It's still a fun show, though.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Antiques Roadshow, national treasure, lucky man' to 'Antiques Roadshow, national treasure, lucky old nice man, flabbergasted' - edited by calvados


Reminds me of when I was 10 and my family moved into an old house surrounded by 2.5 acres of wooded land. My parents had a bunch of old trees cut down and hauled off. Turns out the trees were all older black walnuts, worth an average of $10,000 each. My parents figure they had at least 70 of the trees cut down.

We didn't figure it out until many years later, so we never tried to recoup any of that value from the lucky fucks who got to haul off the trees My Mom says they must have known the value based on how excited they were about the privelege of hauling away several loads of trees.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Antiques Roadshow, national treasure, lucky man' to 'Antiques Roadshow, national treasure, lucky man, down to third place' - edited by therealblankman

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