Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

This police video isn't action-packed. It's not a dramatic institutional killing captured by a bystander, as in the Eric Garner or Walter Scott cases.

But if you want to understand where the pent-up anger toward police in inner-city neighborhoods comes from, scenes like this – showing the lead-up to the arrest of an 18-year-old from East New York named Jaleel Fields – are a big part of the equation.

This video shows "the everyday harassment kids who grow up like Jaleel go through," says Martha Grieco, Fields' attorney. "The cops treat them like garbage from the jump and then lie about it with zero consequences."

-- RollingStone

Source: A Bad Arrest, on Video

Related: Why Baltimore Blew Up

Sadly this is not an isolated incident, it is how cops normally operate.
More and more cops are proving they aren't only bad cops, they're bad people, with fewer and fewer exceptions. Liars all. If you ever end up on a jury, remember to not believe a word the officer says, they can't be trusted...ever. When you're trained to lie as part of your job, not a word you say should ever carry any weight.


I don't recall saying that, Genji, so if you could show me, I'd appreciate it. But I'm quite sure I never said racism is over...I do recall saying that until you get over your massive butthurt from what racism that does exist, that you will never succeed in life.

Is there sound on this video, because I think that is important.

In my experience, most perps won't just say 'yeah, i'm the one you're looking for', so you have to use some aggressive policing because people don't respond to the British method, not being British and all...

these cops are very brave to go into these projects and take out the criminals, who prey on old ladies, women, and other non-warrior types because they are a bunch of cowards....
here's another:
another (believe these are all from NYC)

also, these cops are there to protect people from these cowards, so I think they deserve everyone's respect and support.

But if you support the criminal element, go ahead and try and brand cops as racist, bullies, liars, etc. It's good that people know where you stand.

JustSayingjokingly says...

Oh come on man, they're not all bad. Some cops are actually pretty nice. It's like with the pedophiles, they're not all rapemonsters, some just wanna give you candy and masturbate when you're not looking.

I also got a Hitler variant of that joke, if you're interested.


Sadly this is not an isolated incident, it is how cops normally operate.
More and more cops are proving they aren't only bad cops, they're bad people, with fewer and fewer exceptions. Liars all. If you ever end up on a jury, remember to not believe a word the officer says, they can't be trusted...ever. When you're trained to lie as part of your job, not a word you say should ever carry any weight.


yes, if you ever get on a jury, always believe the defendant
don't believe the judge, either, he's just a lawyer, and we all know that a lawyer will say anything if he's paid to do so
also, don't believe the subpoena to appear, that's just some document put out by the court
and don't believe the sign that says if you part illegally your car will be towed

but seriously, newtboy, cops are trained to tell the truth in court...on the street, there is a lot of bluff going on and the courts have said that is legal
I've been through police academy and we were not taught to lie. What is your experience from when you attended police academy?


Sadly this is not an isolated incident, it is how cops normally operate.
More and more cops are proving they aren't only bad cops, they're bad people, with fewer and fewer exceptions. Liars all. If you ever end up on a jury, remember to not believe a word the officer says, they can't be trusted...ever. When you're trained to lie as part of your job, not a word you say should ever carry any weight.


Ok, seriously now, you do actually do have a point here. If the system works and the cop actually does his job the way he's supposed to, you're right.
The problem is that all those asshole cops undermine the believability of the good ones. I want to believe that that the US police forces are the good guys, it's just that too many of you guys (and I do adress you as a cop here) end up displaying despicable behaviour. Maybe those of you who are correct, fair and by the book need to stand up against those who aren't in a more visible fashion. Fraternity among groups like yours is necessary to a certain degree but you need to gain believability as a whole.
You just don't have that.
It's not just people like me, living at the other end of the world, watching YouTube videos. If you watch mainstream media outlets in my country, you will easily get the narrative that something is wrong with US police. It's not just bias.
Your personal opinions aside, many of them we both will never agree on, I think we both would like society to value police officers as a force of good. Right now, that is not the case. This video is just evidence of it.


yes, if you ever get on a jury, always believe the defendant
don't believe the judge, either, he's just a lawyer, and we all know that a lawyer will say anything if he's paid to do so
also, don't believe the subpoena to appear, that's just some document put out by the court
and don't believe the sign that says if you part illegally your car will be towed

but seriously, newtboy, cops are trained to tell the truth in court...on the street, there is a lot of bluff going on and the courts have said that is legal
I've been through police academy and we were not taught to lie. What is your experience from when you attended police academy?


Lmao. Do you live in Egypt, Lantern? Because clearly you're in.. Denial!

Who exactly are those assholes "protecting"? The elevator?

How do you know those kids are criminals?
What crime did they commit while waiting for the elevator?

And why the hell would the city settle a lawsuit for $50,000 if Jaleel Fields, the young man arrested, was some known dangerous thug/drug dealer those officers were "checking up on"?

Did you even read the article Radx post? You know, for like.. facts and context surrounding the video?

No? cause:

In the lawsuit, Fields accused the city and the two officers of violating his civil rights by falsely arresting and maliciously prosecuting him and using excessive force.

..after the video was shown to the DA, all Jaleel's charges were dismissed.

First: disorderly conduct. Police claimed he obstructed "pedestrian traffic" by blocking the elevator doors, which is interesting because the only thing this audio-free New York City Housing Authority video shows absolutely for sure is that Jaleel Fields went out of his way to let people off the elevator.

The second offense? According to Grieco, the police cited Jaleel for telling one of his friends that he didn't have to talk to the police. They called this "obstructing governmental administration."

So "OGA" here presumably would be 5'7", 130-pound Jaleel Fields intimidating the two brawny officers out of performing the "official function" of messing with two other kids in the elevator of their own building.

A spokesman for the New York City Law Department.. declined to comment on the specifics of the case, saying only..

"After reviewing all the evidence, we determined that a settlement was in the best interest of the city."

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/videos/a-bad-arrest-on-video-jaleel-fields-20150526#ixzz3bH56yN17

Hah! So right, tell me again about how you're somehow totally-not-a-racist..

Even tho every assumption you just made here was based on stereotypes, prejudice, and your bias toward fellow boys in blue.

Did I mention that the city dismissed all charges and settled a lawsuit for $50,000 after seeing video evidence that literally everything those two officers said was a lie?

But incidence like this aren't worth talking about or being upset about because..
black people kill black people and Barack Obama is president, right?

lol, you asshat.


also, these cops are there to protect people from these cowards, so I think they deserve everyone's respect and support.

But if you support the criminal element, go ahead and try and brand cops as racist, bullies, liars, etc. It's good that people know where you stand.


Seriously, how the fuck can you & Bobknight consistently say ..

..the Most Thinly Veiled Racist Comments & Opinions Evar..

..for years on end, and still not be banned..

Yet I got temp banned for SUGGESTING how actually insulting i could be.

Why do you think it's okay @lantern53 to tell me and other black people to stop complaining or "makin' a fuss"..

When someone who looks exactly like us is murdered by the a government official, swore to protect & serve everyone equally..

But it's fine for you to get all "butthurt" when someone mentions that a cop "got what they deserved"

Hypocrisy much?


Why do you keep calling me a racist? Do you think that will somehow make it true?

I did not read the article as I thought the video would stand on it's own, so I went back and read the article.

If the cops are making up charges on people, then obviously I don't approve.

What I find cogent to the issue is that the cops continue to try and protect people in these dangerous areas by combating crime there. The cops could be hanging out in libraries or candy stores, doing nothing, but instead they are in the high-crime areas, preventing crime and arresting criminals.

What happens when the cops slow down? Look at Baltimore, where city administration has shown they do not support the police, which is mostly minority, and you get over 50 shooting since the riots. Just this past weekend 9 people shot to death in Baltimore.

Big city cops do things differently than small town cops do, but their working environment is a lot worse. I've heard cops who have visited big cities and are startled at how hardcore the cops are there, but there is a reason for that...it's a tough neighborhood. Same thing happens to soldiers...kill or be killed will do a number on your head.

Do you really think conditions would improve if there were no cops? Would they improve if there were no criminals?

Cops will never be perfect, the situation will never be perfect, but the citizen has a recourse if cops misbehave, and it's called civil court. But until you have a case, i still think you should support the police because they are there to protect you.


At the end I wondered if the woman was calling the cops and then I was all like "oh, wait".

I think it's worth remembering that the failings aren't limited entirely to the police force. I believe they are a product of their environment as much as poor neighbourhoods they "police". This is institutional racism, a system in which good people are trapped by the aftershocks of white supremacy. Not to say individuals shouldn't be held accountable, I just don't believe that taking an antagonistic stance towards the enforcers is somehow going to shame them into improving when really the problem is far more complex and much more deeply rooted than "all police are racist pigs". How does anything grow straight in a city like Baltimore, really.


But I forgot, you're not racist cause you "don't blame ALL you problems on black people"

You just automatically jump to the conclusion that a group of young black highschooler, waiting to take the elevator up to there homes, are CLEARLY part of the "criminal element".

You just say shit like..

"Black people kill black people all the time, so why are those savages rioting now?"

Let me try that logic out..

"White bankers steal from & defraud other white people all the time, so why are you complaining about looting?

You white people never get up in arms about Bernie Maddoff or Jamie Diamond or Dick Cheney, so you have no right to complain"

Glad we can finally share some common ground assha- Lantern


I call you a racist @lantern53 cause YOU ARE A RACIST.

I love Videosift.

You & Bobknight & formerly Quantumushroom ruin my experience of an otherwise engaging discussion of current events.

It's bad enough that everytime i go on Reddit, I have to read thru thousands of thinly veiled racist comments..

But like a said, you don't care that your racist.

So, if you're gonna annoy and frustrate the fuck outta ME with YOUR willfully ignorant comments.

I'm gonna dig into you untill you learn that it's extremely offense & not-okay to publicly voice those stupid opinions.

Especially considering, YOU"RE A COP!

Goddamnit I hate racism & racist.


Would you feel more comfortable if he wore a white hood? Maybe talk about 'gang lifestyle'?
I prefer my racists in white hoods and displaying swastikas, so I don't have to wade through subtext to id them. Open racism is stupid but at least honest. I despise political correctness and its ability to sugarcoat hatred. I'd rather engage a Neo-Nazi or white pride, god-hates-fags biblethumper than a Rick Santorum or Bill O'Reilly who are too much of a coward to say what they believe because they know how the broad public reacts.
The notion of not publicly voicing those idiotic, inhuman opinions because its offensive is more offensive to me than the opinion itself. I'd like to know if you're an idiot.
I believe in freedom of speech, even if that proves you're a terrible idiot. You have a right to be.

And now wake me up from that strange dream where I defend @lantern53.


I'm gonna dig into you untill you learn that it's extremely offense & not-okay to publicly voice those stupid opinions.



I'm gonna be nice cause I don't have any experience with you or your opinions yet. And, to an extent, I agree..

Hopefully you can contribute something meaningful to videosift, considering all the great voices who've disappeared from this place.

It's just extremely frustrating that these two goofballs are haven't left yet.

And in fact, your premise is a topic that I definitely have been meaning to discuss.

There's a Prager "University" video that addresses that exact premise of sugarcoated vs blatant belligerent racist.

The video itself is flagrantly patronizing.

That being said we have all three types of racist on videosift currently:

Bobknight is your classic Neo-Con Racist.
- He hates blacks, gays, jews & liberals and makes no qualms about expressing how subhuman those groups are.

Trancecoach is your more politically-correct racist.
- Seems pretty open-minded and accepting, until you reach the middle or end of his comment.
Then it's all like "isn't it sad that all black people have no fathers and live in the ghetto."

Lantern is a special case.
- He'll be toned-down yet flagrant at times. Openly belligerent at others.
But it's always under the guise of "I can't be racist cause I don't FEEL like i'm racist"

He even used the classic "Well I CAN'T be racist cause my DAUGHTER married a BLACK/BIRACIAL guy! See, not racist"

Then will immediately say some heinously racist shit like he has in this thread. i.e.

"Of course I didn't bother reading the article for context or facts.
I'm a cop, I know how the 'Criminal Element' thinks.
Clearly those kids were dangerous.
If we had just heard the audio, we would have seen how those punks are no better than those looting rioting savages in Baltimore"

So no, JustSaiyan.. I would NOT prefer to have some idiot saying idiot things whenever I come back to check out the site.

At least Bill O'Reilly is smart enough to have a somewhat substantive discussion.

Lantern just says racist shit, then cowers behind the "i'm a good person because my job & family FORCE me into being around lesbians & colored people.. and I put up with that pretty well. so.. yeah.."

But yeah, I just hate people like Lantern cause he's too chicken shit to just say he thinks black people are inferior whenever I press him on it.

At least Bobknight will straight tell you gays are immoral sinful perverts or whatever. The old-fashion, honest, terrifying-murder-clown bigot he is.

Then again, Bobknight can't admit he's racist either.
So.. maybe that's just a core Conservative talking point now.



Cops don't prevent crime.

Having better opportunities prevents crimes.

Science, facts, prove this.
I have the study bookmarked somewhere.

It concluded that At-Risk Youth are much less likely to misbehave, re-offend, or get involved with a gang...

IF they spent the first few weeks of summer break a camp.

(an opportunity most poor black youth definitely don't have access too.

Something so foreign, you'd get laughed out the hood.)

OMG. Amazing eh? Treating at-risk youth like CHILDREN instead of FUTURE CRIMINALS decreases delinquent behavior!

Crazy idea, i know. But it works!


Is there more to this? Is this part of a larger story?
Without context ( or sound) there can not be a true opinion.
To imply racist or racism is delusional.

Possibly the one fellow was a person of interest. Maybe a suspect to which they had nothing on him but wanted to intimate. I don't know.

If there was nothing going on then yes the cop(s) was a dick.


@lantern53 & @bobknight33

Thoughts? Comments?

Lantern, what as that you said about "blah blah, black president. ding dong, racism is over."

Looking forward to how you'll mock & dismiss this as..
"totally not racist" or "imaginary, not an actual problem".


But yeah, this statement is just another example of your EXTREME, at this point willful, Naivety.

Are you sure you read that article?

Because the author reminds us that the only reason those ridiculous false charges were dismissed.. was luck.

New York Housing Authority will generally sit on any evidence for months.
Getting that footage would normally be a batttle in-and-of itself.

In that time, NYPD would engage in character-assassination.
Just like police in Ferguson with Mike Brown. Or Trayvon Martin. Or the man who filmed Eric Garner's death.

So great, a recourse that has an extremely slim chance even go to trial.
Even if it does go to trial, public opinion has already decided..
"Well He deserved it. He was a thug anyway."

And on the even slimmer chance that a cop gets punished for their incompetence.. the damage is already done and the victim/s already dead. i.e. Freddie Gray.


Cops will never be perfect, the situation will never be perfect, but the citizen has a recourse if cops misbehave, and it's called civil court. But until you have a case, i still think you should support the police because they are there to protect you.


It just seems to me that you blame all cops for the actions of a few cops, but all cops are racist because they believe the actions of a few blacks smear the entire black race.

That shows your hypocrisy. But I'm not going to come on here and say 'Genji, you are a HYPOCRITE!' every time I get a chance because it doesn't advance any argument.

Perhaps you can rise above the simple-minded logic of someone like newtboy and realize that some cops can do the wrong thing w/o it casting aspersions on the entire cop culture.

You don't like it when you think that all cops blame all black people for black criminal behavior, do you?

It sure is convenient to believe that all your problems are due to white people, or cops, or whatever.


The problem with white culture is.. @lantern53, @newtboy & @AllWhitePeople

White Privilege insulated you from the reality of your advantages and the true suffering of others who aren't white

Hell, white people include if poor uneducated.

(I asked a white friend.
He said that white people just see other white people as strangers.
Makes sense now I guess)

You live in this White Privilege Bubble where "everyone's equal cause this is AMERICA!"

Everyone in your bubble has bootstraps. A safety net.
Reliable job opportunites and call-backs.
No fear of being harassed and/or murdered by police.
The general unconditional trust of society

In the bubble of impoverished black culture, however.. having a chance at leaving that poverty is a pipe-dream.

I know, because I live in Atlanta.
A place notorious for lots of poor black communities.

My girlfriend was born and raised in it.

Her parents were addicted to crack.
(Funny how crack possession carries a harsher sentence than cocaine possession, considering their the exact same drug.)

She saw a dead body in the street when she was 6.
(Gang violence is present when decent jobs and summer camps aren't)

She had Police SWAT invade her home & hold a gun to her head around the same age.
(Because busting potential drug dealers is more important that entering the correct house.)

Her cousin, who was probably a prostitute since 12 or 13, is currently very happy that her new "boyfriend" doesn't beat her.
(She feels like that's a win. Hell, my girlfriend was herself convinced that she'd "grow up to be a prostitute."
You know, the norm.)

For the last 5 months, my girlfriend has lived with a 21 year old prostitute (started at 14 when homeless) and her much older "boyfriend"/pimp because that was the only "affordable" housing near her work.

(She mentioned that earlier this month, there was a new girl there some mornings who was definitely probably 13 or 14.
She literally just moved out today and happened to spot her ex-roommate working her corner near West End Mall. )

So yeah, white people assume - No, righteously assert - all black people are just a equal as white people.

Because you all think:

"I've got bootstraps & dignity & great opportunites & everlasting hope.
Stop whining and take personal responsibility."

The reality is starkly different.

Black people are reminded of that difference LITERALLY EVERYDAY.

We're remind everytime an unarmed black youth is murder, just for "looking threatening".

Even with civil rights laws, even with a brown president.

You'll never know what it's truly like to be non-white..

Because White Privilege prevents you from even having to acknowledge these issue.

Just call it all even and blame the rest on personal responsibility.


If you want to know what true poverty is, Genji, you might want to read something like Maximum City, a book about Mumbai, or even watch something like Slumbdog Millionaire...you'll find out that you have quite a few advantages living in this country.

How the hell did someone like Dr. Ben Carson, or Colin Powell, or Condoleeza Rice make it, being black and all?

Because this is a great country where you can create your own life.

But go ahead and believe whatever you want, everyone hates you because of your color etc and cry into your beer until you're 101.


LOL, you're so cute.
So, if you get cancer, can I walk up to you and belittle you because 'look at all them africans with the ebola! You think you have it bad? They're shitting their guts out!'? That's your argument here. 'Stop complaining, others have it worse!'
Seriously, are you really that naive? Do you really believe in the 'american dream'?
You're cute, man. From now on I'll imagine everything you say is said by a five year old, wide-eyed girl with freckles and pigtails. Makes your point so much more understandable.
You and your great country...


If you want to know what true poverty is, Genji, you might want to read something like Maximum City, a book about Mumbai, or even watch something like Slumbdog Millionaire...you'll find out that you have quite a few advantages living in this country.

How the hell did someone like Dr. Ben Carson, or Colin Powell, or Condoleeza Rice make it, being black and all?

Because this is a great country where you can create your own life.

But go ahead and believe whatever you want, everyone hates you because of your color etc and cry into your beer until you're 101.


WTF and your White Privilege claims.

People who obey society norms keep privileges. Those who don't loose them.

You imply those without white privilege receive "The general unconditional trust of society" Those without the societal trust have lost it due to their own actions.

"You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large." Thomas Sowell

Those who have lost societal trust have to work harder to regain it. Stop dressing like a hood rat. stay in school. Don't hang around bad people. Its the 10% who ruin it for the other 90% Let the police round those thugs up and clean your community.

You listed Atlanta, This is NYC, Also Cleavland, Baltimore. All Democrat controlled. Democrats are doing a great job.



The problem with white culture is.. @lantern53, @newtboy & @AllWhitePeople

White Privilege insulated you from the reality of your advantages and the true suffering of others who aren't white

Hell, white people include if poor uneducated.

(I asked a white friend.
He said that white people just see other white people as strangers.
Makes sense now I guess)

You live in this White Privilege Bubble where "everyone's equal cause this is AMERICA!"

Everyone in your bubble has bootstraps. A safety net.
Reliable job opportunites and call-backs.
No fear of being harassed and/or murdered by police.
The general unconditional trust of society

In the bubble of impoverished black culture, however.. having a chance at leaving that poverty is a pipe-dream.

I know, because I live in Atlanta.
A place notorious for lots of poor black communities.

My girlfriend was born and raised in it.

Her parents were addicted to crack.
(Funny how crack possession carries a harsher sentence than cocaine possession, considering their the exact same drug.)

She saw a dead body in the street when she was 6.
(Gang violence is present when decent jobs and summer camps aren't)

She had Police SWAT invade her home & hold a gun to her head around the same age.
(Because busting potential drug dealers is more important that entering the correct house.)

Her cousin, who was probably a prostitute since 12 or 13, is currently very happy that her new "boyfriend" doesn't beat her.
(She feels like that's a win. Hell, my girlfriend was herself convinced that she'd "grow up to be a prostitute."
You know, the norm.)

For the last 5 months, my girlfriend has lived with a 21 year old prostitute (started at 14 when homeless) and her much older "boyfriend"/pimp because that was the only "affordable" housing near her work.

(She mentioned that earlier this month, there was a new girl there some mornings who was definitely probably 13 or 14.
She literally just moved out today and happened to spot her ex-roommate working her corner near West End Mall. )

So yeah, white people assume - No, righteously assert - all black people are just a equal as white people.

Because you all think:

"I've got bootstraps & dignity & great opportunites & everlasting hope.
Stop whining and take personal responsibility."

The reality is starkly different.

Black people are reminded of that difference LITERALLY EVERYDAY.

We're remind everytime an unarmed black youth is murder, just for "looking threatening".

Even with civil rights laws, even with a brown president.

You'll never know what it's truly like to be non-white..

Because White Privilege prevents you from even having to acknowledge these issue.

Just call it all even and blame the rest on personal responsibility.


This thread is highly entertaining when you have both of those asshats blocked. You have to guess at what stupid thing they said to elicit such a response from people while simultaneously not having to actually read what stupid thing they said.

The block feature is the only reason I still read the comments here.

To sift though the crap.


My feelings exactly...except I have all 3 blocked.


This thread is highly entertaining when you have both of those asshats blocked. You have to guess at what stupid thing they said to elicit such a response from people while simultaneously not having to actually read what stupid thing they said.

The block feature is the only reason I still read the comments here.

To sift though the crap.


Only both?


This thread is highly entertaining when you have both of those asshats blocked. You have to guess at what stupid thing they said to elicit such a response from people while simultaneously not having to actually read what stupid thing they said.

The block feature is the only reason I still read the comments here.

To sift though the crap.


I don't care who blocks me here...my comments are not meant for the person I'm addressing so much as they are for reasonable people who come here and can sift through the hateful comments of the usual suspects.


Anyone notice how crime in Baltimore has shot through the roof since the police have been shackled?

Proves that the cops are preventing crime there, at least they were until the gov't got everyone riled up.

Now Baltimore is a self-cleaning oven.


But what if the society norm is 'Don't be black'?
See, your country has a history of racism, stating very clearly the belief that people who aren't white are de facto Untermenschen. You know, like my country did with jews until we got ripped a new one and the world pressed our face into the awful, awful shit we did, like a dog who soiled his masters living room rug. Except that you guys never got that kind of treatment. To this day there's a large part of the white population in the US that actually celebrates the side that lost your civil war on slavery. They still fly those pro slavery flags and have their memorials for their 'heroes'. Seen from the perspective of a guy who made class trips to Buchenwald, that's really weird.
The norms of your society have changed somewhat but certainly not enough to make black and white equal in your country. Maybe there aren't laws to punish people for pigmentation anymore but the system is still rigged to their disadvantage. Centuries of targeted, intentional disadvanteges aren't wiped out by 50 years of not saying 'nigger' all the time anymore.

And what exactly are those privileges? Not getting shot in back by a cop you're running away from? Is that a privilege?


People who obey society norms keep privileges. Those who don't loose them.


Dude, you don't have to go to the internet to talk to yourself. Just get a big ass mirror, it'll be as if there's somebody else in the room. You know, somebody 'reasonable'.
And as for bobknight, I'm sure he has a telephone. You guys should swap numbers.


I don't care who blocks me here...my comments are not meant for the person I'm addressing so much as they are for reasonable people who come here and can sift through the hateful comments of the usual suspects.


Again all you do is equate everything to color and then make the giant leap of racism.

Staying school dressing proper, learning English, being respectful to one another. These are the Social norms. What does being black have to do with it?

According to the Washington Post story USA is one of the most racially tolerant countries.


But what if the society norm is 'Don't be black'?
See, your country has a history of racism, stating very clearly the belief that people who aren't white are de facto Untermenschen. You know, like my country did with jews until we got ripped a new one and the world pressed our face into the awful, awful shit we did, like a dog who soiled his masters living room rug. Except that you guys never got that kind of treatment. To this day there's a large part of the white population in the US that actually celebrates the side that lost your civil war on slavery. They still fly those pro slavery flags and have their memorials for their 'heroes'. Seen from the perspective of a guy who made class trips to Buchenwald, that's really weird.
The norms of your society have changed somewhat but certainly not enough to make black and white equal in your country. Maybe there aren't laws to punish people for pigmentation anymore but the system is still rigged to their disadvantage. Centuries of targeted, intentional disadvanteges aren't wiped out by 50 years of not saying 'nigger' all the time anymore.

And what exactly are those privileges? Not getting shot in back by a cop you're running away from? Is that a privilege?

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