Marat Safin and the tennis netcord lady. Awww....

Marat says "I'm sorry" in the nicest way possible... er... short of giving her money.

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, January 19th, 2009 1:09pm PST - promote requested by kulpims.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Matat, Sifin, tennis, net cord, referee, ouch, there there I make it all better' to 'Matat, Safin, tennis, net cord, referee, ouch, there there I make it all better' - edited by rasch187


>> ^rasch187:
^ His name is Marat Safin...or Robert Paulson.

what does this clip have to do with Fight Club?

The first rule of tennis club is- don't pelt the line judge.
The second rule of tennis club is- don't pelt the line judge.
The third rule of tennis club is- if you break rules 1&2, kiss and make up.

yeah, that's some real antidisestablishmentarianism right there...


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