110 immigrants use ladder to cross border, enter US near Yuma

*doublepromote the *quality advancements Mexico has recently made after discovering ladder technology.

With luck, this evidence of how easily a wall is defeated would make Trump rethink holding government workers hostage for wall funding....unlikely though, since it's not a meant to be a serious security measure, it's meant to be a monument.


Double-Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, January 25th, 2019 1:08am PST - doublepromote requested by newtboy.

Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by newtboy.


They say a ladder is medieval. Well, so is a wall. A ladder is older than a wall.

And I looked at every single wall out there, even the really expensive ones that the Secret Service uses, and believe me they are expensive. I said, can you climb over this with a ladder? Yes. Oh, I thought it was medieval.

The ladder is older than the wall, you know that? There are some things that work. You know what? A ladder works to make a wall not work. Nothing like a ladder.


Cover the entire border with more of these cameras combined with drones then hire more border patrol agents or use the national guard. Streamline processing of detainees and improve handling facilities. Would work far better than a wall at a fraction of the cost.


Oh no! The immigrants are coming, better watch out or you might end up with a well-manicured lawn. Seriously, does anyone in the US really want these jobs? But then again Trump is trying to bring coal mining back, so what do I know?


Putin won't nuke the US until the wall is built. Then when they start dropping them on the North West, Americans will caravan on down to Mexico and get a big FUCK YOU welcome through the "slats."

Maybe Mexico will build the wall.


You don't always have a ladder with you. These guys luck out. Walls work.

newtboyjokingly says...

When I lived in the courtyard of an inside-out house (aptly named the asylum), it was impossible.


Funny thing about walls. Sometimes it's hard to tell if you're on the inside or outside.


Out of the 400,000 apprehensions last year along the southern boarder how many would have tried if there were a wall?

How many slipped passed and not accounted for?

from U.S. Customs and Border Protection link


400,000 average apprehensions /year for last 6 years

With catch and release how much $ does this cost America?
A Wall would greatly discourage one from attempting.
Also a wall would be cheaper.


Except for all the times when they don't.


Perhaps you are ignorant of the fact that the vast majority cross where walls already exist. To answer your question, nearly all of them would still try. Do you really think a fence is deterrence when the alternative is go home and see your family raped to death before you're decapitated? Would you just say "oops, sorry, didn't mean to trigger you....let me just take my daughter back to the narcos for a life of sex slavery and just die then, so sorry."?

A better immigration policy that makes it easier to get a work visa or asylum at ports of entry instead of making illegal entry easier, simpler, cheaper, and faster would discourage people from taking the easier, but illegal path. We are moving the other direction, which is why illegal immigration is on the rise under Trump after falling steadily for decades.

This doesn't cost America except for fighting it, they make us money with cheap labor, taxation without representation or access to government assistance, and by lowering the per capita crime rates by being far less criminal on average than Americans. You want to deport a group that's well above average in criminality, that would be Republican politicians and or Trump associates...no one will miss a single one.

A $50 billion wall (Trump's never built anything that wasn't at least 100% over budget) that can be evaded with a ladder, shovel, car, truck, saw, torch, boat, plane, and in many many places, absolutely nothing (it's no longer a single solid wall from coast to gulf, it's now a fence in a few more places for your $50 billion.) is not just vastly more expensive, it's also uselessly wasting that money for almost zero return, the few places it might help will just see the migrant paths move a few miles over.

If we had a 40+ ft high, 20 ft deep, 4+ft thick reinforced concrete wall coast to coast that was somehow ladder proof, it still wouldn't stop most illegal immigration or drug trafficking, because the vast majority of both come through ports of entry. The wall is a useless solution to a non existent problem that's been solving itself for decades....side note: what do you think it was like in the good old days when America was "great"? Contrary to Chump's claims, operation wetback (that he wants to reimplement) was a failure....


Out of the 400,000 apprehensions last year along the southern boarder how many would have tried if there were a wall?

How many slipped passed and not accounted for?

from U.S. Customs and Border Protection link


400,000 average apprehensions /year for last 6 years

With catch and release how much $ does this cost America?
A Wall would greatly discourage one from attempting.
Also a wall would be cheaper.


Today another report (too many to count now) was released about Trump's golf courses hiring illegals for decades. Not one of his courses used the everify program to let them verify their employees status for free, and when another of his courses was publicly exposed for intentionally hiring illegals they finally "checked their status" and had to fire 1/2 the staff! (But refused to check his other properties employees status knowing they were similar)

You do understand the hypocrisy of railing against illegal immigration as immoral and evil while running your businesses on their backs, right?
You understand that jobs like those provided to illegals by people like Trump is the biggest of the various reasons they're coming....right?
You understand that they refused to verify their status because they knew they weren't legal, but worked for cheap, right?


Out of the 400,000 apprehensions last year along the southern boarder how many would have tried if there were a wall?

How many slipped passed and not accounted for?

from U.S. Customs and Border Protection link


400,000 average apprehensions /year for last 6 years

With catch and release how much $ does this cost America?
A Wall would greatly discourage one from attempting.
Also a wall would be cheaper.


Ronald Reagan brought down a wall with just 4 words.

"Tear down this wall!"

You remind me of the guy in a hostage situation. "Do what you want with the women and children, just leave me alone"

Some day, your dream will come true.

Do the "masculine" thing. Face your fears.


You don't always have a ladder with you. These guys luck out. Walls work.

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