Kid handling a female heteropteryx (a damn big bug)

heteropteryx dilatata female "a stick insect. It eats bramble..., It doesn't bite or sting."


From wikipedia: "The females of this species are very aggressive and should be approached cautiously. When threatened, the insect will hiss and attempt to thrash the aggressor with her legs."


>> ^ant:

It is nice to see females not afraid of insects/bugs.

That's a boy. I can tell from his video description:

"me handeling heteropteryx dilatata female. It's a stick insect. It eats bramble, yes it's huge, we all know that, It doesn't bite or sting. Does that answer all your basic questions? Oh and I'm a guy."

Poor kid, I guess he gets that a lot.


>> ^entr0py:

>> ^ant:
It is nice to see females not afraid of insects/bugs.

That's a boy. I can tell from his video description:
"me handeling heteropteryx dilatata female. It's a stick insect. It eats bramble, yes it's huge, we all know that, It doesn't bite or sting. Does that answer all your basic questions? Oh and I'm a guy."
Poor kid, I guess he gets that a lot.



Things like this are just awesome

Doesn't freak me out at all due to it being slow moving and large, it's the things that move like the wind and get into your clothing that I don't like


>> ^entr0py:
>> ^ant:
It is nice to see females not afraid of insects/bugs.

That's a boy. I can tell from his video description:
"... Oh and I'm a guy."
Poor kid, I guess he gets that a lot.

Maybe he should, oh I don't know, get a haircut and stop using lip gloss?

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