Moron cuts down tree, crushes his front porch

To help launch the new Fail channel.

Top the tree off as flechette said. Also his notch on the 'fall' side was FAR FAR FAR too small. You can barely see it.

Oh well. Maybe he can have the local lumber mill cut boards out of the tree, and use them to rebuild the porch


Noooo doubt... Idiot. I have no clue how to do that job professionaly and even I have a better understand of how to do that so it'll fall to the left, open field direction. shit now I want to go cut me down a big tree just to do it.


Even if you're not exactly sure how it's going to fall.. wouldn't you at least cut it 90 degrees from how he did it now? Then it could still go either way, but at least not.. into the house.



Thats why you get someone who knows how to cut down a freaking tree instead of running out, buying a chainsaw and doing it yourself with zero experience.

It's also why every year at least a dozen people die when a tree falls on them.


We pulled down 10 or 15 trees 60-80 ft tall really close to my house. We ran a rope about 15 feet up each tree with a ladder, wrapped it around another tree away from the house and tied it to the Suburban pulling at a 90 degree angle. The trees go where you want them every time.

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